Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 887: Tomorrow, there is a big job

Long Erdie has worked so hard, has such a strong desire to win, and has the strength to never admit defeat, and the spirit of one-shot fighting is not to become a stronger person, which is impressive.

On the contrary, her idea is very simple, so simple, and even inconceivable!

This Nizi, what she thought in her heart, was to sacrifice everything for her own relatives!

Everything is just like what Nizi said, anyway, there must be sacrifices. Your aptitude is the weakest. Why not sacrifice yourself?

It seems that this selected person does not seem to have the so-called lofty glory, on the contrary, this is a dark abyss.

Long Erdie, who could have chosen to live steadily, did not hesitate to sacrifice himself to jump into the dark abyss for his sisters, and practice desperately here alone, not to surpass them, but to protect.

In the memory picture, Li Yaodao stood not far away, unable to say a word. At this moment, his heart was full of mixed flavors.

If so... if you can help each other, that's fine.

It's a pity that I don't know much, and Long Erdie looks extremely lively on weekdays, giving people the sunniest side. As everyone knows, this girl has such an unknown side.

If it were not for this plastic memory crystal, Li Yaodao would not even know that the true side of Long Erdie, she could be so kind!

It seemed to be sobbing for a while, knowing that he couldn't wait too long, Long Erdie slowly stood up, not even wiping the tears on his pretty face.

With two scarred little hands dragging the dragon and butterfly giant sword, the girl slowly walked towards the river again. She didn't know this was the first time she did this. Although it was difficult, she was stubborn and never gave up!

The aggrieved golden eyes were replaced by a color full of firmness.

A girl who could have enjoyed an endless beautiful childhood, but chose this path. Just looking at it makes people feel distressed and heartbroken!

Li Yaodao clenched his fists tightly and looked at the petite girl, but wanted to swing a golden giant sword larger than him to hack the diamond dragon rock, which was almost impossible to be split. His heart was very uncomfortable.

Just as Long Erdie was dragging the giant sword toward King Kong Longyan, the screen continuously began to twist and turn, everything was like changing shape and shadow, Li Yaodao's figure, looking at his constantly distorted body, he knew.

The content presented in this malleable memory crystal ends here.

Because it is just a memory picture, it would not exist for too long. Although as a viewer, I watched it continuously, but the time of the memory picture flows much faster. When the soul of Li Yaodao returns to reality again.

He found that he started from exploring the memory crystal, and now only a few seconds have passed.

In a few seconds, naturally there will be no change. Xiao Hei lay on the sofa, looking at the recovered young man, and couldn't help saying: "Brother Dao, why are you crying?"

"I'm crying?" Li Yaodao looked startled, he couldn't help reaching out his hand to touch his face, and was surprised to find out.

Unconsciously, I shed tears?

"Xiao Hei, let's play here, I'm going to prepare, there will be a big stressful job tomorrow!" After that, Li Yaodao ran upstairs and closed the door...

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