Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 948: Under the Heavenly Spirit

Hearing that Li Yaodao was going to participate in the exploration of this Tongtian Lingzang, Long Sanxue suddenly stood up and was the first to disagree.

"No, Brother Dao, this is too dangerous, I don't look down on you, but with your current strength, to contact such a task is undoubtedly an act of death."

"If it’s a psychic psychic, you have no problem with Brother Dao, but psychic psychic genius starts from Tongtian. Although Yantian and Yanyue are both peaks of magical travel, they can kill ordinary psychic experts anyway. , But you are different."

"You are now at the peak of the Void Sky. Even if you are fighting in the Transmogrified Body, it is almost the same as the Wandering, but for you both, it is a moat that spans two steps, and you can't touch it!"

While speaking, Long Sanxue suddenly cast his gaze to Yanyue, calmly speaking with a bit of sharpness.

"Yanyue, I don't understand your intentions. You don't understand the environment of Tongtian Lingzang. Do you want to be a death?"

For a moment, both Long Yiwu and Long Erdie reacted, staring at Yanyue unkindly.

Dao Tianyin frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, as if he was thinking about something.

Faced with Long Sanxue's question, Yanyue was also stunned. She then realized that it was something like this. She looked at Li Yaodao, her teeth bite, her pretty face became flustered, and said: "No, no, Long Sanxue, don't get me wrong, I didn't think so much..."

She was also happy before and ignored this reason. Yanyue wanted to have a chance to be alone with Li Yaodao, and this was promised by the **** Yantian before, so when she was happy, she forgot.

With this strength of Li Yaodao, let alone the Heavenly Spiritual Treasury, even the Spiritual Wandering Spiritual Treasury must be treated with care.

Because this so-called spiritual treasure is not only known to the academy, when the time comes, there will be people from all major forces to explore it.

How big is the Desolate Ancient Continent, not to mention that this is only one side of the Eastern Continent, and all the major forces that come here in admiration will be in contact.

After all, this Heaven-passing Spirit Treasure is not just referring to the legacy of the Heaven-passing Realm powerhouse, because no one knows what level the fallen Heaven-passing Realm powerhouse is.

If it was something that was lost by an ordinary Heaven-Through-Sky realm powerhouse, it would be nothing but icing on the cake for members of the Emperor's Pavilion.

If it is invincible, able to achieve an existence comparable to the Supreme Realm, then it can be said to be a big deal.

A strong person at this level can no longer be described as strong. This is like the backbone of the deserted ancient continent!

Li Yaodao looked at everyone, and finally looked at Yanyue who didn't dare to look at him, and smiled: "Everyone is your own, don't make the atmosphere so tense."

Yanyue suddenly took Li Yaodao’s hand and said quickly: "Brother Dao, I swear to the lamp, I absolutely didn’t mean to hurt you. I just wanted to stay with you for a while, so I didn’t think about it so much. I’ll go back. Tell my brother, I will not organize you anymore."

She was also really scared, this was not a joke, and Yanyue suddenly didn't understand it.

Obviously he didn't let himself be in contact with Li Yaodao too close, but now he suddenly asked himself to invite Li Yaodao. God Yantian naturally understood the danger of this so-called Tongtian Lingzang, and now he insisted on pulling Li Yaodao and Xiao Hei into the group.

Obviously, Yantian God has a plan that even her as a younger sister does not know!

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