Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 380: precision instrument

After Wu Yang waited for the guards to leave, he took the box and went to his study. After opening the box with the password sent from the previous commander, Wu Yang saw the only file in it and picked it up to open it. Taking out the document from inside, Wu Yang sat there and looked up.

More than 20 minutes later, Wu Yang read the document and was disappointed. At the beginning, he thought it was an important thing, but didn't expect it to be about precision instruments. This time the commander is going to the United States, hoping to talk to Germany and purchase some precision processing equipment from the German side. However, it is very difficult. Because of the relations between the United States and Germany, Germany cannot sell these equipment to China, and China It is in urgent need of these devices!

"Precise instruments are now available in my laboratory, but the accuracy is not very high! But I can't afford to go to Germany to ask for it, but also pay such a great price!" Wu Yang sat with his chin in his hand. Thinking of it, this time the commander is going to buy it in Germany. If the German side agrees, then China will spend more than 10 billion to purchase these equipment. Of course, the more than 10 billion is not to buy these equipment directly, but to exchange those equipment back in the name of investment. Wuyang finished reading After the front, I looked at the exchange table at the back. After watching it, Wu Yang entered the system in his mind.

"Wei Wei, do you have the technology for these devices?" Wu Yang asked Wei Wei.

"This is just the lowest level of mechanical technology. Of course, there are more advanced than this, but now the materials in the world. Still can not make those high-tech machinery!" Wei Wei said immediately.

"It's good, then, I'll ask you, if I make one myself, it's more difficult than the advanced machine tool in the Rice National Laboratory?" Wu Yang nodded and asked.

"For the system. There is no difficulty, but for you and your country. It is still a bit difficult!" Wei Wei said immediately.

"Take it on the material and accuracy control?" Wu Yang asked again after hearing it.

"Yes, the key is the material, and the control of accuracy. I can help you control. You have to know that the machining accuracy of American machine tools can be controlled at the level of 0.001 microns, but as long as the material is out, then the processing accuracy is not a problem! "Wei Wei said immediately.

"Well, I know. It seems that I have to prepare these things for my laboratory, otherwise, when the students start advanced experiments, it is a pity that the accuracy of the machine tool can not be reached." Wu Yang ordered Nodded.

"Yes!" Wei Wei nodded and said.

"So, I ask you a question. If the equipment on the material just outside is what we need to do, how long does it take?" Wu Yang asked again.

"If those materials come out, then it will be very fast. I have the material technology here. When will you be able to get them out? I don't know! As long as the materials come out, these things will be fast!" Wei Wei was there After thinking about it for a while.

"Well. If I put it in my school, I think that for the students in the school, they will be able to produce more grades in the future. It seems that they really need to get it out. In the future, many technologies will still need this thing!" Wu Yang heard it and said with a smile.

After exiting from the system, Wuyang went to rest. In the next morning, Wuyang got up late. Today, I do n’t have to go to school to eat breakfast with everyone at home. It ’s 8 o’clock. At that time, Wuyang took his own car and went to the commander's office. After that, after passing the inspection, Wuyang was taken to a conference room. When he got there, Wuyang found many cattle. , Are the top people in various industries, there are 100 people!

After Wuyang went in, all of them stood up and greeted Wuyang. No one dared to put on a show in front of Wuyang. The first Wuyang was rich and made money by his own ability. The second one was Wuyang ’s ability. Everyone knows that few people can surpass Wuyang in terms of computers and mathematics. The third one is the school run by Wuyang and the charity. They all know that it benefits the country! So when those people saw Wuyang coming, they did not dare to underestimate him. Each of them was a top figure in the industry, plus they were already in the smart group. Therefore, they are not considered by ordinary people. However, Wuyang, they dare not ignore it!

"Wu Dong, welcome to you!" A middle-aged man in his 40s reached Wuyang in front of him and shook hands with Wuyang, saying that Wuyang knew him and was the youngest vice president of Mizuki University. He was also very capable Outstanding, it's about robotics! Zhao Xingming

"Well, are you principal Zhao ?!" Wu Yang said with a smile and holding his hand. "Before we knew that you also entered our think tank. We would like to invite you to come to the weekly meeting. However, the commander said that you are too busy. We do n’t want to disturb you, but, Today, you have to post your opinion! "Zhao Xingming said with a smile while looking at Wu Yang.

