"Zhang Yang, how is my lithography machine?"

"When will the goods arrive?"

Before he figured out what happened before, Zhou Tai's next words shocked Wang Nan.

Wang Nan was not from a primitive society. He was familiar with the photolithography machine. After all

, there is a shortage of chips everywhere. As the main tool for producing chips, it must be reported frequently. Especially the development of Longguo's chips has been stagnant. Everyone deeply understands a truth: if you are weak, you will be strangled and beaten, and you can't even resist. Zhang Yang squinted and glanced at Zhou Tai,

"Do you think this is cabbage that can be bought easily?"

"Are you getting impatient after just a few days of waiting?"

"How about I return your deposit and you go find someone else?"

"No, please don't, I'm just asking casually, just pretend I didn't say anything, just pretend I didn't say anything."

When Zhou Tai heard that he wanted to return the deposit, he immediately became timid.

Zhou Tai's dog-licking look once again blinded Wang Nan's dog eyes.

Is this the way a prince of a 100 billion enterprise should be?

Just a few words from his best friend actually scared the prince like this?

Today, Wang Nan felt that his three views were about to be shattered.

Wang Nan's eyes kept jumping between Zhang Yang and Zhou Tai, and he felt that he had to get to know the two people again.

In the end, Wang Nan couldn't help but fix his eyes on his best friend Zhang Yang.

"Zhang Yang, what's going on? What is the lithography machine you are talking about?"

"It's okay, I just got a photolithography machine and sold it to them."

Zhang Yang didn't plan to hide it, because he knew that this matter could not be concealed, and sooner or later it would be known to others.

After all, a mysterious photolithography machine suddenly appeared in Longguo.

This is a strategic material, and it is impossible to keep it secret for a long time.


"Where did you get it?"

"What is the accuracy?"

Wang Nan suddenly became extremely excited, his mouth was like a loaded machine gun,


Zhou Tai, who had been silent at first, couldn't help but answer one of Wang Nan's questions first.


"Are you crazy?"

"Aren’t there numbers for things like this?"

"How could I be stranded outside and let you bring it to Longguo."

This time Wang Nan was completely crazy, he rushed to Zhang Yang and grabbed Zhang Yang fiercely.

Don't blame Wang Nan for this.

What does the 2nm lithography machine represent?

He knew it very well.

This is the embodiment of the crystallization of the entire Blue Star industry, the most advanced thing.

The most important thing is that such things are embargoed to Longguo.

Longguo can't buy them even if it wants to.

Not to mention that Longguo can't buy them, even if they can buy them, it will take two full years from placing an order to delivery.

It can be seen how tight this 2nm lithography machine is.

Now he heard that his best friend got one, Wang Nan felt like he was dreaming, it was too unreal.

"Calm down!"


"It's just a lithography machine, there's no need to get so excited."

After much effort, Zhang Yang finally managed to break free from Wang Nan's clutches.


After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Wang Nan also calmed down.

Compared with Zhang Yang's calmness, Wang Nan felt that his own style was too low.

He felt like a clown. It was very embarrassing.

"Well, don't ask me anymore. I won't tell you if you ask me. Anyway, I have my own channels, just like the gold you want."

Zhang Yang was also embarrassed by Wang Nan. He had no choice but to say a few more words.

"Don't think I'm that powerful. I'm just a middleman who helps people deal with things that are not allowed to be seen in public."

In order to reduce his sense of existence, Zhang Yang had to give himself an identity to make things more reasonable.

As for whether others believe it or not?

Will they check the person behind this?

Zhang Yang didn't care.

Because they couldn't find out even if they checked, what was there to worry about ?

""Okay, I won't ask anymore, okay?"

Wang Nan finally gave up asking further.

He knew his best friend.

As long as Zhang Yang didn't want to say it, don't even think about prying a single word out of him.

Zhou Tai was also disappointed. He refused to tell such important information.

But it wasn't a complete failure. At least he knew there was someone behind Zhang Yang, and he was just a middleman.

When he got home, he would ask his dad to check and see if he could find out who was behind Zhang Yang!.......

"You go back first!"

"You need to wait two months for the lithography machine you want"

"Come back in two months!"

Zhang Yang waved to Zhou Tai.

Zhang Yang always felt uncomfortable with a stranger around.

"Okay, I won't bother you two anymore."

Zhou Tai is not stupid, he can definitely see that it's so obvious that he is trying to drive away guests.

Zhou Tai is also a very tactful person, he immediately stood up and said goodbye.

After sending Zhou Tai away, not only did Zhang Yang feel much more comfortable, but Wang Nan also relaxed a lot.

He started gossiping.

"Zhang Yang, how much did you sell that 2nm lithography machine for?"

Zhang Yang said nothing, but held up two fingers.

"200 million?

Although Wang Nan was familiar with photolithography machines, he had never heard of their specific prices.

In his opinion, 200 million was not cheap to buy a machine.

"You can boldly guess upwards."

"It can’t be 2 billion, right? It’s impossible, right? It’s so expensive?"

Wang Nan began to doubt his life.

"Be bolder."

"Not yet? ?"

Wang Nan blurted out, his pupils dilated.

In the end, Wang Nan gave up guessing and admitted defeat!

"I can’t guess, this is completely beyond my imagination, you better tell me!"

"In fact, your guess of 2 billion is very close. The total price is 2.2 billion, not counting the 3 million deposit paid before."

Zhang Yang did not continue to tease Wang Nan's appetite, and told the truth.

"2.2 billion? ? ?"

Although he had a rough guess, the number of 2.2 billion still shocked Wang Nan again.

From a best friend who couldn't find a job and was forced to go back to inherit the scrapyard to a best friend of a 2.2 billionaire, Wang Nan really couldn't accept such a leap.

Of course, Wang Nan would not have any hatred of the rich because of this.

After all, his own family conditions were not bad.

Although it couldn't be compared with Zhang Yang now, it was better than the worst!

Wang Nan was still a very easy to satisfy person.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have become best friends with Zhang Yang.

After all, in the past, there was still a big gap in status between Zhang Yang and Wang Nan.........

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