"You can't get the fifth-grade perfect pill, you buy me a hammered Qinghuangvine? What about playing me?" The gray-robed youth widened his eyes, and immediately scratched the black-clothed youth in front of him. Growled.

"This is inside the nuclear academy. If you are outside, I will kill you every minute!"

Controlled by the poison of the spirit fire invading the body, this guy's rationality has been wiped out a lot. Judging from this disagreement and the attitude of wanting to kill, the fire poison is already very deep!

Many people frowned secretly when they heard this, but looked at Li Yaodao with some sympathy.

How can there be such a business, if you want a low-priced baby, in exchange for a high-priced baby, let alone the five-grade perfect pill, even if you look at the entire nuclear institute, it is not more than five fingers that can be refined.

Besides, those who can refine the fifth-grade perfect pill, unless it is urgently needed, who wants to be the big head?

"The price is indeed a bit more expensive." Li Yaodao choked his chest and frowned.

They all ate, but the gray-robed youth waved his hand, looking lazy.

"This Qinghuangvine was originally obtained by chance when I was performing the task, and it was obtained from two sky-reaching monsters. Although I don't know the true value of this Qinghuangvine besides alchemy, it was obtained from two Judging from the desperate struggle of the monsters of the heaven realm, it is indeed not a common grade."

"Moreover, the fifth-grade perfect pill, I didn't lose anything at all, for this, I almost lost my life!"

As expected to be a man of the highest rank, his words are light, but his words also shocked the veteran students around him.

Those were the monsters of the Heaven-passing realm, and there were still two. It was quite crazy to be able to grab food from the mouth of the two monsters at the peak level.

A little astonishment flickered in Li Yaodao's eyes, and the gaze of the gray-robed youth was also more solemn.

If it is said that this person is really capable of relying on his own strength, Li Yaodao asked himself, he did not have much courage, even under the conditions of opening the blood rage, he was only dealing with and fighting.

If you want to defeat a strong person at the level of the sky-passing realm, unless you are using your own Emperor Yan Tianwu, don't even think about it.

But that kind of pay is only one time, if the enemy is guarded, then death is welcoming oneself!

And the guy in front of him, don't look at him drunk and sloppy, and he is crazy, although he is arrogant, he does have some capital!

"Is there any other room for discussion? Or is it not necessarily a pill, to exchange for other treasures?" Li Yaodao hesitated and replied.

Among the refining necessities of Tiandou Molten Fire Pill, there is this Qinghuangvine, and he said that everything is inevitable.

If someone really killed the Five-Rank Perfect Pill, he would have no choice but to hand it over. Who made him need this thing?

This Qinghuang vine was originally extremely precious and not good, and more than 90% of the production capacity was from the Qinghuang Tianzhu clan. Although he has the internal response of Qingli, time does not allow it, and he can’t quench his near thirst. Coming soon!

"It's a Five-Rank Perfect Pill, forget it if you don't have it!" The gray robe young man said impatiently.

Li Yaodao was not angry when he heard this. He knew this was the negative effect brought by the spirit fire invading the body, so he didn't mean to wrestle with the other party, saying: "The fifth-grade perfect pill, I really don't have it, but I Yes, get rid of the poison of spirit fire invading your body."

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