"Yes, the commander is considerate. I'm really busy. You also know that my school just started before and there are many things!" Wu Yang said with a smile.

"Wu Dong, we want to know, what do you think about this time?" A person next to him stepped in and asked. When Wu Yang heard it, it felt like something was wrong. Why do they want to know what they think! So he looked at that person strangely.

"Don't get me wrong, our side has been divided into two groups. One group agrees with the plan, the other group does not agree. The think tank must have different opinions. Otherwise, how to provide a plan for the above, now we are on both sides. The dispute cannot be opened, so everyone also wants to hear your opinion! "Zhao Xingming said immediately.

"Oh, I haven't figured it out yet. I only received a notice last night. I came here to see what happened!" Wu Yang said with a smile.

"Well, yes, we knew the news two days ago, but at that time, we were all busy analyzing the plan and forgot to inform you! Please do n’t blame me, people, once we start to study things, do n’t Saying I forgot you, my wife and children will forget it! "Said another man, laughing at himself.

Wu Yang heard it and nodded with a smile. Wu Yang found that he really seemed to recognize them a little bit. These people were talking about things, as if they didn't have many other eyes!

"The commander is here!" At this time, the staff at the door came in and said something.

"Walk, sit casually, there is no position!" Zhao Xingming said to Wu Yang, Wu Yang nodded, and found a place to sit down.

Soon, the commander-in-chief and the deputy commander-in-chief came over. They sat on the main seat. After the door was closed, the commander-in-chief sat there and said, "You all watched everything? This matter, you need to come up with a The determined plan came out. Now you know the situation of industrial development in our country. Our heavy industry and precision manufacturing have not been able to develop. Why? Because our equipment is not working, and the technology we have is not the most advanced. The next time we went to Germany, we hoped to be able to purchase a batch of equipment back in secret, put them in major universities and research institutes, and let them analyze them. However, the price is a bit expensive, and the open account is 12 billion. However, other places that require RBI are estimated. There are 2 billion, and Germany may not agree, so now I want to hear your analysis. Is this thing worth doing? Is it worth doing! "After the commander sat down, he said directly.

"Let ’s do it. I think you know, you all know that I am engaged in precision equipment. Our country really ca n’t do it. After all, our development time is too short, and the accuracy cannot be achieved. Therefore, many high-tech weapons We ca n’t do it at all, and the most important point is that the equipment in many of our laboratories was imported from abroad in the 1990s. It should be eliminated now, so I am very much in favor of this purchase. And we have to get it back as soon as possible, no matter how much it costs! "Just after the commander-in-chief's words fell out, someone immediately stood up and said.

"Yes, I also agree that without those sophisticated equipment, many of our experiments cannot be carried out. This will only widen the gap between the technology of our country and the technology of European and American countries ~ ~ This is a potential Must do! "Another expert also said there.

Then, many people said that they agreed to such a plan, hoping that the country could introduce those equipment.

"Well, I heard the opinions in favor, which is almost the original intention of our plan, but are there any objections?" The commander immediately said.

"Yes, I don't agree. These countries will not give us any equipment, no matter how much we pay. We do n’t have to think about it. The European side does not want us to compete with them in this market. The international market has grabbed a lot of German markets. If it were given to us, Germany would be afraid to cultivate a competitor for ourselves. In addition to the restrictions on the rice country, we would never get back. For more than 20 years, our country has basically I did n’t get a good piece of equipment from abroad! For this time, I still think that if I ca n’t get it back, this money is useless! ”At this point, he immediately stood up and said.

"Yes, I don't think it's useful either, this money is especially spent in Germany, and we haven't given it to the research institutes in our country to let them go to research and development, maybe they can still get some results!" Many people also stood up and agreed to the previous one. People's opinion! (To be continued)

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