Super Tech Powerhouse

Vol 3 Chapter 340: Airborne Vladivostok: Capture the Fortress City

Early in the morning, Zhang Shusheng met with the Minister of Propaganda of the Empire Wei Sancai in his office. As the mouthpiece of the Baath Party, the head of the propaganda and the communicator of the new culture and new things in the Republic, Wei Sancai is one of the giants of the Republic's base camp.

In this age when propaganda work is very important, correct and powerful propaganda work helps to consolidate the power of the nation.

"Three talents. At present, we must grasp the scale of the work when looking at the propaganda work. What we propagate and what we guide must not be based entirely on the obscurity of the people, nor can we compulsively propagate and induce, but we must not be too restrictive."

Zhang Shusheng extinguished the soot on his finger that was almost burned in his ashtray, lit a Chinese cigarette, and spit out a string of smoke comfortably.

Political propaganda is very important in this era. Zhang Shusheng is very clear about this. Whether it is China or Germany, Britain, Italy, the Soviet Union, or even the United States, which is known as the most democratic in the world, political propaganda is everywhere.

However, Zhang Shusheng is not very used to the kind of political propaganda that starts with fools. In order to achieve unspeakable political goals, he falsely instigates the people with false propaganda.

"Our political propaganda work should be based on reality.

For example, to promote a policy that benefits the country and the people, we should boldly publicize it. This does not mislead the people. It is itself to let more people understand our good policy of governing for the people.

Besides this war propaganda, some people said whether it is good news or bad news, this is not absolute. We must admit defeat, but it is necessary to seize the opportunity to publicize our great victory.

This war in the Far East, you have to take a step further. It is necessary to let the people understand what the Far East is and how the Far East is and what it is now, but also to let the people understand what our army has fought hard and sacrificed to win.

We cannot simply tell the people that we have won, but we must tell them what these victories will bring to this nation and this nation.

Therefore, the intensity of publicity must be increased, and the forms must be diversified. "

When Wei Sancai found Zhang Shusheng, he raised a question. There must be victory or defeat in a million-military-level battle in the Far East. On how to propagate and how to manage this, he felt it necessary to listen to the chairman's instructions.

Now Zhang Shusheng said that he naturally understood the meaning of the chairman's words. Political propaganda in a special period must have a special color.

"Good chairman, we are going to shoot two war films on the Far East battlefield simultaneously, as well as a few historical films," Nibhu Chuyun "and the Far East Gundam have already completed the filming of the serials. Performed in prime time at various television stations. In addition, the publicity work in the form of newspapers, radio, and art performance teams to the countryside will focus on the Far East. The publicity work will firmly take the national interest as the highest goal. "Wei Sancai said seriously.

Speaking of power, Wei Sancai's power may not be smaller than that of the so-called Third Reich's mouthpiece Goebbels, but in the Republic, the chairman's power is above all else. The following giants can't be like Goebbels and Goring at all. Like others, do whatever you want, and power is in the world.

Wei Sancai climbed all the way from the grassroots to the highest level of the Republic. He deeply understood a truth and did a good job of propaganda work. He didn't need to think and fight, he just had to follow the instructions of the chairman.

Zhang Shusheng nodded and said, "That's right. As a government, we must not only govern for the people, but also let the people know the results of our administration. Others have not done so and boasted about Haikou's fabrications. We are facts. If you do it, then don't be afraid to make a bold publicity.

It is necessary to boldly establish the typical, military, non-governmental, working-peasant class, and even the typical of the students. The role of the role models is still very strong, of course, provided that these role models are very strong. "

"Okay, Chairman."

The two also talked about some domestic issues. Wei Sancai controlled the Propaganda Department of the Republic to handle these matters naturally. It is only necessary to mobilize propaganda forces to cooperate with the chairman at a critical moment.

After handling some government affairs, Zhang Shusheng asked Mao Yun to notify the base camp war department first, and then went to the base camp war room to hear the progress of the war on Vladivostok in the Far East Theater attack.

The building where the base camp war room is located is located on the left side of the head office building. A war room alone occupies half a floor, which is very wide and has various communication equipment.

When Zhang Shusheng came to the war room, General Su Yu had already sorted out the current battlefield situation and made a brief report.

