Super Tech Powerhouse

Vol 3 Chapter 444: Decisive battle in Moscow (4)

Timu Xinge bowed his head, and the unfavourable fighting was naturally responsible, and he also had to take overall responsibility, but he had to put forward his own ideas.

"Comrade Tiemu Xinge, I saw in your report that the Chinese's offensive momentum has weakened?" Stalin asked suddenly.

"Yes, Comrade Stalin, this is what I want to report to you this time." Timothing admitted, he guessed that someone had already proposed to Stalin.

"Well, General Barton's previous advice to me was to send an elite army to attack the Chinese right wing on the side. This will hold them to the maximum."

Stalin said that this is also the only condition that the Allies are willing to send a large number of troops to the Moscow fighting.

"How many troops did General Patton promise?"

Timothy asked happily that at the time of the Soviet Union's demise, any foreign aid must be seized for those who are truly loyal to the Soviet Union and loyal to power.

‘400,000 people, 8 tank divisions. You just need to hold on for a few more days. General Patton will concentrate his forces against us against the Germans. "

Stalin was in a better mood. Regardless, the Allies were at least willing to increase their investment in the Moscow theater. Although the powerful Soviet Union is likely to never return, it is not impossible to improve the outcome as much as possible.

As a Soviet marshal, Timu Xinge's wisdom is unusual. Just thinking about it, I understand why the Americans proposed this troop condition.

With Sino-German cooperation, millions of troops besieged the Moscow theater. When the Soviets can drag on is not a matter of how many troops they can send, or whether there will be a turnaround. Instead, it depends on the ‘performance of the Allies and China-Army.

At the same time, he also understood the true intentions of the Allies, but after thinking about it, the Chinese did not want to pick another bargain, but secretly said in their hearts, "Is General Barton really willing to accompany the Chinese to perform another play? Taste it. "

Stalin took a few puffs and continued, "Allied pledges will maximize the Moscow-Leningrad corridor, and a large number of Allied air forces will protect this corridor. Your mission is defense."

Upon seeing this, an officer behind Stalin took out a combat document and handed it to Timoshine

With this document, Timoshine knew it was from the Allied Forces, a combat plan that had never solicited the highest commander in the field.

"Fifteen kilometers back ..."

Seeing these simple terms in the plan, which had a very significant impact on Moscow, Timoshine knew that this time, Comrade Stalin and the Allies had made up their minds.

The military forces actively contracted for 5 kilometers. In other words, the difficulty of defense will be greatly reduced, and the concentrated heavy artillery groups and a large number of anti-tank weapons, and relying on trenches and fortifications, the Chinese attack is sharp, and it is likely to sway in fear of major injuries indefinite.

Of course, this is not the most critical. According to Timo Xinge's understanding of the Chinese expeditionary leader Chen Jun, this person has a very cold-blooded side. If the expeditionary force can focus on the offensive, he believes that this contraction and strengthening The defense line may not be able to block the footsteps of the Chinese people, although they will have to pay a lot of casualties.

But, once the Allies attack the Chinese right wing, the situation will be greatly improved.

"The Chinese will get a chance to buffer, unless they are willing to pay a huge price for casualties, at all costs and cooperate with the Germans to destroy us."

Tiemu Xinge secretly said that no one knows how the Chinese will choose in the end. It seems that it is the best choice to pay huge casualties and win the war quickly. However, he always tells himself that the Chinese will definitely choose to take advantage. Engage with the Allies and pause to attack Moscow like a fortress.

In other words, the initiative of the Allies to cooperate created an illusion for the Chinese that their offensive forces were insufficient and they had to be divided to resist the Allies.

The two talked again, but Timothing was taken to the staff, and Stalin saw Admiral Barton, who came to the door a second time in a day.

"General Barton, I have conveyed the entire plan to Comrade Timoshenko. He will resolutely implement the resolution of the Supreme Military Council of the Soviet Union."

Stalin said with a smile. Although the Soviet Union was defeated at this time, he still had absolute right to speak among these remaining Soviet forces. This was not just him, but even the high ranks of the Allies felt incredible.

"I'm glad to hear the result. This plan was proposed to General Eisenhower and was signed by President Truman and Prime Minister Churchill." Barton said quickly as he smoked his pipe. "Mr. Stalin, the war is here. At that time, I think that victory or defeat is a bad result. The cost of victory is too great and the result of the defeat is too cruel. Our greatest hope is to win the truce negotiations. "

"However, Prime Minister Churchill issued a declaration yesterday in London, and the Allies will surely capture Berlin." Stalin said in a slightly ironic tone, and he did not have a good opinion of Churchill.

