Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 981: Chased for one night

Seeing that the girl suddenly sacrificed the treasure, Li Yaodao hurriedly flashed aside in fright, looked at the other person in shock, and said in surprise: "What are you going to do...what?"

It's not really good yet, how come the sword suddenly shines?

Could it be that which sentence is wrong?

I saw Long Yiwu holding a blood-scorched treasure in her hand, and among those bright pink eyes, the silver glow flickered. She waved the blood-colored long sword in her hand, and her figure suddenly accelerated, thinking that Li Yaodao swept away.

"I have never heard such a request. Are you monsters owed so much? Then I will satisfy you!"

Long Yiwu swung his sword straight to Li Yaodao and cut it off. Although it was powerful and ferocious, the movements seemed a little soft. Moreover, Long Yiwu was smiling and swinging the sword at Li Yaodao at the moment. It seemed that he was not angry and did not mean to cut the opponent. .

Purely, to scare the opponent!

However, Li Yaodao, who was kept in the dark, did not see the other party's intention to scare him at all, so that Li Yaodao's eyes were rounded, especially when he saw Long Yiwu slash with his sword and cut it, it was even more stunned. .

"No... the female hero has something to say, why did she use her sword?"

Li Yaodao was so frightened that he even forgot to restore the appearance of a human form. Just like this, the form of the four-winged black king snake, under Long Yiwu’s “chase and kill”, made it jump up and down, driving through the open mountain forest and green valley. The howl of a guy...

Early in the morning, Li Yaodao reluctantly returned to the villa he had just repaired, and plunged his head on the sofa, tending to stick to his pillow.

Xiao Hei, who was eating the barbecue, stared at this scene in amazement, looking at the exhausted teenager, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Dao, what are you doing?"

"Don't mention it, if you talk too much, it will be tears!" Li Yaodao waved his hand weakly, and even didn't want to raise his head, just let out a weak breath.

After just a whole night, he finally experienced what it means to die.

Long Yiwu actually "chase and kill" him all night!

It was not until the early morning that Long Yiwu let him go because he was tired and went back to rest.

Poor my own four-winged black king snake, several scales have been removed...

Although it doesn't hurt, it also indirectly shows that Long Yiwu's strength is really very powerful. With the defense of the four-winged black king snake, it can penetrate instantly.

Fortunately, this Nizi didn't have any intention to kill, just trying to beat herself, otherwise, it would not be possible to return here so well.

"Tears?" Xiao Hei looked puzzled when he heard the words, but didn't say much, and then continued to nibble on his barbecue.


At the same time, just when Li Yaodao was about to sleep, there was a rough knock on the door.

And every sound brings a little spiritual shock. Fortunately, this door is blessed with special materials, otherwise the door must be smashed in these few strokes!

"Who is so special, come here early in the morning?" Li Yao straightened up from the sofa angrily, his face full of fatigue and anger, and then shouted: "Who the **** is that? Rest meeting?"

The door opened, Li Yaodao looked at a handsome young man standing in front of him in a brand-new costume, who had shaved his beard and straightened his hair, and his expression was stunned.

For a moment, he didn't recognize who this person was!

Seeing the boy's stunned look, the black-haired youth held his arms and grinned: "What's wrong, don't you recognize me?"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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