Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 878: Long Yiwu's request

Hearing that, Li Yaodao nodded slightly and smiled: "Yes, there is indeed an alchemy test between me and Long Sanxue. It is a bit strange to say that Nizi must challenge me..."

Li Yaodao walked into the kitchen and took out the gap. The water in the teapot was boiled immediately under the red flame burning in his palm, and he poured tea for the girl.

Long Yiwu, with her back to the young man, and her little hands behind her, squeezed each other, she took a breath, turned around, and whispered: "I have a request, and I hope you can agree to Dao Brother."

Li Yaodao in the tea pouring, seeing Long Yiwu, who was always cold and cold, begging himself like a little girl at this moment, he also froze, and immediately laughed and shook his head, and then handed the poured tea to the other party.

"There are not so many constraints between us. Our relationship is so good. If you have any requests, I can help you."

"But I don't know if I can help you with my current strength."

Li Yaodao took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "After all, your strength is much stronger than me. Unless I am in the Ascension Realm now, there is almost no hope of defeating you!"

After receiving the tea, Long Yiwu's pretty face was stunned, and immediately took a sip of the tea, shook his head slightly, and replied, "No, it's not about asking you to do something for me."

Hearing this, Li Yaodao smiled. He seemed to be able to guess something. He immediately sat on the sofa, took a sip of tea, and smiled: "I understand. You came to me today, mainly because of me and San Xuezhi. Alchemy competition between time."


Long Yiwu turned around and looked at the teenager sitting on the sofa sipping tea. He bit his thin lips and had a hesitant pretty face. The transfer became serious and said, "I was hesitant about this matter. However, after thinking about it, I still want to come and ask you for help."

Li Yaodao put down the tea in his hand and smiled: "You are worried that Long Sanxue will lose the alchemy test with me, which will undermine her self-confidence and make her lose her reputation as a nuclear academy's alchemy genius, right?"

"Don't worry, I will release the water at that time, and Long Sanxue's alchemy strength, I am afraid it is not weak, even if I go all out, it may not guarantee my absolute chance of winning."

Hearing this, Long Yiwu's pretty face was slightly startled, and then he laughed and shook his head, and said: "No, you don't know my third sister, and I'm looking for you tonight, and it's not that I'm asking you to help you lose the competition. Everything is just the opposite."

Hearing this, Li Yaodao's smile gradually diminished, and the obsidian eyes flashed with a bit of doubt, and he couldn't help frowning and saying, "I listen to you, it seems to be bad for your sister, right?"

"She is my own sister and the youngest sister, Nizi, how can I do things that are not good for her, on the contrary, everything I do is for her sake." Long Yiwu shook his head gently.

Li Yaodao raised his brows lightly, feeling that the more he listened, the more confused he became. How could something that was originally simple on Long Yiwu's side seem extra complicated?

"Then how do you want me to help you? Then should I lose the competition, or..."

"That's right! I want you to win this competition, and it must be to convince Sanxue won to let her understand that there are people outside the world, and the truth is there!" Long Yiwu's pretty face suddenly became serious, even cold. The beautiful voices became dignified.

Li Yaodao looked startled when he heard the words, and couldn't help but said in surprise: "Huh?"

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