Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 930: All messed up, all messed up!

"Don't worry about the barbecue, let's talk about the situation first..." Li Yaodao was amused by these guys, laughing and crying.

At this moment, Long Erdie, standing beside Li Yaodao, like the announcer, explained carefully: "Now our eyes are in the yard, the battle between the eldest sister and Dao Tianyin has entered a feverish stage..."

Li Yaodao looked at the "announcer" next to him speechlessly, and suddenly felt an illusion in his heart. Sometimes he found that the sand sculpture was not only himself, but also a partner...

"What is the point? The point is very important." Li Yaodao asked with a dry cough.

"The point is, there is a tie between the two sides unless..."

Long Erdie looked at the two peerless shadows in the yard where you came and went, stretched out his hand to gently rub his chin, and then smiled: "Unless the eldest sister uses the blood evil secret method, or Dao Tianyin uses his body to fight."

"Otherwise, they want to defeat each other with the same strength. Unless one of them is careless, it is almost impossible."

Hearing this, Li Yaodao nodded slightly, and was also secretly surprised. He deserves to be the two goddesses who are known as the top two goddesses in the nuclear academy's ranking list. This fighting power is really an explosion...

And more importantly, Long Yiwu also possesses the so-called blood evil secret method, as the former said, and this secret method was fortunately witnessed by Li Yaodao when he was in the Demon God Mountain Range.

At that time, he was still a little Xiao Xiao in the Two-Year Realm, and Long Yiwu, although he was only in the Sky Void Realm at that time, but after using the Blood Fiend Secret Tome, he was able to reach an astonishing Heaven-passing Realm, and was even able to compete with the Kunlun Snake King. World War One!

Long Yiwu has such a lore, it is basically invincible among the same level!

On the other hand, Dao Tianyin, although Li Yaodao doesn’t know much about her, what Long Erdie said before should mean that if the opponent releases the body form of the Big Dipper Dragon Kun and fights Long Yiwu, he can A tie is reached!

To put it bluntly, it is almost impossible to defeat the opponent without releasing their own cards.

All the time seems to have passed for a long time, but in fact it was instantaneous. At this moment, Li Yaodao looked at the two peerless shadows in the yard, and wanted to step forward and dissuade him.

The main thing is that this is his house and villa. The focus of the two Nizi's fights is his house!

Repairing the house requires spiritual value!

Seeing that Li Yaodao wanted to dissuade him, Long Erdie smiled and covered his mouth: "Brother Dao, you have to be in your head in this matter. We can't persuade you..."


However, as soon as the voice fell, Long Erdie’s original smile was like a trick, and the next second he condensed, feeling the familiar and unpleasant wave marks from the hallway of the hallway, and immediately pinched his hands, bright gold The awns came out.


Long Erdie didn't say a word, swiping the giant dragon butterfly sword in his hand, accompanied by the majestic golden sword light, whistling away, and then cutting onto a purple long whip.

The purple long whip and the snake emperor's snake head screamed, and quickly entangled along the blade of the dragon butterfly giant sword. Soon, it was tied in it, so that no matter how the dragon butterfly swung it, it couldn’t get rid of it. The entanglement of Yan Snake Emperor's treasure.

Yanyue slowly walked out of the corridor, and sneered: "Yes, I didn't expect you to be there. I would give such a big gift when I meet. You are indeed you, a big brainless guy!"

Li Yaodao turned around, staring at the two ancestors in amazement, and they started fighting, and suddenly he couldn't laugh or cry.

All messed up, all messed up!

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