"Anyway, I don't want my sister to have any chance to be the one selected. As the eldest daughter, you know better than me that this is not a kind of glory, but a torture that is better than death."

Long Erdie spread out her hands, did not evade this topic in the slightest, and said playfully.

Although she touched on a topic that was very timid and taboo, Long Erdie didn't mean much to retreat. On the contrary, she preferred to face it head-on.

"That's the case..." Long Yiwu nodded slightly. As the eldest daughter of the Long Family, she naturally understood what the selected person that Long Erdie was referring to meant.

Halfway through that thought, Long Yiwu suddenly realized something was wrong, and immediately stared at Long Erdie with some dissatisfaction, and said: "No!"

Hearing this, Long Erdie smiled and said: "What's wrong?"

I saw Long Yiwu turned his head and looked at his sister, who had always been cold and beautiful. At this time, he rarely showed an intoxicating and gentle smile, saying: "Even if the selected person comes, it must be I go, I won't let you two succeed. I'm the eldest daughter, you can't compete with me."

For this matter, Long Yiwu has absolute certainty and chance of winning.

Because she is the oldest of the three sisters, although she is only ten months older than Long Erdie, Long Yiwu has decided from the beginning that as long as she returns to the ethnic group again, once the selected people begin to worship , Of course he is the best choice.

Long Erdie’s pretty face was stunned, and then she shook her head slightly, saying: "Sister, forget it, you are the hope of the future of the race, and the existence that is most likely to break through the shackles, although your talent is not as good as Sanxue, but Sanxue has The same is not better than you, that is cultivation!"

"As the eldest daughter of the family, you have received the highest help and training in the race. It is simply the biggest mistake to let you bear the curse."

"What? Then you think, who bears this curse, looks more appropriate?" Long Yiwu looked at the blonde girl with a smile, and said with a small smile: "Don't tell me, this selected person, you have to fight I fight?"

"Sister, I'm not vying with you, and the person selected should be Die'er!" Long Erdie gently shook his head and patiently explained: "Think about it, of the three sisters, although I am the second child , But my strength is indeed undoubted, the weakest among the three."

"Since there is always a choice, this curse is always borne by someone, why can't it be me?"

"Sister, since it comes to this topic, there is no such thing as love for children. You are the future patriarch, leading the royal family to a higher level. Therefore, this kind of thing must not be you!"

Listening to the blonde girl's words, Long Yiwu frowned and said with dissatisfaction: "You moved out of the family's future, relying on this to suppress me, you really are!"

"Hehe, isn't it that our three sisters have a clear division of labor, and the person selected is not a bad thing." Long Erdie smiled and took the other's slender arm, and said: "Only in this way can I be protected from you. Fall with the third sister."

In Long Yiwu's gaze, a somewhat complicated color flickered, looked at Long Erdie, sighed, and said: "Forget it, let's not talk about this matter..."

The end of a topic, followed by mutual silence.

Suddenly, Long Yiwu looked at Long Erdie and couldn't help asking: "I'm curious, what memory did you show to Brother Dao?"

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