Super Tech Powerhouse

Chapter 91: Battle of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guizhou ④

On February 24, 1925, in the fourteenth year of the Republic of China, the founder of the Republic of China, Mr. Sun Yat-sen, died at No. 5 Tieshi Hutong, Dongcheng, Peiping.

All of Sun Yat-sen's life, born in a poor family, studied abroad in Honolulu in his early years. China Alliance was established in 1905. After the 1911 Revolution, he was elected as the interim president of the Republic of China. After more than 10 years of wind and rain, at the invitation of Feng Yuxiang, it was time to travel to Peking to discuss the country. Unfortunately, he died of illness.

With his influence, this death immediately shocked home and abroad. In addition to the national tragedy, important military and political officials from all sides have repeatedly transmitted telegrams. It seems that everyone wants to express their grief at this time, and even people who are not in harmony with him in front of him have sent words to consider The lengthy blackouts.

"Ms. Song Qingling Jian: The bad news came, and the southwest shook. The Prime Minister's life is for the people and the public, and he is cautious for the Northeast Yunnan Defense Supervision Office.

Zhang Shusheng slowly read out a flash of electricity. The simple tens of words made him think about it. Finally, he confirmed once and signaled that Mao Yun could go to generate electricity first.

His arrival still changed a lot. Sun Yat-sen should have died on March 12, 1925, but now it is more than half a month in advance. This also made Zhang Shusheng feel that he did change a lot of things, some were changed, and some may never appear.

For Sun Yat-sen, he did not comment too much. History has always prepared a lot of positions for the heroes, and those who set foot in this position should bear their own responsibilities. His evaluation of Sun Yat-sen in a telegram is a more fair one for the people. As a ruler, there will be good and bad, but he is just a historical passer. Instead of evaluating Sun Yat-sen's merit, it is better to leave it to later people to talk about it after dinner.

He picked up a specially encrypted direct phone on his desk and directly called Zhao Ziyun, deputy director of the Special Intelligence Department of the Civilian Regiment, and Han Weidong, the colonel's highest combat room colonel, and handed the written combat order to the two of them.

"Zhao Ziyun, the Tang project officially started!"

"Ordered the staff to start Tang Jiyao's combat plan immediately. Three days later, Xundian must fire the first shot against Tang !!"



The staff, Jiang Baili, who got the order, immediately picked up the red phone on the table. "I'm Jiang Baili. The district commander has issued a combat order and immediately launched the battle plan for Tang Jiyao. The various departments immediately began the army liaison work."

Xundian, Xuanwei, Guangxi, and other radio waves crossed the distance of thousands of miles in an instant and sent a specially encrypted military order to the military officers of various combat forces.

"Report!" A telegraph staffer took over the super-encrypted telegram in the hands of the telegraph staff, just glanced at the secret level at the beginning, and immediately ran to the second brigade combat center next to it.

"Read!" Chen Jun took a deep breath and finally waited for this battle. After this battle, the militia will have no opponents in the southwest.

"The Zhang Shusheng District Chief of the People's Regiment headquarters ordered: Operation plan for Tang Jiyao be launched immediately."

Chen Jun slaps and slaps him on the table, and the military maps that jumped on top of him are all slightly jumped. "Come, order the heads of regiments, instructors, commanders of artillery battalions, and commanders of armored battalions. . "

However, within two minutes, all the ten or so grassroots officers of the Second Brigade arrived at the brigade's combat room.

"Now read out about the incident of Tang Jiyao's enemy treason and the army's orders against Tang Jiyao's Ministry!"

Chen Wenqing, chief of staff of the Second Brigade, had prepared the announcement document of Tang Jiyao ’s treasonous event and the specific combat order for the Tang Jiyao ’s ministry. There were only three people in the battle plan: Brigadier Chen Jun, instructor Ye Maolong, and chief of staff Chen Wenqing.

At this time, Sun Yat-sen had just passed away for more than a day. Although there was not much grief among the people's corps, there were still some feelings. At the death of such a person who deeply influenced China, the headquarters of the People's League suddenly issued a notice of Tang Jiyao's treason and deployed a corresponding military operation. It was really shocking and furious, and could not help but feel that the high-level preparations of the People's League were sufficient.

"Understand it! The incident of Tang Jiyao's treason will be unanimously condemned by the Chinese throughout China and even the world. As a big Han people, selling national rights to Tatars is really an outrage between people and gods! Instructor Ye, the incident of Tang Jiyao's treason must be Notify the entire brigade of the Second Brigade as soon as possible, unify their ideology and make preparations for the crusade.

