Super Tech Powerhouse

Vol 3 Chapter 659: First fight on the enemy

"Captain Polk, please report your position."

The Principality of Defense's Department of Defense, the Communications Command Center, is trying to contact the vanguard of the lost star domain.

"Why not contact yet?"

Aside, a colonel angrily said that the communication was intermittent, and the contact just failed several times.

"Colonel, the signal from the Lost Star Field is really bad. We usually need to contact five or six times before to successfully reach one. And the signal is very unstable."

"Try again and increase the power."

The colonel was furious, the damned Lost Starfield. Now this super-powered telecommunication equipment of the communication command center is already the highest-grade goods that the principality can buy. .


The communications officer secretly said that he would re-issue the communication with super power. It is estimated that this sky-high equipment would be reimbursed, but since the colonel spoke, it was not his responsibility.

Sure enough, the power increased again, and even after a system alarm occurred, the leading fleet led by Colonel Polk was finally contacted.

Colonel Polk finally appeared on the screen.

"Captain Polk, please report your position."

Asked Colonel Ayton.

"At present, our navigation system is malfunctioning. We can only confirm that we have not left the Lost Star Field, and the specific location cannot be confirmed."

There was a smug look in Colonel Polk's eyes.

"Can't confirm the location?"

Colonel Ayton froze for a moment, but thought about it, as long as he did not leave the Lost Starfield, "The current situation has changed. You should already know the specifics. In order to respond to the situation and ensure absolute advantage, the principality has sent The reinforcement fleet is large enough to handle any problem.

and so. You must not leave the Lost Starfield, lest you rush into the enemy. "

"Understand, Colonel Ayton."

"Good luck, Colonel Polk.

After hanging up the communication, Ayton naturally went to report to his superior, and Polk laughed at the communication with a smile.

"Damn, I didn't expect someone to grab credit for it so quickly. Order to advance one million kilometers further."

Polk said angrily. There are too many unfair things in the Principality. There are a lot of fears of death on the battlefield. As a result, before they met an enemy, the country sent so-called reinforcements.

Moreover, from the perspective of the secret order, it is not the principality's fleet that reinforced himself this time, but the private fleet of Prime Minister Mike's family.

Lord Duke must have been selfish, and sent his own private fleet to enter the Lost Stars in advance. There are too many places to do things.

"Colonel, if we continue to move one million kilometers, we will appear at the absolute edge of the Lost Star Field."

A captain confirmed carefully.

"I'll say it again. Keep going 1 million kilometers, immediately, immediately!"

Polk's voice rose sharply, scaring the major captain and he was afraid to say anything. Regardless of his orders from the Ministry of Defense, or any reinforcements to the fleet, Colonel Polk now has absolute command power.

then. The first fleet continued to advance, and quickly reached the edge of the Lost Starfield, and then moved forward, it was the Zhennanguan Starfield.


"Report, the enemy is moving."

Zhennanguan Starfield, the Imperial Super Battleship Zhonghua, the battlefield early warning and monitoring officer Jiang Chen connected to the communication and reported to several commanders.

Sun Xiwu, Qin Baijiang and others are discussing the situation on the map. Wen Yan turned and looked at the changes in hostility that had just appeared on the screen.

"This enemy did not advance in a circle in the Lost Stars, but now it is advancing suddenly. Aren't you afraid that we will make dumplings?"

Qin Baijiang said with a smile that the fleet was already in place, and the original plan was to outsource them, and now it seems. At least you can save a lot of time.

Most of the Empire's warships are faster than these enemy ships, especially the flagship of the Chinese ship and the enhanced battleships produced by the Heka Empire with more than a dozen enhanced dual main guns.

Sun Xiwului pondered and said, "I thought of a possibility. Our intelligence shows that the enemy has sent reinforcements. Is this vanguard afraid of being robbed of merit, it speeds up."

"It is likely that this is the reason. From the perspective of intelligence, Colonel Polk, the commander of the other party, is a fairly arrogant young man. He has always thought that he would never be able to get pregnant, and this time he will certainly not give up the opportunity to make contributions.

After all, in his opinion, we are just indigenous civilizations. Even if we have a certain battleship strength, we will not be too strong. There may even be two or three small boats. He took the entire Chinese empire in one breath, but it was a big one. Credit. "

Qin Baijiang laughed. The commander's mood was completely understandable. Even within the empire, there was such a ideology of striving for merit, but the system was stricter than the ideology, and no one dared to take risks and make contributions.

Sun Xiwu immediately ordered, "Order, battleship troops participating in the operation, previously made a breakthrough, the Chinese ship is ready to open a large battlefield shielding system to interfere with enemy communications."

Considering the terrain in that area, Sun Xiwu did not invest all of the dozens of warships, otherwise he would not be able to swing away at that time, but the terrain restrictions would actually increase the trouble.

