Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 983: One hundred green spirit pills

Seeing Li Yaodao starting to refine alchemy, Liu Qintian, who was boring and idle, played with the beads in his hand, and glanced at the young man who was busy in front of the star tripod from time to time, and grinned: "Listen to friends, you are a monster?


"As a monster race, you actually want to show people like a human body?"


"Oh, yes, there will be a ranking battle for the Nuclear Academy in a few days, and the guy Yan Tianshen threatens to beat you."


"and also..."

"Why are you so endless? Little master, did you see me alchemy?" Li Yaodao suddenly turned his head and glared at the opponent, roaring.

As soon as he entered the state of alchemy, he was interrupted by the other party. After finally entering the state of alchemy, he was interrupted again. The feelings of this fellow are comparable to stubbornness.

Seeing the young man roaring, Liu Qintian raised his hand to signal the other party to continue, but when Li Yaodao finally entered the state, he couldn't help but say something.

"Did you hear about it yesterday? There was a four-winged black king snake that was hunted down by Long Yiwu all night. Good fellow, that was the king of snakes. It was such a shame for you to be hunted down like this. "

Chi Chi!

Because of someone's sudden interruption, Li Yaodao's facial muscles twitched, looking at the ancient nether fire burning in the star cauldron, the medicinal materials were instantly burned out, leaving speechless in his heart.

"I'll give you one last chance, don't disturb me in alchemy, OK?" Li Yao knifely forgot to say something in English.

But Liu Qintian, who didn't understand OK, thought that the other party was speaking the language of the demon race, and simply shut up and raised his hand to signal.

As if to say, I shut up, please start your performance.

Seeing that the other party really stopped talking, Li Yaodao began to practice alchemy. Fortunately, the other party gave enough materials. Otherwise, it would be really wasteful.

As a fourth-grade high-grade pill, Qingling Pill is said to be high or low, and its materials are also very expensive.

Liu Qintian actually found the materials for refining the Blue Spirit Pill in one breath, which is enough to show that this guy's financial resources in the nuclear academy are really quite strong.

However, Li Yaodao knew that all the top 100 super geniuses in the Imperial Pavilion would receive additional spiritual value subsidies every month.

And the higher the ranking, the more spiritual value you get!

It is said that taking Long Yiwu as an example, a super genius like her who ranks No. 1 with Dao Tianyin in the nuclear academy is naturally unquestionable. The spiritual value he gets can receive as much as one million every month!

No need to do anything, one million spiritual value a month for nothing, the nuclear institute is also very wealthy...

After finishing the pill, Li Yaodao shook his neck and looked at the dazzling array of blue spirit pill in his jade box. There were a hundred or so, which was really a big project.

Fortunately, his spiritual power level is now sufficient, and his soul power is strong enough, otherwise he can refine one hundred fourth-rank high-grade blue spirit pills in one breath, and ordinary fifth-rank alchemists will be unable to resist it.

After yawning, he looked back at Liu Qintian who was asleep and woke him up. Li Yaodao handed it to the jade box and said, "Counting, is it enough for the value of the Qinghuangvine?"

Hearing this, Liu Qintian looked at the blue spirit pill in the jade box, grinned, and accepted it, excitedly said: "Enough! Haha, with this, I will no longer be afraid of that fire poison!"

Liu Qintian looked at Li Yaodao and said, "I don't like to owe favors. This time I owe you one, but you have to use it quickly, because I am about to graduate!"

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