"Chairman, at present our fighting in the Far East is going very smoothly.

The first is air combat.

Our earliest aerial battles were fought over the Soviet area. Due to the Japanese intervention, although our results were great, our losses were not small, especially after the raid began. After all, the main force of our air force has secretly gone to fight over the Japanese-controlled area for air supremacy.

But overall, we won this air battle. In contrast, in the rear of the Japanese army, which lacked a main force group, we achieved a very great victory.

According to preliminary statistics, our large-scale air operations over the Soviet theater mobilized at least one-third of the Japanese army ’s fleet northward, which greatly reduced our losses when we attacked various strategic locations of the Japanese army.

During the entire operation over the Soviet-controlled area, we shot down at least 350 Japanese planes. The real results were obtained in the Japanese occupation area.

Due to our sudden air attack, the Japanese army ’s airport near our border suffered heavy losses. Although the rear airport was able to respond in time, the number of Japanese fighters was insufficient after being transferred to support the Soviets, and our aircraft was originally very large. After gaining a quantitative advantage, we achieved a great advantage in the battle for air **** over the Japanese-controlled area.

According to preliminary statistics, after the large-scale use of special bombs such as anti-runway bombs and concrete penetrating bombs, our destruction of the Japanese airport was very successful. During the operations in these days, we shot down at least 300 Japanese planes, and about 500 more Japanese planes were blown up on runways and hangars before taking off.

Since the Japanese started the war, the total number of lost fighters has reached 1200-1500, and the injured Japanese fighters cannot be counted.

According to information, the total number of Japanese fighters in the Far East is about 3,800, which means that we theoretically eliminated nearly 40% of the Japanese military's combat power. After that, the Japanese army would fight for air control with us. In addition to relying on the United States and the Soviet Union, they could only take off fighter planes from their homeland and North Korea, or detour from the Luan Strait to the rear of the Far East Theater.

Throughout the comparison of air forces across the Far East, we have shifted from our original disadvantages to our advantages. At present, although the Soviet and Japanese troops have a total of more than 5,000 aircraft, a considerable part is old, and the remaining part is damaged. In addition, the US, Japanese, and Soviet Air Forces also face the difficulties of lack of logistics and spare parts, and are currently working to change This situation.

In the future, in addition to fighters in the Far East, the Japanese military will likely use zero-type or P-51 fighters for cross-sea air combat, or take off fighter aircraft directly from the fleet. "

The results of the Air Force mentioned by Su Yuren are relatively normal figures. Except for the shooting down in the air, a considerable part of the Japanese fighters lost on the ground were blown up in the hangar. While the fleet went north to support the Soviets on a large scale, the backyard was set on fire, and it was impossible not to lose the residual focus.

The airport was blown into rubble and the aircraft suffered heavy losses. In a short period of time, the Japanese army had to face many strategic objectives, including transport convoys, railways, material transfer stations, radar stations, military stations, factories and maintenance centers. The situation is over.

Although the United States, Japan, and the Soviet Union have slowed down, they can still organize a powerful air cluster over the Far East to conduct long-term air battles. However, it is too late and they can only be blasted and bombed by the Chinese fleet. After a while, it was found that the loss was so severe that the captain of the aviation team could commit suicide by laparotomy.

"Well, the intensity of air warfare should also be strengthened, especially over North Korea and Japan. The air war is about to erupt. The distance between China and Japan is somewhat similar to that between Britain and Germany. Big air combat and big bombers are sooner or later. . "

Zhang Shusheng didn't take it seriously. Japan couldn't afford it, but China could afford it, and China's loss was much smaller. Not to mention, the country has a continuous supply of pilots. Aircraft factories are fully committed to launching aircraft produced next month that can surpass Americans. Such a continuous combat power is unmatched by the Japanese.

Although Japan fell to the allies and regained strong assistance from Americans, from ore, oil to ready-made military equipment, this was always someone else's, and its own production capacity was low. When the speed of production could not keep up with the speed of loss It's time for a crisis.

At present, in a week, the Japanese army lost 1,500 aircraft, which has exceeded his monthly production capacity. Not to mention those lost old pilots, who had just played in the Far East with the Soviets for two years and trained a large number of elite pilots. As a result, they were defeated by the Chinese superior fighters, and the losses were not bad.

