Accompanied on the other side of the river, on the bank of the river opposite Li Yaodao, a dull-looking man in a golden robe appeared. Long Erdie turned around, looked at each other, and whispered: "Dad!"

The breeze blew gently, but after approaching the man in the golden robe, he began to move extremely slowly. It seemed that as long as he approached the man, things around him became slow in an instant.

I saw the man in the golden robe standing next to the river, looking at the blond girl in rags, with a calm expression: "Die'er, working secretly here again, why not see Wu'er together?"

Hearing this, Long Erdie held the giant sword in his hand, ignoring his pretty face, shook his head, and said: "No dad, I want to surpass my sister, and then let my sister never stand in front of me, so that I can Be the one chosen."

The girl's voice fell, and at this time, above the quiet river, in the extremely slow stagnant river, it seemed that time was frozen here.

Looking at Li Yaodao from a distance, although it was clear that this was only the memory world of Long Erdie, when he saw the real power waves around him, he had to look at the father of the three sisters in surprise, that is. Man in golden robe.

That man does not seem to have the majesty of any strong wind. On the contrary, he looks very ordinary, so ordinary that there is no spiritual wave mark exposed, only his location, within a hundred meters, all become It's extremely slow.

"The domain is exposed? It's amazing..." Li Yaodao naturally understood what this meant, and he couldn't help whispering in a low voice. The domain is one of the most secret trump cards of a cultivator, usually at unexpected moments. Release to kill the enemy.

However, the father of Sister Long didn't care about this. It was still the realm that was constantly letting out, maybe because he didn't know it, his realm had reached such a superb level.

"Die'er, do you know who is selected?" For a long time, the man in the golden robe opened his mouth again and asked.

"The selected person is naturally the existence of the Long Family who is most likely to break through the highest shackles!" Long Erdie didn't even think about it, raised his small head very confidently, and said with joy.

It seems that she is still very longing for the so-called selected person of the Long Family.

Hearing this, the man in the golden robe nodded slightly, his voice was always calm, and said: "However, there is only one person who is selected, and there are three who can meet the requirements of becoming a person who is selected. You feel that you and Wu Between Er and Xue Er, who is most likely?"

This question is indeed a bit embarrassing for the young Dragon Butterfly here. She held the Dragon Butterfly Great Sword to think hard, but couldn't think of an answer, and shook her head slightly.

"Hehe, Die'er is still young, and it's normal not to understand, but... Die'er, you have to understand that being a selected person is not an honor." The golden robe man laughed and shook his head.

"Die'er understands, dad rest assured, Die'er is definitely your best daughter, and Die'er will definitely be the one to be selected!" Long Erdie raised her head confidently, her voice unwavering, and she was determined to win.

At the same time, whether it was Li Yaodao watching from a distance, or the man in golden robe who was talking to Long Erdie, all frowned.

For a long time, the man in the golden robe sighed and whispered softly: "Is it really that important to you to be a selected person?"

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