Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 60: Love it!

Wu Wuyang found the person in charge of Dachang Company and stated that he rented 4 production workshops for a short period of time. After the people there considered it, he also agreed to Wuyang's request.

Wu Wuyang is also based on the original price, and the price has risen to them by 10%. Their chairman now knows that the Wuyang in front of them must set up a relationship.

The computer of this dream technology is really good. Many people bought it in their company. The performance is basically higher than the computers on the market today, mainly because the operating system optimization is very good. Many hardware functions are released perfectly!

After Wuyang signed the contract, he immediately flew to Beijing and flew to Beijing. The company was the manager of the propaganda department and also picked up. After leaving the airport, Wuyang and Ding Li sat in the same car.

"Wu Dong, our company's sales are now very good, but there are many people who come to find trouble, one is the former agents, and the other companies are peers, I hope we can share our operating system!

They also brought in a lot of officials to come under pressure, but now our company is selling well and it has a great impact on society. They dare not touch us, but if this sale passes, they will definitely try to get us stuck. of! Ding Li sat in front and said to Wu Yang at the back,

Liu Yufei, who was sitting with Wu Yang at the back, was also busy with Wu Yang these days. All aspects must be dealt with, and then Wu Yang decided. Therefore, going to a southern city these days has also allowed Liu Yufei to exercise a lot!

"What did those agents say?" Wu Yang asked Ding Li,

"They asked us to give them the agency right again. Another company, the company in Jingcheng, had already sued the court and asked us to compensate them for their losses and re-sign the agency right!" Ding Li faced Wuyang Explained.

"Tugged at his egg, and told me, hum, they gave up on their own at the beginning, and now they see that we are selling well, they want to share a cup, how can there be such a good thing!"

Ask the sales people to prepare the fax we sent them, which says they give up the agent! Wu Yang said angrily.

"Yes, we are not afraid of their complaints, but now the reporters are making random reports, and the impact on our company is very bad! They all believe that we have abandoned those agents!

The money made us make it ourselves, and even some people started to calculate our cost, saying that our cost would not exceed 3,500 yuan, and they said that we sold more than 10,000 yuan, which is a huge profit! Anyway, they can hack us as much as they can! Ding Li reported to Wuyang.

"Huh, count the hardware, then I give them the hardware, they make it themselves! Really! Don't worry about us, we make high-end electronic products, and we don't compete with those ordinary computer manufacturers, they We sell them, we sell ours! "Wu Yang said unbelievably.

"However, Wu Dong, now there are many domestic manufacturers, as well as foreign manufacturers, are starting to hack us, saying that we are profiteering! Ask us to reduce prices!" Ding Li looked at Wu Yang with a little worry.

"It's okay, I'll take care of this. Isn't there a press conference tomorrow? Let's just clarify at the press conference! It's a huge profit, and they can also make a huge profit!"

I also sighed in my heart. The product I bought was better than the product being bought. Can't the price be high? Thinking of this, Wuyang is also angry!

Soon, Wuyang's car arrived at the door of the company. As soon as it reached the door, many people were holding banners saying that Dream Technology had broken its promises and abandoned its former allies! There is also written above, Dream Technology, a profiteering company, a company with no conscience, Wuyang saw the anger in his heart is very great!

The nearby Liu Yufei felt Wu Yang's emotional changes, immediately grabbed his hand and motioned him to calm down, and this time holding Wu Yang's hand, except for the fight, this was the first time the two of them had come together. .

谢谢 "Thank you, I'm fine!" Wu Yang turned and looked at Liu Yufei. Liu Yufei also smiled at Wu Yang,

Soon, Wuyang's car entered the company, and then arrived at the company's office building. As soon as Wuyang got out of the car, they saw the company's high-rises, all greeted downstairs.

"Wu Dong is good!" Those people shouted happily when they saw Wu Yang come down.

"Okay, everyone is good! Haha!" Wu Yang was so happy to see them so,

Now the employees of the company are basically conquered by Wuyang. In less than a month, Wuyang has turned a company going bankrupt into one, and in less than a week, it has sold over 10 billion yuan. Companies with a profit of more than 5 billion are tantamount to saying that it is Wuyang who saved their chance to continue working in this industry.