Gritting their teeth, the Japanese can produce 1,500 fighters a month, although it is not as capable as Americans producing 10,000 a month and China actually producing more than 10,000 a month, but it is already the limit. However, even if the aircraft is not lacking, the pilot has become the biggest gap.

However, Zhang Shusheng knows the devils very well. As long as there is no shortage of planes, there is no shortage of pilots in this crazy nation. He just grabs a nation where students can fly to the sky in two days without fear of losing any pilots.

What is even more ridiculous is that a very strange phenomenon has appeared in the Japanese Army Air Force. Many air force chiefs have requested that the pilot be tied to the pilot's seat. Moreover, Japanese pilots in the Far East have almost no parachute.

In short, Zhang Shusheng believes that at least the medium and long-term situation is not particularly optimistic. Japan's air power is still strong, and Americans will also expand their support. Larger and more protracted air battles will be staged in the seas of the Far East and the Northeast-North Korea-Japan.

Zhang Shusheng motioned to Su Yuren to continue.

"In terms of ground offensives, we have used more than 1 million troops in this large-scale military offensive.

In the direction of the Soviet control zone in the Far East, about one of our group troops crossed the Brea River and launched an attack on the left and rear of the Soviet Komsomolsk battlefield.

During these days of fighting, we advanced thirty kilometers east of the Brea River, but did not continue the attack. After establishing a stable riverside position relying on the riverbank fortifications left by the Soviets, the troops responsible for the attack were retreating. The remaining two divisions are stepping up their fortifications.

At present, there are signs that the Soviets intend to organize a large-scale offensive to recapture the Brea River and use this to support the Japanese army in a difficult situation.

However, it can be rest assured that the group army we arranged in this area is the 8th army commanded by General Zheng Zhinan. It had long confronted the Soviets on the west bank of the Brea River, and was very skilled in tactics and attack. Qu Zhongyi, the 88th division commander of the front line defense mission, is a well-known young and strong general in our army and has extremely rich commanding experience. Ten years ago, he guerrillas with devils in the Northeast. "

Taking a sip of water, Su Yuren continued, "As the most important part of the Butcher Plan in this Far East military operation, our attack on the Japanese army is the most important link.

The offensive forces used this time reached more than 800,000 troops to attack the Japanese, divided into three directions, including the Fifth Armored Army and the Sixth Armored Army, and multiple field elites, enough to win more with less. .

The Japanese forces that our offensive forces need to face directly are about 700,000 people and about 400,000 paramilitary forces including armed expatriates.

An armoured group consisting of our Fifth and Sixth Armored Groups will sever the Japanese forces within 400 * 200 kilometers from the west to the southeast from Boole.

Then, this armored cluster will be fine-tuned, heading south and attacking the Midland Army in the direction of Dalynelchensk to return to the division and quickly divide and surround the Japanese army.

At present, the most critical place, in addition to Vladivostok, is the impending battle in the direction of Boli, which will be erupted by General Huo Weiguo himself. The Japanese army has gradually slowed down, and we must hurry up all the time. "

At that time, Zhang Shusheng was very sure of this combat idea.

The situation in the Far East Theater is very complicated. The biggest obstacle is that the Japanese and Soviet forces are strong. If they wait for them to be repaired and the million-level army rushes to China, then it is likely that they will be charged directly In Northeast China, a Far East War has been turned into a Northeast Defence War.

And getting started first is the most timely strategic idea.

First of all, use the Brea River defense line to build positions and use elite troops to block the coordinated offensive that the Soviet army may launch in order to rescue the Japanese army. Although the Soviet army claims to be two million, the troops that can actually be used for the offense are not too Large, at most a few group army, if Zhu Kefu is really willing to use these loss numbers that may be overwhelmed by the army in exchange for the Japanese.

Attacking the Brea River and advancing towards China's occupied area and even the Northeast, let alone the problems of logistics, supply and rest, simply because of the loss of air dominance and possible bombing along the way, is a big problem.

Because of the long-lasting Komsomolsk meat grinder battle and poor equipment, the Soviet army, which desperately needed a dress up, had not waited for a large-scale dressing aid from the U.S. Army, how could it break the Chinese army ’s blockade, or even two group army ’s blockade A line of defense.

