Super Tech Powerhouse

Chapter 67: Tesla

After eight years of construction, Lishuping. Now the scale of the small county town has been formed, the streets are orderly, spacious and clean, and the design of each street fully considers the needs of rapid development. Many important intersections even set traffic lights and street lights.

During the daytime, the traffic on Lishuping County's main street is very small. The vast majority of people work in factories and mining enterprises, with only a small number of foreigners, elderly people and vendors.

"Yo, today's newspaper is not easy!"

In the tea house, an old tea visitor was holding a long white beard, holding a four-page newspaper, and applauding loudly, and other tea visitors in the tea house also brought tea bowls together.

The wet and cold weather in the southwest has made the teahouse a distinctive cultural product. Especially after the income of households has increased, the old people who have been fortunate all their lives have been honored by their children. Many people spend their entire lives in addition to bringing their grandchildren. It lingers among tea houses and flower and bird houses. The most talked about is always the great change in Dongchuan District, the Shusheng company and the civic group that is the mayor, and the district government that will now be established.

"You see. The newspaper said that when the Mayor Zhang went to the Huize Elementary School for a secret visit, he actually encountered the elementary school student's rain to greet higher officials. It was ridiculous, the cowardly body of the child, and it was a great time for studying. How can they meet their superiors in such a way that the school administrators are simply corrupting the moral atmosphere. "The old man said angrily.

"Okay! Good! Good!" A tea visitor also looked at the big headlines on the Dongchuan Daily newspaper, seeing the rise, and couldn't help clapping and laughing: "You see, Zhang Mayor severely rebuked many school and county government officials on the spot, They were also allowed to stand in the rain for two hours. Afterwards, not only the principal and the director Ke were dismissed, but the deputy head of the county was also downgraded by two levels, which is very popular. "

"Looking at the newspaper, Zhang District Chief said this: Students are the future of our nation, and they must bear the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation. They must not be short of their minds, and please the perpetrators of such acts in order to act properly."

The tea-speakers chanted loudly, and at the same time read the words on the newspaper in frustration. Every day, this Dongchuan Daily is a highlight in the teahouse.

Nor would they know that a word from Zhang Shusheng in today's newspaper set the tone for similar things in the future. In similar incidents, not only the parties must be held responsible and punished, but officials must also be punished for malfeasance.

"Zhang District mayor is really blue, you see. The second edition of the newspaper also said that when the income is rising, how should people deal with the spiritual civilization issues brought about by the development of material civilization. The truth is that people can only open it up. If the money is more useful, is the county well-built? If it is left to a group of unsuccessful offspring who will bring disaster to the country and the people, it will be better to burn it! "

"Yes. The district government advocates the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. I agree with it. It's not economically possible for the army to fight. The quality of this person must keep up." The tea visitors are all old men. Many district governments have first learned new ideas and words.

"The comment from the previous issue, I think it fits well with this virtue building. It said that national unity and concentration on economic development, but also to guard against foreign enemies. That said not only about us Dongchuan, but also that we are now in China The north has some losses in the south. You said that if Zhang Zong became a big warlord and took over the whole country, it would be great. "

"Who said no, not my race. Their hearts must be different. Little Japan still occupies our Taiwan. What happened? The artillery and people in the north and south are still playing hot. Don't look at how we are doing well in the Dadongchuan area. , Eat well, dress well, and use products that I never dreamed of before, children have school, also waived tuition, and provide lunch. Such things are put in China, and we are the Dongchuan family Now, "said an old man, leaning on the table.

In Zhang Shusheng's jurisdiction, the policy is indeed good. For example, the problem of free tuition and no-nutrition lunch for school. Although the economy has been tight, he has never relaxed, let alone perfunctory. No money to build a cafeteria? Then fix the kitchen first, and even provide students with free lunches even if they return to the classroom for dinner. No money for tableware? Then let the students bring their own tableware, and the school uniformly disinfects them. Now that the sphere of influence is getting larger and larger, in view of the fact that people in some areas first became rich, Zhang Shusheng also ordered the implementation of corresponding regional tax policies and family personal income tax policies, which ensured the wealth of the people and government investment and construction. Development of transportation and education.

People's income is high, with extra money, and they don't have the harsh tax and miscellaneous taxes that were used to crush the dead. They are still very welcome to the Dongchuan District Government's tax policy. After all, no matter how stupid people are, they know how to use taxation for construction and development education.