Three days later, the Second Brigade will attack Kunming as a fist force. After Chen Wenqing finished reading the battle order, Chen Jun looked around at the crowd, knocked at the table, and briefly talked about this incident. Then he walked to the sand table and the crowd followed, and said: "Between Xundian and Kunming , Just across Songming County. According to the information sent back by the reconnaissance force, with the help of the Japanese, Tang Jiyao's department had a reorganization division in Songming County, and a team of troops in the Zhaobishan area outside the county ...


Early the next morning, Kunming

At Tang Jiyao's Mansion, Okamura Ningji, a Chinese military uniform, was leading Miyai Nagao to discuss military training with Tang Jiyao. Although the Japanese did not directly send troops into the southwest, they sent a large number of instructors and staff in staff, surveying, mapping, and commanding. For example, Taro Asamiya was an active military officer directly dispatched from the active military forces in Japan.

"... The Ombudsman rest assured that the death of Mr. Sun this time is a golden opportunity." Okamura Ningji said inexplicably.

After all, Tang Jiyao is better than this old fox. In his opinion, Sun Yat-sen's death might be more chaotic. But where did he know that Okamura Ningji wished that China would be more chaotic. "What does Mr. Okamura say?"

"When Mr. Sun dies, no matter Feng Yuxiang, Zhang Zuolin, or other warlords, no one can be convinced. China's political situation will certainly fall into a mess." Although Okura Murakami tried to hide his grin, but how The chattering **** Hu on his mouth betrayed him. "The political situation is chaotic and all parties move together. Who can ask the Central Plains? Of course, it is the person with the largest fist, the most troops, and the best equipment. Of course, as long as we guarantee each other The cooperation between them can be maintained beautifully. "

"Supervisor, Mr. Okamura and I are here today, but to congratulate you." Mayor Miyai echoed with a smile.

"It turned out that, Mr. Okamura said that as soon as the Prime Minister went, there were no heads in the country. Naturally, those who were strong and strong could rise up in chaos. It seems that my chance in Yunnan is here!" The reason is that the two Japanese in front of them not only want to show their positions, but also want to march towards a higher power center. "Hahaha ... Mr. Okamura has been thinking too much, hasn't our cooperation been always good? A win-win situation between China and Japan is also a joy. I Tang Jiyao also graduated from your sergeant military academy in his early years. Generation? If I can ask the Central Plains one day, it must be ... "

"Father, the big deal is bad !!!"

There was a rush of running noise, and Tang Xiaoyu's voice rang suddenly outside the door, interrupting Tang Jiyao's far-sighted speech, which made him very displeased, "Hey, what happened."

Tang Xiaozhang pushed in the door and even ignored Ningji Okamura who was sitting in the upper position, panting and said, "Father, father, Zhang Shusheng, Dongchuan District, power the world, said, said ..."

"What did he say !!!" Tang Jiyao suddenly felt ashamed, and Huo Ran stood up and asked.

"Zhang Shusheng energized the world and said that his father and the Japanese signed 13 traitors. The telegram even detailed the main content of the 13 treaties, and the names of two Japanese friends, Okamura and Miyai." After Tang Xiaoxi spoke in one breath, the whole man fell into a chair beside him.

"It's over, it's all over ..." Tang Jiyao, like a dozen or fifty or forty years old, was like a mortal man, Tong Tong fell down and sat back on his chair, but sadly he didn't pass out this time. The terrible consequences of the leak made him dare not even think about death, let alone escape by fainting. . .

"Overseer, since the matter has come to an end, I still want to take countermeasures." At first glance, it was no surprise that Okamura Ningji began to enter the Dian Army, which was difficult to maintain absolute confidentiality. However, his face turned frantic in an instant, as embarrassing as a swollen pig's liver. Zhang Shusheng was not a simple person. Knowing this incident, he could say even the contents of the 13 articles. You must know that this matter is absolutely confidential. .

After half an hour, Tang Xiaoyao regained his spirits after two consecutive strikes, and Tang Jiyao finally recovered his spirit. He couldn't care who was held accountable, and quickly asked Okamura Ningji to come up, "Okamura, how is it good now? ? "

"The Great Japanese Empire had long planned. Zhang Shusheng's move was too nasty. Now only the battle of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guizhou can be launched as soon as possible. You Chinese have a word, and you will be defeated. Since Sun Yat-sen died, then let his fist The biggest Mr. Tang decides China's right to speak !!! "Okamura Ningji said decisively.

