
"Zhang Yang, open the door!"

Before 10 o'clock the next day, there was a violent knock on the door.

Zhang Yang, who was still half asleep, woke up from the constant knocking.

With hazy eyes, Zhang Yang opened the door.

He couldn't help yawning.

"Who is it?"

"Who do you say I am?"

"Oh, you're here!"

Hearing the familiar voice of his best friend, Zhang Yang finally became more alert. He also remembered that his best friend had informed him last night that he would come to escort the 100 kilograms of gold today.

He just didn't expect it to be so early.

For Zhang Yang now, as long as it's before 12 o'clock, it's considered early.

After Zhang Yang and Zhao Yan parted ways last night, he played games until three o'clock. If he didn't sleep until 12 o'clock, he really couldn't make up for the lack of sleep.

"Okay, the things you want are there, take them away by yourself. If there is no problem, just transfer the money to my account. You know my account number."

Zhang Yang pointed to the 100 kilograms of gold placed in the living room, and then returned to the room without looking back, continuing his dream.

As for the 100 kilograms of gold, Zhang Yang had already taken it out after receiving Wang Nan's call last night, and casually placed it in a corner of the living room.


Wang Nan's face was once again filled with black lines.

This is 100 kilograms of gold.

According to the current gold price of 400 yuan per gram, this is a transaction worth 40 million.

Is 40 million not as important as your sleep?

Besides, aren't you an agent?

Have you ever seen such an irresponsible agent?

Aren't you afraid that someone will steal your goods? You can't explain to the upstream party?

In addition, with so much gold left like this, aren't you afraid of attracting thieves?

Not to mention finding a safe to put it in, you have to find something to cover it, right?

Where to put it when it's so bare.

Wang Nan couldn't understand when his best friend started to become so arrogant?


Looking at the door that had been closed again, Wang Nan could only shake his head and sigh!

Then he turned around and went back outside.

"Come in, everyone!"

When Wang Nan came in just now, he asked the escort to wait outside and come in when notified.

Wang Nan had good intentions, thinking that Zhang Yang would put the gold in a safe or some secret compartment, which is indeed not suitable for outsiders to see.

Who would have thought that Zhang Yang would just put

100 kilograms of gold in the living room without even covering it.

Wang Nan felt that he was a little too self-indulgent.

""Pack the stuff!"

After bringing the escort in, Wang Nan pointed to the pile of gold in the corner and pouted angrily.


In fact, the escorts were normal people.

When they saw the 100 kilograms of gold they needed to escort was placed casually in the living room, they were all stunned.

It was just their professionalism that made them sober up quickly.

Of course, they would not say a word of nonsense.

As an escort, keeping their mouths shut is their basic quality.


100 kilograms of gold were put into 10 special boxes, each box with 10 kilograms.

Then each escort used a pair of handcuffs to handcuff the escort's hands to the box.

This is the standard escort process.

It can be said that people are there, and life and death are shared.

In a few minutes, Zhang Yang's living room was emptied again.

Wang Nan did not forget to help Zhang Yang close the door.

Zhang Yang continued his dream, while Wang Nan returned to the warehouse of the Haicheng Branch of the Import and Export Company with 100 kilograms of gold.

This warehouse is not simple, and the precious metal warehouse inside can be compared with the bank's vault.

In short, the security measures are very strict.

And Wang Nan's destination for this escort is the precious metal warehouse here.

After the escort vehicle entered the warehouse, Wang Nan's immediate superior Wang Dingtian was already waiting there with a group of people.

And this superior was the one who sent Wang Nan to Africa to pan for gold.

And after Wang Nan reported to Wang Dingtian yesterday, Wang Dingtian also took it very seriously.

Wang Dingtian was also very lazy.

As long as the gold was in good condition and not stolen or robbed, who cares where it came from!

As long as he can successfully complete the task assigned by the head office, that's fine.

At this moment, Wang Dingtian was followed by the company's precious metal testers.

Their task was to test whether the 100 kilograms of gold that Wang Nan brought back was genuine and what was the purity?

"Wang Nan, you did a good job this time."

Wang Dingtian praised Wang Nan without hesitation.

Then he waved to the inspector behind him.



The group of inspectors also took action immediately.

They asked the escorts to send all the gold to the inspection room.

They would inspect each piece of gold there and put corresponding labels on it.

Half an hour later, the inspector in charge of this inspection task appeared in front of Wang Dingtian again.

"Mr. Wang, after testing, the purity of all gold has reached 99.99%, and it can be directly stored"

"Very good,"

Wang Dingtian nodded vigorously, and his eyes looking at Wang Nan became much more fiery.

"Wang Nan, you have done a great job this time. As long as you get the remaining 200 kilograms of gold back, you will be promoted and get a raise."

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, I will hurry up."

Wang Nan also quickly agreed.

Wang Nan was not particularly eager for a promotion or a raise.

As long as he was not sent to Africa to pan for gold, he would wake up laughing in his dreams.

Africa is really not a place for people to stay.

Not only is it chaotic, but the conditions are also terrible.

Wang Nan would never want to go to that kind of place again after going there once.

"Okay, put all the gold into the warehouse, and then submit a report with the exact weight of the gold to the finance department."

Wang Dingtian instructed the person in charge of the inspection.

Before leaving, he did not forget to turn around and tell Wang Nan:

"Give your classmate's bank account to the finance department, and I will arrange for her to transfer the money."

Wang Dingtian is very smart! He knows very well that if he wants to make the next transaction, the payment speed is a decisive factor.

Wang Dingtian also wants to complete the next transaction quickly!

As long as he fails to complete the task of the head office, he will not be able to sleep well.

"Mr. Wang, I'll go and hand it over in a moment."

Wang Nan nodded and agreed.

Even if Wang Dingtian didn't tell her, Wang Nan would not forget it.

After all, his best friend Zhang Yang trusted him so much that he threw gold worth more than 40 million yuan to him.

No matter what, Wang Nan had to take responsibility to the end.

This way, he would not disappoint his best friend's trust.........

PS: I routinely ask for flowers and evaluation votes. Thank you for your support.

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