Then, using elite troops to attack the Japanese army, as long as it can successfully block the Japanese rescue of the southern Japanese-controlled area, the 700,000-800,000 Japanese army will be dumped.

Moreover, in the face of China ’s armored cluster, 400 * 200 kilometers and 80,000 square kilometers of land, the armored cluster can run from north to south in one day, and the Japanese army is divided by three lines. Then, the Japanese army in a hurry, in addition to watching Hundreds of thousands of troops were quickly surrounded and eaten by the Chinese armored cluster. There was no other way.

As for sea rescue, the possibility is not high.

The Sea of ​​Japan near Vladivostok is less than 150 kilometers away from China ’s nearest border and field airports, and close to 500 kilometers away from Japan.

At such a distance, new fighters such as Zero fighters are capable, but it is delusional to cover a large-scale landing fleet.

If the Japanese army tried to use the aircraft carrier fleet to rescue Vladivostok and other places, or the Soviet Primorsky Territory occupied by the entire Far East Japan (in the south, the 400 * 200 km area near the sea and China and North Korea is a Soviet territory.) , It is likely to be attacked by swarming land-based fleets.

Even though the Japanese carrier-based aircraft aviation team was strong, once it was drilled and several aircraft carriers were sunk, the losses were very large.

Therefore, if Japan does not want to watch this 80,000 square kilometer place and more than 800,000 Japanese troops and more than 400,000 diasporas eaten by us, we can only deploy many elite divisions from the direction of the Gongqingcheng Theater. Frontline Chinese blocking forces launched a fierce attack.

That was the most convenient rescue route.

Now that Baoli has been captured, it has the conditions to stop the Japanese army from going south, and the center located in Baoli and Vladivostok, which is the north-south center of Dalynjechensk, has only disrupted the Japanese deployment and divided. Role.

The two points that really matter, except Baoli, is the southernmost Vladivostok.

"The issue of Vladivostok is much more complicated. What is the current preparation situation?" When formulating a plan to attack Vladivostok, Zhang Shusheng raised the airborne army's bold approach to the rear of the Japanese army, and launched an attack in a variety of ways. .

It is not that he did not want the National Defense Force to advance to Vladivostok in one breath, but that the situation in Vladivostok was too special.

In that year, Vladivostok's old Maozi operated the Far East fortress for decades, and was sieged and blocked by the Japanese when attacking the Far East. It took more than half a year to attack.

Vladivostok at that time was an entire city fortress.

Speaking of Vladivostok's terrain, it looks like an inverted 'mountain' shape. The one in the middle is Vladivostok.

Vladivostok is surrounded by sea. If you do not consider the landing war, you can only attack from Vladivostok.

This difficulty is not ordinary. First of all, the landing warfare is definitely not possible. After the Japanese army occupied Vladivostok, the fortresses and artillery were not removed, and any troops attempting to land could be sent into the seawater by directly turning the muzzle.

The frontal attack, a series of fortifications, will bring devastating disaster to any attacking enemy.

This was why the Japanese were under siege and did not attack until the Soviets themselves were willing to surrender out of the fortress.

"At present, the airborne units of a division have been prepared, and they can launch a raid behind enemy forces at dawn tomorrow. The current attack on Vladivostok is mainly to remove the remaining Japanese troops in the surrounding area, supplemented by the aerial bombardment of the fortress groups that destroyed the Japanese army . "

Su Yuren said.

This focused bombing was not a permanent fortification group for Vladivostok.

Because it is equipped with a ground bomb that specifically destroys concrete, as long as the bomb hits the fort directly, it can destroy the fort. It ’s just a little bigger in time and consumption, and the fortress group still has a lot of air defense firepower points. We must know that Vladivostok was one of the Japanese military ’s landing sites. Even when the relationship with China was the best, the defense was very strict.

"Call me tomorrow when the operation begins."

Although the enemy's airborne operations were used in the Far East's northern expedition, it was very simple. The Soviet Union is vast and sparsely populated. You can choose a place without worrying about being surrounded by the superior Soviet army. Instead, you can gather freely and launch an attack from the rear of the Soviet army to speed up the end of the frontal battle.

But this time, the area where the airborne operation was facing was relatively narrow, and it was attacking from the rear of the Vladivostok Fortress Group, which was likely to be counterattacked forcefully.

