"Student Li Yaodao, this is the second time you have repaired the villa, plus the extent of the damaged area is huge. We need to rebuild and renovate, so we deduct 100,000 points of spiritual value!"

"How many points?! One hundred thousand?!"

"Yes, student Li Yaodao, it is a hundred thousand spiritual value, you heard it right!"

"Why don't you grab it?"

"Then there is no way, student, you can choose not to fix this, but we will add you to the list of damages, and will conduct a review of your credibility in the Nuclear Institute."

"I fix..."

After digging out one hundred thousand spiritual coins, Li Yaodao felt his heart hurt suddenly, he didn't have much spiritual value, and now he took another one hundred thousand, which made his not-rich self suddenly worse!

He shook his head, looked at his villa, and started to repair it under the hands of the staff. Suddenly, he had nothing to do. He looked up at the blue sky and was suddenly stunned.

"That's wrong, didn't Yiwu say, she should fix it?"

Li Yaodao, who was stunned suddenly, remembered what had happened before, but the other party had already left without a trace, and it was impossible for him to go to someone else because of this trivial matter.

"Forget it, I am idle anyway." Shaking his head, Li Yaodao was about to take a step and wanted to walk around.

"Brother Dao, take me!" I saw Xiao Hei suddenly rushed up and jumped onto Li Yaodao's shoulder, barring his teeth and smiling.

Li Yaodao glanced at the little guy on his shoulder, and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly, and said, "Okay, you've been holding back at home for several days. Come out for a stroll with me, that's not bad!"

Xiao Hei smiled when he heard the words, looked around, couldn't help saying: "Brother Dao, the ranking battle you will participate in later, I seem to be able to participate, too?"

Li Yaodao nodded and smiled: "But it's not very useful. If it wasn't for some reason, I wouldn't even bother to spend it here."

"Yes, Brother Dao, you want to participate in this nuclear academy ranking competition, what do you want to do?" Xiao Hei wondered.

In its perception, Li Yaodao is definitely the kind of person who likes to walk in a low-key manner, not the kind of arrogant person who is sharp.

However, participating in the nuclear academy's selection battle this time, this kind of thing, in the eyes of Xiaohei, is basically a show off. Didn't expect Li Yaodao to participate in the opposite way?

Facing Xiao Hei's doubts, Li Yaodao's mouth raised slightly, as if he had expected the other party to ask such a question, and smiled: "Haha, keep it secret!"

Xiao Hei curled his lips when he heard this, and muttered: "Hey, it's really mysterious, even my brother keeps it secret."

During the idle stroll, Li Yaodao looked at the sky. For some reason, after walking for more than an hour, he left the area of ​​the water courtyard and came to the public central square.

Here, it can be said to be very lively. The students from all major colleges are all gathered here, and every student from the Nuclear Academy has been here.

Because this is a public stall area for students, to put it simply, it is a precious trading area among students.

Of course, this so-called treasure trading zone is very free, and the trading method can be exchanged for things, or exchanges between spiritual values.

"It is said that this place is good. I can find the treasures that may not be found in Zangbao Pavilion. I just have nothing to do. Come and have a look..." Li Yaodao looked at the huge square street, secretly sighing.

This academy is really big...

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