"That's the only thing ..." Tang Jiyao muttered.

Although the steps were disrupted, Okamura Ningji, who originally wanted to wait until the Battle of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guizhou this year, calmed down and calmed down, "The Ombudsman rest assured that the Great Japanese Empire is your most loyal friend. In the Great Japanese Empire, Zhang Shusheng was not enough ... "

"Report !!! Emergency call !!!"

A staff officer hurried in, looking very bad, and carrying a large bag in his hand, containing as many as dozens of telegrams.

"Read, all to Lao Tzu." Although it was already hit hard, Tang Jiyao was still in a bad mood and shouted loudly.

The staff officer was stunned and thought hard: "Songming County emergency power, at 6 o'clock this morning, the Zhang Shusheng Department stationed in Xundian suddenly launched a violent attack on the sixth division of my reorganization stationed in Songming. The eleventh independent group of Zhaobishan has been defeated across the board.

Guiyang emergency power. At 6:10 this morning, Zhang Shu's Ministry of Health launched a violent attack on Guizhou Province in the direction of Liupanshui and the border of Guiping and Guizhou. By the time of report, Liupanshui and Liping County had been attacked ...

In addition, there are a total of 78 copies of electricity, special electricity, power supply, and foreign electricity in the country, all of which are condemning the Ombudsman to collude with the Japanese, signing 13 secret treaties, and selling to the enemy ...

"Father, father ... come on, come on ..."

The stunned Tang Xiaozhang and others suddenly saw Tang Jiyao leaning forward like a rock falling on the cliff and hit the ground fiercely.


"... Tang Jiyao, as the military and political leader of one party, ignored the national laws and nations, signed 13 secret treaties to sell the country, and attempted to collude with the Japanese based on national interests, national interests, and people's interests. It is my public enemy in China ... In the incident, the evidence is as strong as a mountain, and you ca n’t be cautious. As the North East Yunnan Defense Supervision Office, you are willing to do everything you can to protect your nation, maintain national authority, safeguard civil rights, and safeguard the Three People's Principles. ... "

"... At the junction of Yunnan and Guangxi, what Tang Jiyao has done today is scolded by the whole world. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese children hate it. Guangxi's thousands of children will follow the example of Zhang Gong and pledge to discuss Tang ..."


Sun Yat-sen just died four days ago, but suddenly such a shocking traitorous scandal not only enumerated Tang Jiyao's traitorous incident, he even announced a series of irrefutable evidences, which took less than half a day to be published by major newspapers. The so-called "information materials from insiders" scrambled to expose Tang Jiyao's traitorous incident.

Suddenly, Da Jiang was caught in a moment of anger in the north and the south. Tang Jiyao actually sold his country? How dare he sell his country? Just after the Prime Minister died, he dared to sell his country.

It was as if a lit match was thrown into a gunpowder barrel. The Chinese people's anger was blown out in an instant, and major anti-Tang demonstrations broke out in all major cities in the east, west, and south.

Whether it is Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beiping, Wuhan, three towns, or Chengdu, Chongqing, Lanzhou, etc., all the cities have exploded anti-Tang parades at almost the same time. Workers strike ~ ~ Student strikes, businessman strikes, various anti-Tang actions, like the dominoes being pushed down from one side to another, from east to west, from south to north, it happened instantly.

In the newspaper two days ago, the so-called Prime Minister's legacy was still being talked about, and such bad incidents have now occurred. This time, it was even worse than Yuan Shikai's traitorous incident, and his anti-Tang momentum was even stronger than when Yuan Shikai sold his country and became emperor.

Not only the civilians, but after a moment's delay, important military and political officials from all over the world reacted overwhelmingly, following the footsteps of northern Yunnan and Guangxi, claiming to use force against Tang! !!

This time, the anti-Tang voice was unprecedentedly neat, and even Zhang Zuolin, who cooperated deeply with the Japanese, also issued an anti-Tang power ...

The voice overseas is not weak at all. Not only overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese, but even European and American countries have sent foreign telegrams, condemning Tang Jiyao and the Japanese for "illegal and opaque cooperation."

The situation was a mess. Just as Sun Yat-sen's mourning operation in Peiping had just begun, the whole country was in great anger after great grief. No one could stand up and clean up the situation.

The entire nation made the same voice: "Down with the traitor ..." (!)

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