25 battleships, 7 Yandi class cruisers, a total of 32 large battleships, the enemy's strength is a battleship, 10 cruisers, and 5 integrated transport supply ships.

In other words, the ratio is an absolute superiority of 2 to 1.

Considering that there is a super battleship and 10 black plus-class enhanced battleships among these warships, the strength-to-strength ratio is likely to reach 3 to 1.

As the order was issued, the battleship began to leave the fleet.

The location of the ship group is a chaotic star zone, which can be attacked, retreated and defended. The most important thing is to guard the starry sky position leading to the interstellar transition gate.

Here will not only set up a large ultra-long-range early-warning radar, ultra-long-range communication base station, but also build a comprehensive supply base on a small planet, which can be regarded as a large forward base.

The Empire was ready for a long-lasting battle from the beginning. Hundreds of planetary defense guns would be transported to block this chaotic star.

In this way, this place named Zhennanguan Fortress is actually a real starry small fortress.

However, it takes some time, Zhang Shusheng's expectation is to build it in one year.

Thirty-two large warships slowly advanced forward. There are tens of millions of kilometers away from the target area, and it takes a while to sail.

Along the way. Zhonghua's ultra-long-range detection radar continuously reports the actions of enemy ships.

After the upgrade, as a super battleship, Zhonghua was very superior in detection and counter-detection capabilities.

It can either detect long-range targets under complex conditions, or turn on large stealth jamming radars to shield the enemy from their own detection at a certain distance.

As long as this distance is not particularly close, such as as close as 1 million kilometers, the enemy will be difficult to find.

Sure enough, no enemy ship was found along the way. Instead, they are still moving forward, and the distance between the two sides is shrinking.

After half a day, the distance between the two sides was only 1.5 million kilometers, and the speed of the enemy ships began to slow down. The main gun was charging and the rain cover was fully opened.

"The commander of the other party is not completely a fool. Seeing their posture is to try to get out and lose the star field."

Qin Baijiang said.

Sun Xiwu: "Well, we first hid next to each other. The enemy's main defense direction must be forward, and they will definitely neglect to defend the rear.

Moreover, this can prevent the enemy from shrinking back. "

So, at a distance of 1.5 million kilometers, the Zhonghua led 31 large warships. One planted in the Lost Stars and hid inside.

On the other side, after a little hesitation, Polk thought of a **** reinforcements fleet behind him, and could not bear anymore, and ordered, "Since there is no abnormality in radar detection. The main gun is charged and the energy shield is fully opened, we will go out. "


So, after half an hour of preparation, this eager pioneer team finally started quickly, headed with several cruisers, and began to leave the Lost Stars.

"Report, everything works. No enemies were found."

After receiving the report, Polk was finally calm.

What he was most worried about was not encountering the enemy. Even if he encountered the enemy, he could still run, as long as he hid in the Lost Starfield and had a route map in his hand. I'm not afraid to be overtaken.

He was worried that once the enemy waited for himself like a turtle array at the exit, it would certainly cause an instant loss.

That's all right, you can rest assured.

"The fleet moved forward slowly, and the radars of all ships were turned on to guard against enemy attacks."

Polk never thought that the enemy would come out of the Lost Starfield, and with an order, the fleet headed deep into the sky.

Sun Xiwu, who was hiding on the edge of the Lost Star Field, was finally relieved, and at the same time he felt a little regretful.

If it had been known that the enemy would advance in this way, you should send a fleet to fight in front of you, and you would ambush here, and finally pinch back and forth.

However, this is just thinking about it.

After all, this is space, if the enemy did not attack then, the enemy would probably run away.

"It is reported that the enemy has left the Lost Starfield and penetrated the Zhennanguan Starfield 2 million kilometers."

The radar officer on the ChinaShip reported.

"Start attacking and go at full speed."

As soon as Sun Xiwu ordered, the main gun began to charge, the energy hood was fully opened, and at the same time the fleet left the lost star field and began to advance at full speed.

2 million kilometers ~ ~ At the speed of warships moving at full speed, it only takes a few minutes.

The distance between the two sides is shrinking.

Soon, the distance was reduced to less than 1 million kilometers.

The radar soldiers of the vanguard of the Principality of Ranks are watching the targets on the radar screen vigilantly, and the brain is urgently analyzing whether each celestial body is camouflage.

Suddenly, a light spot appeared.

"Well, why did a light spot appear behind our fleet?"

"Yeah, this light spot is about the size of two battleship targets, and it's moving fast."

The two radar soldiers are discussing and have not realized that it is a warship. At first they thought it was a strange celestial body, but the next moment, when dozens of light spots simultaneously entered the radar detection area and flashed on the screen.

The two were almost scared to pee on the spot.

"Enemy attack !! enemy attack !!!"

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