Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 882: King Kong Dragon Rock

"I want to see, this so-called malleable memory crystal actually records certain pictures. Since Erdie was going to Yiwu to send it, I guess... it's probably the Xinmi of Erdie?"

Li Yaodao's hand was slowly placed on the memory crystal, taking a deep breath, and the soul power was released, followed by the palm and slowly printed on the crystal.

Plastic memory crystals have only one function, which is to record some important information screens of the owner. Some are similar to some kind of video storage. Some personal ulterior secrets can be sealed in the memory crystal in this way. .

Upon seeing this, Xiao Hei did not choose to disturb Li Yaodao, but simply shut up, continued to lie on the sofa, and slowly recovered the "weakness" in his body.

After all, the "dark dishes" that Li Yaodao made before really impressed him "deep"!

The companion soul power slowly followed the palm of the palm and spread over the plastic memory crystal. Suddenly, Li Yaodao, who closed his eyes, felt that his body was being torn into a special time and space by a certain force.

With his eyes closed, Li Yaodao, part of his soul has entered the memory crystal, and the twisting process of the shuttle in the dark made him suddenly sounded in the forbidden forest. Under the leadership of the head of the ground, he entered into the shape change Space to move.

When Li Yaodao was twisting and teleporting, the uncomfortable soul always felt himself, a kind of down-to-earth feeling.

Looking at the extremely dense forests, the blue sky, the rushing waterfalls, constantly pour into the wide river.

Li Yaodao looked at the brand-new visual world, and understood in his heart that part of his soul had entered a scene in someone's memory!


Just as Li Yaodao couldn't help but look at the surrounding scenery, he suddenly heard a clear metal collision sound above the river. The boy looked startled and couldn't help walking over, wanting to find out.

clang! clang! clang!

Accompanied by the constant tapping of the metal sound, there were various splashes of water splashing. When Li Yaodao secretly looked over the shallow river from behind the trees at a certain moment, his face was slightly startled.

At this moment, the blond girl with a slightly broken figure and her clothes was holding a golden giant sword taller than herself in both hands. She was constantly swinging and swinging. There was a seemingly ordinary but incomparably hard white rock in front of her!

This incomparably white rock lies quietly on the river. It looks like it was moved here deliberately, because this white and flawless rock exudes clues that ordinary people can hardly find!

"King Kong Longyan?" Li Yaodao looked at the huge Baijie rock standing on the river channel, and his heart was shocked.

This diamond dragon rock, on the barren ancient continent, also has a famous function, that is the sharpening stone!

The so-called whetstone is not like that of the earth, just for sharpening the blade. On the deserted ancient continent, it is a special rock specially used to activate treasures.

Only absolutely powerful and precious inheritance treasures can use this.

Obviously, the golden giant sword in the hands of the blonde girl is exactly that!


There was another sharp metal knocking sound, accompanied by a faint spark.

Li Yaodao continued to look at the girl who was wielding the golden giant sword and dressed in an embarrassed manner. There was an unpleasant feeling in her heart.

Because that blond girl with a broken dress and a dirty face is exactly what Long Erdie looked like when he was a child!

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