"Just as the Soviet Union announced that it would drive the Chinese out of the Far East, and the US Government announced that it would regain control of the Pacific Ocean, what the public would like to see is always a big pie." General Patton also said in a self-deprecating tone. "I am the highest commander of the theater. I was responsible for directing 1.5 million allies to attack from the Netherlands, 2 million allies from the Nordic direction to the European hinterland, and 600,000 people to help you defend the Moscow-Leningrad corridor. This is where we are in During the six-month campaign preparation period and several years of European war forces, we used a total of 4 million allies.

However, the results are still not smooth, hit Berlin indefinitely, and even worry about the Soviet Union being eaten by the whole. "

"Yes, it is difficult for us to see the hope of victory. The Nazi army still has more than 10 million troops, and the Chinese are already in the city." Stalin must admit that although he always declared to the outside that the great Soviet Union would surely win.

General Patton bumped the pipe, changed the cigarette, relighted it, and spit out a string of cigarette rings, saying, "A wise general proposed a very strategic vision to the Allied forces. I have seen this. Plan and sign your name, I suggest Comrade Stalin to have a look. "

"Well? What kind of strategic vision can make General Patton praise?"

Stalin took over the documents that General Patton had solemnly handed over, but his face changed only at a glance. Rao, as the supreme commander of the Soviet Union, couldn't help but be shocked by the plan.

"Everything for the armistice negotiations ... Abandon Moscow and give it to the Chinese, in exchange for the Chinese concession ... Focus on the military to solve the German Eastern Front ... Let the Chinese and the German border ..."

This is definitely a huge plan, and it is also very strategic. However, Stalin's face turned stubbornly abandoning the one that Moscow gave to the Chinese.

"Mr. Stalin need not worry, the plan is still here, we can talk slowly ..."

General Patton did not mention how serious the current situation is, or the general trend of World War II, but just smiled casually, as if he did not look at Stalin's face in his eyes.

One year, on April 5th, 500,000 allies led by eight tank divisions suddenly waved south and hurried 150 kilometers from Leningrad to the Moscow theater.

The reinforcements did not station in Moscow. Instead, they launched an offensive posture on the northern line of defense of the Moscow theater, facing the Chinese right-wing offensive line.

The Allied forces suddenly joined, supplemented by a large number of tanks and air forces. The expedition's right wing had only three group forces, and its strength suddenly became tense.

According to this sudden situation, Chen Jun decisively ordered the suspension of the attack on the mid-way to tear off the defense line in the urban area of ​​Moscow, and instead mobilized its forces to gather on the right wing, with 500,000 British and US-based allies and more than 600,000 Soviet troops, totaling more than 100,000 Allied confrontation.

The first day of the battle was very fierce. The expedition's right-wing troops were frustrated and turned into defense. With the support of a tank group army turning arrow in the middle, they finally resisted the sudden reaction of the Allied forces.

What some generals do not understand is that the Ming Expeditionary Force was informed when the Allied forces changed, but Chen Jun did not deal with it in the first time, neither accelerated the breakthrough of the Soviets ’northern defense line of the Moscow theater, nor stabilized the defense. He immediately retreated as soon as he fought, and did not start a new confrontation with the Allies until the reinforcements came in.

Compared to the offense of the squadron, the German team is invincible.

When the German army achieved the most brilliant results, it had invaded 25 kilometers of Moscow. Although it was eventually repelled, it greatly encouraged the Germans.

After receiving such a good news, Hitler even thought that Moscow would win it within a week.

At the base camp military conference, Hitler said to many senior German generals that the Chinese provided great help. China and Germany are strategic friendship. It is precisely because the squadron's offensive to the east of Moscow has greatly constrained the Soviet forces in the Moscow theater ~ www. ~ has earned the Germans a breakthrough victory.

At the meeting, Hitler resolutely rejected the suggestions of several generals to slow down the offense and let the Chinese take on larger and heavier offensive tasks. He believes that under the circumstances that the Soviet military is greatly restrained and the situation in the Moscow theater is unprecedentedly good, it should concentrate its forces on winning Moscow.

Hitler's idea is not bad. At this time, Germany and even Europe as a whole need an unprecedented victory to encourage them.

When the Allied forces attacked the Chinese right wing and found serious confrontation, and a fierce offensive and defensive battle broke out, Hitler didn't care.

"It is shameful that they want to break through the squadron first and use the more elite allies to drag China's fraternal troops. No matter what they think, my generals, you always complained to me that the Soviets were too strong in Moscow. Many more, their cities are too favorable, but now, no matter what, the Chinese have dragged the Soviets for us, you will attack Moscow with sufficient forces, and I will mobilize new troops for you.

No matter what the Americans, the Soviets, or the British have in mind, the Chinese may also have in mind. I only need a glorious victory, a glorious victory that must be achieved by Nazi Europe under the leadership of Germany. "纟

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