Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 902: Six Vein Emperor Di Dan

The pill that was refined by Long Sanxue, along with the beam of white smoke bursting out of the medicine cauldron, imaged out, the majestic and majestic spirit wave impact, and the strong aroma of the pill, At this moment, it is slowly spreading.

"Hey!" Long Sanxue's eyes were sharp and sharp, and accompanied by a soft drink, his slender white hands suddenly shook out, and as the ice-cold white spirit fire spread, he moved into the medicine cauldron. The snow-white pill, then held it tightly.


As a sixth-grade pill, it has been born with its own spiritual wisdom. In Long Sanxue’s palm, it felt the controlled power and the cold pressure of the heaven and earth spiritual fire, causing it to constantly oscillate a lot. Spiritual force shock wave mark, want to break through the girl's control!

At this moment, Long Sanxue bit her teeth tightly, and on her pretty face, there was already fine sweat flowing down her forehead. Although the sixth-grade pill was also a pill, the vision suddenly appeared first, but it was different from the fifth-grade pill. The sixth grade pill has absolute independence and intelligence, and its power is no weaker than a wandering powerhouse!

Li Yaodao was on the other side, and after constantly stabilizing his Six-Medition Huangji Pill's pill vision, he also paid attention to the six-stage pill that was struggling and violently impacted in Long Sanxue's hand from time to time. In his heart, he was secretly awe-inspiring.

It is worthy of being a sixth-grade pill. Although it does not have the power to fight humans, the spiritual strength contained in it is no weaker than any strong wandering power!

This is the pill. The more powerful the pill, the difficulty of refining will increase geometrically. Although the ultimate benefit is greater than everything, it is still too difficult.

Since the sixth-grade pill began, it goes without saying that the refining pains are natural. What's more important is that now Long Sanxue must use his own strength to firmly grasp the struggling snow-white pill.

At this time, it is the wrist-wrestling link between one person and one pill. Naturally, neither of the two sides will give in to each other. If Long Sanxue becomes slack and fails to grasp the newly refined sixth-grade pill, the final result will be The cooked duck flies by itself!

After the sixth-grade pill was refined, the alchemist did not control the strongest spiritual wave marks that had just emerged from the medicine cauldron, causing his pill to fly. This is not uncommon.

Sweat slowly flowed down from her forehead. At this time, Long Sanxue was fully engrossed in holding the pill that she had refined, in her slender and white palms, spiritual power, soul power, plus a large amount of snow-white spiritual fire Under the suppression, the impact of the Six-Pin Pill, although weaker, still exists!


In the next second, the white pill seemed to be at the end, that is, the strongest impact stage. The majestic and majestic spiritual force impacted, instantly destroying the room with the water blue background, because the pill In the impact of the struggling spiritual power, naturally it also carried part of Long Sanxue's power.

You must know that Long Sanxue's strength is a true peak powerhouse of the sacred journey, and like the brothers and sisters of Long Yiwu, Long Erdie, and Yantian God, they all have the existence of killing the ordinary Heaven-passing realm powerhouse!

The walls around the room were broken by the snow white light, and in the attic, because of the majestic spiritual impact like an unexpected guest, it became a little shaky.

Fortunately, Long Yiwu and Long Erdie went out for a stroll. If you know that Li Yaodao and Long Sanxue nearly demolished their home because of a trial of alchemy, they would probably leave on the spot...

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