An elegant old man, it seems that cultural knowledge is not low, "Huh. In my opinion, this world is also chaotic. There are several warlords in a province. Not to mention the artillery in the north and the south. I tell the newspaper. Similarly, slogans are shouting loudly, but how many of them are really for the common people? The common people under their hands, who ca n’t eat or not eat, are busy selling the country to change the alms of the great powers, and give up everything.

"There is nothing we can do. Our world, after the imperial system, there is no end to chaos. The monkeys want to jump to the king, they have to let them jump away, can Zhang District Chief clean up one by one? Who said last time? With our Dongchuan army, sweeping Yunnan is a trivial matter. "

"Zhang District Chief is really capable of seeing the world. Look at the changes in our Dongchuan over the years. Who would not convince him."

"Yeah. I think that Zhang Zhuang just came to our Lishuping. There is only one rotten village here. What about now? In the big county, there are big cars running all over the country, and they can still turn on the lights for five hours a day. . Zhang's army can also fight, a few blows to the two dog thieves Miao Renyi and Wu Xuexian. Fortunately, we won. If we lose, we will definitely return to eight years ago. "

"No, our family went to the square last month to send grandsons to join the army. I, the grandfather, told him that whatever principle is false, as long as he can eat and wear and live a good life every day, he will be honest with the grandfather and me. Go to the army. If you want to go back to the bitter days when you did n’t drink rice porridge even eight years ago, let me talk to the old man. As a result, he is higher than the old man and I said that he was taught by the school. Economic results. Outdated. Outdated ... "

"Hahaha ..." This old man said something interesting, and immediately made everyone in the room laugh.

"Fathers, today I got a new thing for everyone with a lame leg." When tea guests joked and talked about politics, the tea shop owner walked in with a lame leg and the old man limped in his arms. Big paper boxes.

"Yo, younger, what rare baby do you hold?" The tea visitors all noticed the smile on the lame younger man's face that he couldn't hide, why did the younger baby come back?

The lame old man put the box on the counter, everyone saw it clearly, and suddenly exclaimed: Radio! !!

"Fathers, this teahouse business can be regarded as being welcomed every day. This is not the case. My third son is very happy today and paid for a radio for everyone. Bleeding book, just for everyone to drink and have fun in the future. . "

"How much is this? It must be expensive."

"Yeah, I spent most of my savings on it, and I ’m going to open it for everyone today." The lame third-legged is also smiling, he is disabled, if not for this teahouse, he would have died poorly Already.

"Quick, let's show it to everyone. The newspaper the day before yesterday said that our first radio station in Dongchuan has been built, and we will try something new today, hahaha ..."

The teasers were suddenly unhappy, and I didn't expect to see what I had long awaited today when chatting and chatting. Many people can be jealous of this kind of radio, which has only been sold for a long time. It can be seen in the newspaper at both ends for three days. It was sold to Guangdong today. Tomorrow, a Shanghai businessman squatted at the factory door and waited for the goods.

瘸 Lao San is really a thief-like person. The radio actually appeared two years ago. It was produced by Lishuping Electronics Factory in Xiaoqingshan Industrial Zone, but it was only supplied to the coastal area and its sales were not large. This thing is not expensive at the beginning, it still needs a lot of supporting broadcasting stations and the like, and the opening of the radio is just the thing this year.

At the beginning, the electronics factory only solved the problem. The first radio. The electronic tubes are all purchased, and they can only produce some accessories and assemblies. In 1921, the electronics factory invested by Shusheng Company expanded its production capacity and completed the second phase of construction. This was the first time to produce the first practical electronic parts. The electronic tube is a typical representative of them.

Speaking of the technical problems encountered by Shusheng in recent years, this electronics factory is definitely one of the most representative. Although in the past seven or eight years, Xiaoqingshan Technical School has trained many highly practical technical talents, and Southwest University has also followed suit and trained many qualified modern talents, but even so, in returning scholars and foreign nationals In the laboratory of experts and student researchers, it still took a long time to tackle each technology.

Not that the technical difficulty is particularly high, but that there are too many manufacturing problems. Shusheng's production experience in electronics is almost zero, and it costs a lot of money to purchase original equipment from foreign countries. The situation did not change until later, when these devices could be copied.

