Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 860: Peel an apple for you

Seeing that Long Erdie is not funny, Long Yiwu frowned and couldn't help asking: "If you smile like this, there is nothing good to do!"

"Hehe, elder sister, I have discovered a great secret." Long Erdie looked at Long Yiwu with a smile, and stretched out her fingers, pretending to be mysterious.

"Just you, a nervous guy, can you still discover the shocking secrets?" Long Yiwu didn't give the opposite face at all, glanced at the other person, and said: "Say it nicely, you have a big chest!"

"Bah, I am so broad-minded and understand people's hearts, sister, you have a broad-mindedness, but you don't understand people's hearts, it's a pity!" Long Erdie shook his head slightly, pretending to be a regret, and gently shook his head.

"Okay, even your sister dared to tease, I found out that you are tightly skinned recently?" Long Yiwu was so teased that she couldn't help but slap her little hand up and hit it.

Long Erdie instantly opened a distance of one meter away from the other party, and said, "Huh? After all, we don't have to do anything, and sister, sometimes you really don't understand people's hearts, I just tell the truth."

"You girl, just say something, be careful I beat you!" Long Yiwu hummed softly.

Long Erdie: "Hee hee, let's not talk about this, sister, I will ask you a question. If you can answer it, I will tell you this amazing secret."

Seeing the other party's smile like a small profiteer, Long Yiwu suddenly shook his head dumbfounded and said, "Quickly ask!"

I saw Long Erdie cough lightly, and then asked playfully: "Sister, you think, Brother Dao... well, I should ask, how is this demon?"

"What demon? I will treat him as a human!"

Long Yiwu lightly tapped the opponent's Hao fore. After thinking for a few seconds, he said, "I feel that Brother Dao is very good. He knows how to barbecue. He is quite good at taking care of people. Although he is not outstanding, he is Demon, he can be more kind than humans, and occasionally innocent, I feel like a very reliable person..."

Before he finished speaking, Long Yiwu looked at the joking look around him, watching his own Long Erdie, and asked, "You Nizi, what are you laughing about?"

I saw Long Erdie take a deep breath and said: "Sister, except for your family, outsiders have never had such a deep understanding, or that you have never cared about any outsiders, not to mention, Brother Dao is still a Demon."

"Hmm... Sister, I won't say more about the extra, you can taste it carefully."

Long Yiwu heard it a bit inexplicably, and Dai Mei frowned lightly: "Then what about the earth-shattering secret you said?"

"Isn't this enough secret?" Long Erdie looked surprised, spreading her hands, and said: "I didn't expect that you would deliberately learn about a demon... or maybe, alone!"

Hearing this, Long Yiwu finally reacted, her pretty face suddenly became blushing, her right hand was condensed, and red light spiritual power waves appeared.

Long Erdie hurriedly shook his opponent's hand, and said in surprise: "Sister, if you say you don't do anything, you've never said anything!"

I saw Long Yiwu with a cold, expressionless face, and said softly: "Let go!"

"I'm not loose, what if you hit me?" Long Erdie hurriedly shook his head.

Saw Long Yiwu suddenly withdrew his controlled little hand, red light emerged, blood-burning treasure appeared, holding the blood-colored long sword, looked at Long Erdie, and immediately took out some kind of fruit.

"I found that you are really a genius of thinking. I will use my treasure to cut an apple for your show!"

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