Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 891: Purple eyes full of ambition

"Call the Hei Tianzhao beside Brother Dao?"

Yanyue felt a little strange when she heard this in vain. She looked at her brother in amazement and couldn't help asking: "Brother, it was the first time you saw Li Yaodao before. How do you know that there will be a black skylight next to him? ?"


Hearing this, Yan Tianshen's movement of drinking water was slow for a minute. Only then did he remember the mistake he had overlooked, and paused for a second without seeing his sister.

And the careful Yanyue naturally found this clue. She knew her brother too well, so she stepped forward and jokingly said, "Brother, every time you have a guilty conscience, you dare not look into my eyes. No, I am waiting for a reasonable sophistry from you?"


Yan Tianshen cast a blank look at the other person, and said: "A black skylight appeared in the nuclear courtyard for no reason, and it was in the villa area of ​​the water courtyard. I heard what others said, that guy lives in the villa area of ​​the newcomer. The location, I don’t have to guess, I know it’s Li Yaodao’s villa."

"Because, this time, there is only Yaodao Li's identity as a monster, worthy of the identity of Hei Tianzhao, otherwise, do you think the name of the sign of disaster is white?"

Seeing the other party's serious explanation, Yanyue curled her lips secretly, and after a boring sentence in her heart, she turned and walked towards the building.

"I will tell Brother Dao the news, but let me say it first. I don't care what people in the clan said to you just now. You never let me get involved with things in the clan. I listen to you."

Yanyue's slender hands touched her possession, slowly walking up the stairs, her voice was clear and beautiful, and she said softly, "But brother, I hope you don't target him because of the previous things..."

God Yantian looked at the water glass in his hand and shook it lightly. With the help of the light, he could see his reflected face in the water glass, but the reflected face was expressionless and full of ambition.

"Don't worry, go to rest. In the Forbidden Forest, you spent a lot of time before, so you can recover well. After a while, it will be the nuclear institute ranking battle. You have the strength to advance a few places."

Yanyue nodded lightly, without saying anything, walking upstairs, Qianying disappeared on the stairs.

In the quiet hall, Yan Tianshen looked at the stairs where his sister was leaving. At this moment, those gentle purple eyes that had always been approachable, became very sharp, and the purple eyes shone with a bit of ambition.

"Li Yaodao... Origin World... It seems that my memory is also sealed up. It is estimated that if I advance two more times, I can remember anything, maybe!"

Next day

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shines on the lush and vast ground of the Nuclear Academy, it is the time when the purple energy with the most spiritual power comes from the east.

On the road to the Imperial Pavilion, at this moment, many young and old students, both men and women, look at a handsome young man wearing a long black trench coat and a thin figure walking on this road where only members of the Imperial Pavilion are qualified. Startled.

"He...should not be a member of the Imperial Pavilion, right?"

"It's not at first sight. The armband clearly marks the first-year newcomer!"

"When will the newcomer have the courage to come to the Emperor's Pavilion? Are you afraid of being bombarded by a bad-tempered old student?"

"This does it look familiar?"

"Damn, I remember, that guy is the newcomer king of this year, Li Yaodao!"

When I heard the words Li Yaodao, many old students changed their expressions slightly. Looking at the young man, they became less contemptuous and more solemn...

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