When the Dongchuan District Government was formed, Zhang Shusheng also set up a broadcasting station with the trend and formed a three-dimensional propaganda network with newspapers. After the jurisdiction was large, policy transfer could not be relied on by the village head to go to each household.

"Zhang, you have to set aside another funding to support this research project. Of course, it is best to set up a laboratory." Wearing an ordinary large off-white suit, Nikola Tesla came with excitement on his face. Zhang Shusheng's office handed him a report. "Edison missed the invention of the tube, and I would not make the same mistake as him."

Tesla was a very persistent person, and since Zhang Shusheng abducted him with a drawing of wireless power transmission in 1918, he had hardly left the laboratory.

The genius scientist found that his previous thoughts that were difficult to pass through experimental demonstrations, every time I talked with Zhang Shusheng a little, I felt a little bit open, some were a concept, some were other ideas, which made him always have an illusion: Zhang Shusheng is a creative genius.

So this real genius ran towards Zhang Shusheng's office for three days and two heads, and his guards were not afraid to lose him, because this genius would only have three places forever: laboratory, home, Zhang Shusheng's office.

Zhang Shusheng was not prepared to give him something too advanced in the beginning, and his own thinking was very advanced.

Only the slightest thing missing in his idea was supplemented, and then the genius suddenly found out that he was only one step behind in many ideas.

"Huh? A solid semiconductor device? Can it be used for signal processing and amplification?" Zhang Shusheng opened the report and froze. Speaking, he also looked at similar information last night, but he temporarily put it down, after all, This thing is different from the tube, but another kind of transistor that is relatively more difficult to manufacture.

There is no shortage of technology here, but there is no one who can convert them into practical technology. Otherwise, they can't create anything by giving them drawings. He clearly remembered that when producing that kind of heavy radio equipment, there were outsourced parts, drawings provided by himself, and the technicians couldn't make it. In the end, the radio patent holder Tesla solved the problem. .

Also, when I later produced the electron tube myself, because the people in the laboratory wanted to carry out a production technology innovation, I was stuck there. I didn't expect to be touched by Tesla. I drew two lines on the process and got it Already. . .

"Well, specifically, its role will be more extensive, especially in terms of processing high-frequency signals. It has an indescribable advantage compared to the tube. For example, the radar theory you asked me to rethink. The tube will be bulky, but if transistors are used in the future, it will be greatly reduced. "

Zhang Shusheng couldn't help crying. After telling Tesla a key piece of data about the radar some time ago, the genius was excited and said that he couldn't afford to eat for a day and lay on the drawings.

As a result, he was very excited to tell Zhang Shusheng: I must make radar, because finally there are some things that Edison can never make, which makes him very happy.

Then he also told Zhang Shusheng that the principle of electron tubes should be used to produce an instrument that can be used to display radar search results.

Zhang Shusheng was happy immediately, thinking that his radar and monitor seemed to be out of order. With this genius to follow, the laboratory's progress must be at least twice as fast.

Moreover, it seems that many patents for televisions are about to be applied for this year. I am preparing to send someone to start first. I did not expect to be caught up by Tesla.

Looking at the material of the transistor, he didn't dare to think about how much this plan would cost ~ ~ It ’s an astronomical number to buy some scarce instruments and other instruments developed by his own electronics factory and machinery factory. He Clapping on the spot said: "Rest assured, Mr. Tesla, as long as the research progress of radar and tube displays can catch up, I can allocate money to build a transistor laboratory alone."

"Relax, Zhang, I have regained my youthful feeling. I have never been as energetic as I am now. I can work 20 hours a day. Poor Edison, besides theory, he will always lag behind me in invention. This year And I can produce results. "

Tesla left happily. Zhang Shusheng called Mao Yunxian and instructed: "You must personally supervise Mr. Tesla's work schedule and diet, and give him the medicines, and let him eat them."

Opening the drawer, Zhang Shusheng came up with a written plan, which is a sub-plan of the second five-year plan. The above is the plan to invest in the construction of several precision machinery processing and precision instrument manufacturing plants within five years. At the current level of Zhang Shusheng's instrument factory, it is far worse than the advanced level in the West, but he is confident in this second The five-year plan fully caught up, and in the third five-year plan, the Westerners were overtaken in terms of precision processing and manufacturing.

He couldn't help but sigh, except for the initial investment figures calculated by the Dreamer after the plan, everything seemed so hopeful that he could do it. (!)

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