Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 862: The second system carrier!

"Ding! The system prompts that Li Yaodao is also a system carrier!"

Hearing the sound of the system suddenly sounded in his heart, the young man who was about to smash the water suddenly stopped the movement in his hands.

Yan Tianshen raised his arm and made a stone throwing motion. He was stunned for several seconds. The originally calm and easy-going face suddenly became startled. The purple eyes flashed with incredible color!

"Wait a moment... Rebirth system, you mean, that boy named Li Yaodao is also a system carrier?"

"Ding! The host is right, and that Li Yaodao is not only a system carrier, but also the goal of the final mission given by this system!"

"Ding! The young man named Li Yaodao, like you, is from the Origin Continent. Although I don't understand, why two system carriers appear in a world at the same time, maybe there is a system deviation disorder."

"Ding! In the so-called world plane, only one can break through the highest shackles and return to the origin world. Therefore, if the host wants to return to the origin world, he must finally kill Li Yaodao before becoming a god!"

Facing the next words of the system, Yan Tianshen was already shocked to speak. He never expected that he wanted to become the target of the ultimate mission of the Tianshen. Another system carrier, Li Yaodao, was actually in Henggu Academy. Inside!

Originally this barren ancient continent was so huge, if Yantian wanted to find another system carrier in this vast and boundless continent, it would be tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack!

But just like the so-called road to heaven, there is nowhere to look for it through iron shoes, and there is a new village in the dark. It turns out that the kill target of the final mission like finding a needle in a haystack is by his side!

"Then why didn't you say it just now? If you say it, even if I offend Long Yiwu, it's worth it!" Yan Tianshen frowned and replied with some dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Ding! The host shouldn't be angry. The main reason is that the system was guessing before. It was only just now that it was completely confirmed. If there is no accident, the system is the ultimate goal of the system!"

Hearing that, in the purple pupils of Yantian God, there was a bit of astonishment, and he couldn't help asking: "System, how can you be so sure about the system that that fellow Tianke is carrying?"

"Ding! I secretly scanned the young man's body before, and found that the young man named Li Yaodao had the blood of the monster race!"

"I need you to say that? I can see it!" Yan Tianshen curled his lips, couldn't help rolling his eyes, with an expression that I was really drunk.

"Ding! This system hasn't finished talking about it. After investigation and analysis, the bloodline of that demon clan boy's bloodline has been fused with the power of multiple bloodlines. This system also investigated what happened in other universes. The systems of the plane have discovered that there is only one that can match it!"

"Ding! And this kind of system, another name, is called the evolution system, that boy, as long as he can be advanced and upgraded, he can evolve infinitely!"

"Evolution system?" Yantian God frowned upon hearing this, and couldn't help asking: "Could it be that you mean that the boy named Li Yaodao can transform and evolve the blood in his body?"

How does this evolutionary system sound so BUG?

As long as it can be advanced and upgraded, it can evolve infinitely. How does this evolution system sound better than his rebirth system?

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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