"Go, go upstairs, we just have a small party!" Wu Yang said to those people, who also gave way, let Wu Yang and Liu Yufei in front, just entered the lobby, the company's front desk also stood up, right With Wuyang, he said slightly, "Wu Dong is good!"

"Okay, all good!" Wu Yang nodded with a smile, and then started to go to the elevator,

After getting upstairs, Wuyang saw the display screen placed outside. The company has sold more than 1.1 million units, and the sales amount has exceeded 10 billion!

The employees in the office hall saw Wu Yang coming up with a lot of management people, all stood up and said hello, Wu Yang smiled and waved with them, and then went into the company's conference room, Wu Yang Just arrived in the conference room, and after those people came in, they sat down separately.

"This time we will have a short meeting to talk about the latest situation of the company." Wu Yang said to them.

"Then I'll go first. Just now everyone also saw that our sales volume is more than 1.1 million units a week, and this number is still increasing. This sales situation is very good, which also shows that our computer is really good. Zhang Ye stood up and said immediately. Everyone is applauding,

"To date, we have shipped a total of 17,712 computers, of which the dream computer generation, the high-end, sold the most, reaching more than 670,000, while the middle-level is 280,000, and the low-level is 160,000. In other words, there are still more high-end computers on the market.

Next, we also need to see the production resources to make adjustments and shift to high-level production! Zhang Ye said to everyone.

"Okay, let me talk about the production situation. According to the contract we signed yesterday, starting tomorrow, our southern foundry can produce 80,000 computers a day, and in the future, our southern foundry will also be able to produce 40,000 units were produced,

The other is our factory, which can produce more than 10,000 units per day. I think in the future, we can meet the needs in our market.

Moreover, I think that after this peak has passed, our production volume should drop! Chen Hang, the manager of the production department, immediately said.

"Well, the decline is not necessarily. Wu Dong, I have a suggestion, are we going to set up an overseas company, set up sales companies in rice, Europe and the Middle East, or release overseas agency rights, so we Sales can go up! "Zhang Yan said to Wuyang.

"This matter is to be done, but now I have not figured out how to do it, after all, the company has just started, and I have not taken over the company for a long time, and many things have not been straightened out.

It is reasonable to sell overseas, but in all aspects involved, we still have not started to get through, it still takes time, of course, we will certainly not let go of overseas markets! Wuyang nodded and said, in this overseas market, Wuyang wants to get it, but now it can't do anything, it can only be done step by step!

"Well, now our R & D department has made a request, that is, we need to develop overseas versions of the operating system, which used to be Chinese and Chinese. Now we also talk about English, German, Korean and Japanese, haha!" Ye Ping of the Ministry said to be small, everyone laughed.

"Yes ~ ~ You can do this job first, and then you can enter the overseas market!" Wu Yang nodded in agreement.

"The words on our side now are those who want to seek our agency rights and those who want us to announce our system. Now both sides are putting a lot of pressure on our company!" Ding Li said immediately.

"Don't bother with the agents there. First, we are a new company and we haven't signed any agency agreement with them. Second, we asked them that they didn't come. They also sent a fax to confirm it. Seal, we have no problem at all. If we really meet in France, we will see you in court! "Zhang Yan immediately stood up and said excitedly,

In order to avoid this problem, he always let those agents send official documents. Now they are still in trouble, which makes Zhang Ye very angry!

"Haha, don't worry, these are trivial matters. We only need to sell well, and only announce the operating system. That's not possible. Why don't they also announce them in the country, tell jokes, don't bother them!" He pressed his hand against Zhang Huan, motioned him not to be so excited, and not to worry, these were not big problems!

"Well, I will hold a press conference tomorrow morning, Manager Ding, have you arranged the meeting place?" Wu Yang asked Ding Li,

"Relax, it's already arranged!" Ding Li nodded.

"Well, I went to school after the press conference. I haven't been to school for a few days. The school is about to fire me!" Wu Yang looked at them and said,

He said, those people are sweating.

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