Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 932: Silver Flower VS Big Dragon Palm

Facing the blood-colored long sword that pointed at Dao Tianyin's life gate, Dao Tianyin didn't expect the opponent's combat speed to be much stronger than when he encountered it before, and his heart immediately lied.

"Little carving skill, how dare you make an axe in front of this lady, big dragon palm!" Dao Tianyin immediately yelled, his palms filled with orange violent spiritual power, and the small phantom of Beidoulong Kun behind him was suddenly released, bringing the world. Majestic momentum.

Dao Tianyin knew that facing Long Yiwu's sword, it was too late to evade, so he could only release his majestic spiritual skills to face the sword.


Along with the sudden appearance of the phantom of the Big Dipper Dragon Kun, Dao Tianyin's punch was additionally wrapped in it. The original slender fist contained a fierce orange palm wind that even Li Yaodao felt a huge coercion. At the moment of screaming, he punched out fiercely.

The violent Dragon Kun phantom palms the wind, accompanied by Dao Tianyin's wave, carrying the majestic momentum of the world, suppressing and swooping down, the target is the dragon dance that comes with the sword!

"Hmph, don't think that you can awaken the power of the human emperor and you can break this young lady's spiritual technique, you are still tender!" Dao Tianyin sneered.

I saw the dragon waving the sword and said nothing, but after a faint snort, at the moment of swinging the sword, behind him, a bright silver light trail suddenly came out in full bloom. .

Long Yiwu, who was originally more beautiful than a hundred flowers, was like a fairy descending to the world when the silver flowers were in full bloom behind him. Even the bright space around it was dimmed a bit and did not dare to compete with it.

In the villa, he just wanted to persuade Li Yaodao on the side of Long Erdie and Yanyue to feel the shock wave mark in his heart, he suddenly turned around and looked at the ghost of dragon kun outside the courtyard of the villa. The pupils constricted slightly.

However, when he saw another silver flower phantom in full bloom behind Long Yiwu, his complexion immediately changed.

For some reason, the blood-colored flowers appeared behind Long Yiwu, and his heart suddenly became a little dignified.

"If that is the power of the human emperor, wouldn't it be too fierce?" Li Yaodao whispered inwardly, but he knew it was not the time for a conflict, so he rushed out immediately.

At this moment, Long Yiwu's pink spiritual eyes suddenly showed bright silver light, and the silver eyes of Long Yiwu appeared in Li Yaodao's eyes.

She is so otherworldly, like a goddess from the sky, her silver hair fluttering in the wind, and the loneliness between her brows.

Seeing the appearance of the Silver Eye Dragon Yiwu and the phantom of the silver flowers blooming behind him, Dao Tianyin, as the Big Dipper Dragon Kun, felt an unprecedented pressure at this moment.

And this kind of coercive force seems to be stronger than the other party's **** secret method before!

call out!

At the moment when Dao Tianyin shook his fist, Long Yiwu completed the transformation of power, the emperor's power burst, and the sharpness was too strong. It seemed to have overwhelmed the wind of the dragon kun palm from the opponent, and the sword flashed with silver light. , Brazenly confronted the Dragon Kun palm wind from the bombardment.


In an instant, under the whistling of the wind palm dragon kun, facing the sword shadow swept down by the silver blooming flowers, the orange dragon kun palm wind roared, and the violent orange spiritual power impacted and diffused.

The silver sword glow, as if to tear this piece of void, fiercely slammed the dragon kun palm wind, two majestic spiritual forces of silver and orange exploded, like a mountain bursting and the ground cracked, two beams of light went straight into the sky, intertwined with each other , Mutual annihilation...

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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