If the airborne of Vladivostok and the enemy is successful this time, the airborne troops will grow up quickly and play a more important role in future wars.

"Yes, Chairman."

Su Yuren turned back and contacted Far East Theater Commander Huo Weiguo to inquire about the progress of this enemy airborne operation.


"Oh horse, the chairman asked me about your airborne operation this time, and you have to show your twelve points of energy, and don't have a moth."

"Relax, Commander Huo! Don't look at the small area of ​​eighty-nine square kilometers, as long as you do a good job of containment, my airborne lads, there is absolutely no problem."

Harbin Military Airport, the temporary command center of the airborne operation, Ma Wenwu, commander of the airborne group, was on the phone and hundreds of kilometers away, and the Far East commander Huo Weiguo, who had just arrived at the frontline of Baoli, was talking.

To this young General Huo Weiguo, although Ma Wenwu was an old man from the southwest of the same period, he still recognized his ability. Huo Weiguo's greatest strength is commanding ability, boldness, and strong strategic outlook.

But now, in order to supervise the battle and ensure that the battle in the direction of Baoli can successfully block the Japanese rescue forces, he went to Baoli in person and went to the frontline.

"How well we are doing containment, you old horses are still not clear, haha! Both bombers of the Air Force have dropped bombs in the frontal fortification group of Vladivostok for two or three days. That intensity is stronger than the one that bombed Vladivostok for one month All fierce.

Moreover, our frontal offensive forces are also in place. At that time, as soon as your precious airborne soldiers act, we will launch a containment attack on the front.

At that time, for the convenience of landing, the group of demolishers who relied on offshore engineering groups just provided your best soldiers with the best opportunities.

I ’m going to start a slamming battle. It ’s more fierce than yours. The devils ’divisions are ganging up and tearing our defenses.

South, it's up to you. "

Huo Weiguo knows that this battle in Vladivostok depends on airborne troops. If you attack from the front, it is estimated that you need to lose a division before you can take down Vladivostok. The loss can be very serious.

"Okay, Commander Fok, we don't need to be polite. When the time comes, we will be caught off guard by acting as planned."

After putting down the phone, Ma Wenwu rushed to the conference room for this airborne operation. Tomorrow morning, the troops will depart from Harbin Military Airport to Vladivostok. It will also be the best airborne weather in a week at dawn.

Two airborne divisions were responsible for the airborne operation.

At the combat meeting, Wei Shan, chief of staff of the Airborne Corps, finally made a simple addition to the plan.

"This time, the target area is very narrow, less than ten square kilometers in total. If it is normal, such a large area is sufficient for us to airborne safely.

However, the participating troops must pay attention to this. This is a complete wartime airborne. Our airborne range is small, and it may be counterattacked by ground fire. We must be prepared for fighting. "

Wei Shan spoke earnestly.

"Liang Guosen, Dai Xinglun!"

Commander Ma Wenwu stood up and shouted.



Two full-bodied slogans roared out of the mouths of two major generals in their thirties.

Liang Guosen, First Division Chief of Airborne. Dai Xinglun is the commander of the Second Airborne Division.

As the two most elite divisions of the six airborne divisions of the group army, the task to be undertaken this time is the most difficult task since the formation of the airborne forces.

"Can you complete the task, can you take Vladivostok!" Ma Wenwu asked in a similar voice.


It was just a word that seemed very short and powerful, but it made the two teachers blush.

"Okay, I believe you." Ma Wenwu nodded, motioned them to sit down, and then said, "If you can't complete the task, I will personally lead the remaining Group Army Reserve Fifth Division and force airborne !! Vladivostok, you must use Win the fastest! This is the order of Commander Fok, and also the order of the Chairman. "

"Yes, it's guaranteed."

After the meeting, the airborne units of the two divisions began their final exercises, mostly with tactical explanations, terrain analysis, and combat meetings at all levels from division to company.

The Baoli side played well, but the Airborne Forces have only been able to serve as auxiliary forces since the Northern Expedition. This time, if they can win Vladivostok as the main force, a new chapter of the Republic Airborne Force will be written.

That night, the two airborne divisions who were about to join the battle added meals, and their meals were raised to a higher level. Each of them even got a little bit of rice wine.

