"Sun Si...Brother Sun, don't worry"

"Although I won't go to your place, my previous promise to you is still valid."

Zhang Yang knew why Commander Sun was so persistent. If he didn't shed some blood, he would not be able to get through this hurdle.

"Oh, Zhang Yang, you are such a good friend. It's just a pity. I was thinking that if you went to my place, I could still play the role of a good host."

After hearing that the previous method was still effective, Commander Sun was not as persistent as before.

But as Commander Sun said, it was a pity. However

, the pity was not that he could not play the role of a good host, but that Zhang Yang would not go, so he would lose a lot of benefits.

"Commander Sun, you are so polite. I will definitely go there when I have the chance."

"You are welcome anytime, but Zhang Yang, when can we get the things we agreed on before?"

Sure enough, Commander Sun was more concerned about the treasure he was about to get, and Zhang Yang could only be a by-product.

However, Zhang Yang did not argue with Commander Sun, which was also human nature.

"Wait until I get back. I'll let you know when I get back.���"

"OK, let's exchange contact information."

Although Commander Sun was anxious, he also knew that some things could not be rushed.

That's an F22, isn't it normal to need some time to prepare it?

But he also had a new understanding of the power behind Zhang Yang.

This is too strong! It was enough to get F22 and B2 before. It was unexpectedly able to get it later.

It seemed very easy.

Didn't the United States check so many important equipments?

This is Commander Sun's biggest question.

If something like this happened in Longguo, it should have been thoroughly investigated long ago!


Zhang Yang and Commander Sun exchanged mobile phone numbers.

"Minister Qian, do you want me to go back?"

After the incident with Commander Sun, Zhang Yang didn't dare to stay here any longer.

If he stayed any longer, he couldn't guarantee that there would be another Commander Sun.

Everyone here is a big shot, and facing these big shots, Zhang Yang is still a little stressed.

If he had a choice, Zhang Yang still didn't like to hang out with these big shots.

"Sure, I'll have someone take you back to the camp."

Deputy Minister Qian didn't object. He didn't want something like Commander Sun to happen again. He also regretted calling Zhang Yang here.

If Zhang Yang hadn't seen what happened today, he wouldn't have come up with such a crazy idea.

Still playing with a real machine?

He's just asking for too long.

At this moment, Deputy Minister Qian didn't understand what young people like Zhang Yang were thinking.

Isn't it good to live a good life?

Why are you so eager to reincarnate?

Zhang Yang left, and the exercise continued.

Otherwise, Deputy Minister Qian would have left with Zhang Yang.

The exercise hasn't continued yet, and Deputy Minister Qian needs to be on the scene in person.

What was the result?

Domestic equipment How big is the gap between our equipment and the world's top equipment?

This is the issue that Vice Minister Qian is most concerned about.

Modern warfare is fought with speed.

Speed is of the essence in war.

Especially in the dogfight of fifth-generation aircraft, the outcome will be decided in a very short time.

The exercise entered the third hour and the exercise was officially over.

The fighter jets of both sides have returned one after another.

The final result was that the Ghost Blue Army had only three F22s left, ending the battle.

And the Flying Eagle Red Army, all 10 Qian-20s sent out were killed.

Such a result was a bit unexpected, but it seemed to be within everyone's expectations.

"The performance of Qian-20 is still there, but the gap is still there." (To read the novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The military leader was the first to comment.

And it was also the finishing touch.

In one sentence, he thoroughly summarized the problems revealed by this exercise.

Others also gave positive responses.

"Yes, the Qian-20 has made significant progress in recent years, especially in terms of power system."[]

"Indeed, after the Qian-20 was equipped with domestic engines, its endurance and supersonic flight time have been greatly improved."

"There was no comparison before, but now we have to recognize the gap between us. Our engines are still inferior to others."

"Yes, we are developing, and others are also developing, but this gap still exists."

"This requires our generation to work harder to narrow this gap."

"If we can get the engine technology back from the United States, we should avoid many detours."

The person who said this was an expert in aviation engine technology.

As soon as this was said, everyone couldn't help but look at Vice Minister Qian.

This was a series of events that happened recently, which caused everyone's subconscious behavior.

The expert's words seemed to sound like a beautiful vision, but everyone agreed that it was not impossible to achieve.

And the hope of realization lies in Vice Minister Qian.

"I'll go back and ask, I can't guarantee it will work."

With so many people watching, Minister Qian knew that he had to express his opinion.

"We know that it is always right to give it a try."

The military leaders once again made the final decision and also made a final summary of this exercise.

"Okay, we have seen what we should see.

The gap is here, and everyone should be aware of it.

In the future, we should summarize and practice more.

In the future, everyone's task is to work hard to narrow these gaps.

Whether it is in terms of technology or skills,

I hope everyone will work hard in both aspects."

"Got it, Chief, we will try our best"

"After we return, we will do targeted training"

"We will also increase investment in research and development to narrow this gap in a targeted manner."

Everyone present responded one by one and expressed their determination.

This exercise did bring a new experience to their senses.

It also made them realize the gap.

Although the gap is not as big as imagined, no one dares to relax.

And they have made up their minds that after returning, they must make more efforts and try their best to shorten this gap.

Even to surpass, people can't be complacent.

Since there are such good conditions in front of everyone, what reason do you have not to surpass?

Although it may not succeed, as long as you work hard, you will have no regrets in your heart!

As a soldier, you must have no regrets in your heart.

This is not in vain to come to the army.

As everyone dispersed, this military exercise has officially come to an end.

This military exercise can be said to be a happy and sad one!

The people of the Flying Eagle, their faces are now blacker than the bottom of the pot.

The people of the Ghost Blue Army, their faces are full of pride.

After all, the Ghost Blue Army has been established for less than 3 months, and they can achieve such results, which is also worthy of their pride.

PS:Please give me flowers, evaluation votes, and a full approval.

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