Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 989: Dao Tianyin's rhetoric

Seeing Dao Tianyin waving at his side, Li Yaodao looked at Long Yiwu whose pretty face was gradually cooling down, but did not dare to brush Dao Tianyin's grandmother's face, and immediately responded with a dry smile that was not polite.

Just kidding, Dao Tianyin is one of the important ethnic groups of the out-and-out Demon God Clan Alliance, and the Big Dipper Dragon Kun clan has the reputation of being on par with the Qinghuangtianjin clan.

Both are in the Demon God Clan Alliance, comparable to the veteran-level race.

But the more important thing is that Dao Tianyin is a good friend of his own, and it can be regarded as a predestined alchemy, so naturally he can't easily neglect the other party.

The key point is that Tianyin didn't do anything wrong, he couldn't do that on purpose, Li Yaodao?

"Brother Dao, rest assured, after going in for a while, I will try to meet you as much as possible, I remember your smell!" Dao Tianyin yelled, with a beautiful face, but with a clear and loud voice.

Somewhat contrasting beauty!

However, Dao Tianyin, this Nizi, has always been doing his own way, on the level of gentleness, no, on the level of emotional intelligence, let alone, a pure demons and gods alliance clan, except for being able to hammer others, it seems that there is really no advantage...

This is the reason why almost no human students like it in the Nuclear Academy.

Of course, they don't dislike it, but they dare not like it, for fear that they will be hammered if they disagree...

But these are not the key points. The point is that Daotian's voice and beauty are not inferior to the three sisters of the Long Family. It is a pity that they belong to the Demon Race. Except for the Demon Race geniuses in the Nuclear Academy, they have coveted Dao Tianyin for a long time.

More human students naturally like beautiful girls like the Three Sisters of the Long Family or Yanyue.

After all, the love between humans and demons is not uncommon, but it seems to be rare!

"All around, please pay attention to my old lady. Brother Dao is covered by me. Who dares to move him? Be careful. After the ranking battle is over, my old lady will squeeze yours!" Dao Tianyin, as a beautiful girl of the monster race, naturally Untouchable human girl kind of implicit.

Even the threats are very carefree.

It is precisely because of this that many old students heard that their facial muscles twitched slightly, some were timid, and even subconsciously added to their legs.

But because of this, these thousands of talented students who participated in the war, more heart, the envy and jealousy of Li Yaodao, it can be regarded as a straight rise!

What's the joke, Long Sanxue was covering her around, and she wanted to find the trouble with Li Yaodao. It was very troublesome.

Moreover, Long Yiwu is also sure to protect Li Yaodao. These two battles are the first, and now there is an extra Tianyin, isn't it killing people?

What qualifications does his Li Yaodao have to be so bold? Can you get the favor and protection of three peerless beauties?

Hearing Dao Tianyin's bold words, the head of the land, who was unfolding the gate of the teleportation with both hands, his facial muscles twitched slightly.

Tian Chao Qiong Moose twisted his neck and grinned: "As expected of the descendants of the Big Dipper Kun family, this hot character is like the distant ancestors of that group!"

On the square, many people listened to the threat from Dao Tianyin, and they were more gritted teeth and dared to speak without words. Of course, there were also a few powerful but ineffective figures. Their gazes, Looked at the water courtyard.

Zhao Ritian looked at the water courtyard, shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile: "Hehe, the rookie king some time ago, I didn't expect to be able to climb to this step. It's really not easy."

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