In the first camp of the First Airborne Division near the airport, Liang Guosen raised the rice wine cup in his hands facing the officers and men of the regiment.

Loudly said, "Brothers, Liang Guosen will count on everyone in the battle tomorrow. I said nothing, after drinking this wine, I will dance with you tomorrow, the first batch !!"

It is impossible for an airborne division to take off and land at an airport. The mission of a regiment is already the limit of the Harbin military airport.

Liang Guosen will lead the team tomorrow to parachute in person is the first regiment of the airborne division, the most elite troops.

As usual, the mobilization method for Teacher Liang Guosen was very simple, that is, applying what he had learned at the Huaxia Military Academy that year to the students.

"The chief who is greedy for fear of death cannot bring brave soldiers. If you are afraid of death, others will also be afraid of death. Only when you can make life and forget death as righteousness can your soldiers follow you to destroy the enemy. "This is what the instructor sent him when he graduated.

Therefore, Liang Guosen's method is very rude. He has to participate in every airborne battle. Anyway, young people, in their early thirties, are in good health. They are no worse than those soldiers.

With a sip of rice wine in the bowl, Liang Guosen waved his hand, "Have dinner !!"

The soldiers rushed into the makeshift canteen provided by the airport in an orderly manner.

Liang Guosen stood on the spot, looked at the sky, and said to himself: "I hope God can be beautiful. I'm not afraid of the enemy in this life, so I worry about bad weather."

At 4 am the following day, after a few short whistle, the camp of the First Regiment of the First Division of the Airborne Corps suddenly looked like a honeycomb.

The soldiers who had been prepared quickly assembled with their standard combat umbrella bags and weapons. Soon, a team of soldiers would board the train and proceed to the airport runway.

Harbin Military Airport is a large military airport. As one of the important transit airports in the future, it has four runways. Three A-class runways and one A + -class runway.

As soon as the truck carrying the Airborne Division officers entered the airport, the soldiers on the truck saw the A + runway opposite, and a series of silver-white fighters had already been parked.

"Our jet fighter !!!"

Airborne troops are very familiar with aircraft, and even when performing skydiving training many times, this silver-white jet fighter accompanies the side of the C-35 large transport aircraft.

All the airborne officers and men who saw this scene were excited, but maintained the greatest discipline. There was no noise from anyone, but they were all excited.

This is the first time an airborne mission escorted by a jet fighter. It used to be escorted by a propeller fighter.

The officers have already been notified that this time the airborne mission will rarely encounter the great difficulty of fighters hitting transport planes, because the Air Force will send a division of jet fighters to take off from multiple airports to **** them. This type of night combat capability far surpasses the Japanese Zero fighter aircraft and will ensure the safety of the Airborne C-35 transport aircraft group.

The huge C-35 transport plane had already opened its belly, quietly waiting on the runway for the airborne soldiers to board.





In a series of boarding noises, soldiers were quickly boarding, whether it was a transport plane on the runway or a transport plane at a parking space.

Relying on the capacity of the C-35 transport aircraft far exceeding the German Junker paratrooper transport aircraft, a C-35 has four skydiving channels and can carry 65 heavily armed paratroopers. It is much stronger than the German Junker, not to mention, and slightly stronger than the American C series transport aircraft. After all, although it is also the C prefix, China's CH transport aircraft is stronger.

The Germans were able to use more than 20,000 airborne troops and mobilize hundreds of transport aircraft and gliders on a large-scale airborne battle on the eastern front.

Airborne in China is relatively simple.

Due to the large transport aircraft, the Airborne Army used more than 200 transport aircraft, from C-31 to C-35, and even the latest modified C-44 transport aircraft. There are also some medium-sized transport aircraft.

At the same time, dozens of airports in Northeast China took off a large number of transport planes at the same time. These first wave of transport planes will lead a regiment-scale airborne unit to ride Vladivostok at dawn.

With a straight line distance of more than 400 kilometers, Liang Guosen has been sitting upright, but he asked the soldiers to hurry to rest at all times, even snoring.

Looking at the dozens of heavily armed airborne soldiers in the cabin, Liang Guosen couldn't help holding the ZH-42-year short-handed submachine gun in his handshake. He had an unprecedented sense of responsibility in his heart. He wanted to win and reduce sacrifice as much as possible. .

5:20 in the morning

Before the Japanese in Vladivostok woke up, they were awakened by the sound of a rumbling plane from heaven.

"Woohoo ..."

A harsh air defense alert sounded immediately above Vladivostok. Those Japanese officers and soldiers who slept in the night in front of the anti-aircraft guns turned on the air defense searchlights and fired violently into the sky.

"call out……"

Boom ... Boom ... Boom ...

In the shocking explosion, the Japanese army only felt that the Chinese air strikes were unprecedentedly fierce, as there were hundreds of bombers hibernating overhead.

"Baga, the Chinese have at least one aviation division !!!"

This was the first reaction of the close shot of Oda, the Supreme Commander of the Japanese Army Vladivostok. It was too late to get dressed, and came to the fortifications of the fortress with a coat on. I just felt that the sky was full of searchlights and it seemed that there were Chinese planes everywhere.


A violent explosion came from a fortification not far away, and by the light of the explosion just before dawn, Oda saw a large number of corpses that were blown up from the fortification with concrete and steel bars.

"Baga, the Chinese used new bombs again!"

Close shot of Oda put on clothes while yelling, rushing to the communication room next to him. He wants to ask for help the first time!

However, he had just entered the communications room, and the communications soldier had not yet reached a call with Sasuke Yamashita of Sakhalin headquarters. A bad news came.

"Report, according to our Scout report, the Chinese are massing and are about to attack us."

Sure enough, just five minutes later, the fierce artillery group began to speak.

The earth-shattering explosion sounded that Oda had to do his best to contact the fortifications and demand resistance.

He didn't have the energy to take care of the ten-square-kilometer tidal flats near the sea in the southeast of Shanghai.

Twenty minutes later, under the cover of overwhelming bombers bombing Vladivostok, the fleet carrying airborne troops had arrived at the intended airborne position.

"Hurry up, get ready to parachute!"

Liang Guosen personally sounded the battle alert in the first place. When the sound of earth-shattering fighting came from the battlefield below, he was the first to prepare for skydiving.

"Open the cabin!"

In the great wind, Liang Guosen stood beside the cabin, and then shouted, he jumped first.

A few seconds later, a large white umbrella flower bloomed over the scheduled skydiving site, followed by ten, one hundred, and hundreds of white parachutes falling.

Just above Vladivostok, dozens of Denon jet fighters that had just shot down the Japanese fighter's emergency take-off of the Zero fighter quickly rushed to the airborne site, together with the fighters responsible for ground suppression, to provide fire protection for the airborne troops.

With a bang, Liang Guosen landed on the ground first, cut the parachute rope with hands and feet, and closed the parachute. Many soldiers had landed nearby.


Liang Guosen seized the time to gather the men and horses that can be gathered. It is necessary to know that the airborne soldiers may be scattered to any place in this few square kilometers of land. To attack, we must first gather the team.

Twenty minutes later, while marching, two multi-battalion Liang Guosen gathered, and the Japanese army's first abandoned fortification had been seen.


As soon as Liang Guosen pulled the submachine gun in his hands, the two multibattaled airborne soldiers rushed towards the weakest back of Vladivostok under the cover of a submarine-strike fighter.


At 4 pm on the same day, when the last wave of airborne troops from the second division also landed at the airborne point and joined the attack on Vladivostok, the first airborne division under the command of Liang Guosen had already merged with the Japanese army, and the two sides were fighting for Vladivostok. Fortress city.

However, with the addition of the Second Division ~ ~ there are less than two Infantry Wings defending Vladivostok. It will be a matter of time to be won. What needs to be spent is how to eliminate those who hid Within the fortifications, the Japanese army could not resist. However, in any case, after investing in new weapons such as frontal containment of heavy soldiers, airborne soldiers, large-scale aerial bombing, new ground bombs, heavy cloud bombs and other new weapons, the time to completely occupy Vladivostok will not exceed three days. .

This also means that less than a week after the raid on the Japanese army, Vladivostok will be the second big target that fell into the hands of China after the fastest fall in Boli.


This chapter is written in a hurry. At the end of the month, you need to win a half-year prize. You need less money for one word. Sorry, the later chapters will write more detailed.

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