When everyone thought that the Shengming Optoelectronics incident had been settled,

ASLM Longguo Branch spoke out again

【After confirming with the head office and a major customer, Shengming Optoelectronics' purchase channel is definitely fictitious.

In view of Shengming Optoelectronics' dishonest behavior, with the consent of the head office, our company will terminate all cooperation with Shengming Optoelectronics.

In the future, Shengming Optoelectronics will also be added to ASLM's blacklist, and neither we nor our partners will provide him with any lithography machine in the future. 】

This announcement was immediately reflected in the stock market.

Shengming Optoelectronics, which had been on the board for three consecutive days, immediately opened the board, and the number of transactions increased by 10 times. There have been serious differences among people on the stock of Shengming Optoelectronics.

Some people pay more attention to the information of ASLM, and some people pay more attention to the authority of the Securities Commission.

After a fierce confrontation, it was still a tie in the end, and the stock price fluctuated between 0% and 1%.

At this time, Zhou Bingkun was already annoyed by the people of Longke Institute and the import and export company.

So he didn't care about the stock price at all.

Zhou Bingkun didn't sell his shares to cash out, and the stock price fluctuations didn't affect him much, so he didn't bother to care.

The people from Longke Institute and the import and export company were asking about the source of the lithography machine, but Zhou Bingkun didn't want to tell them.

After all, it was related to the future of Shengming Optoelectronics.

However, Longke Institute and the import and export company repeatedly assured that they would not leak it to other chip companies.

Even if they bought it, it would only be used for research purposes.

After repeated consideration, Zhou Bingkun decided to ask Zhang Yang's opinion first.

If Zhang Yang agreed, he would give it to him.

If Zhang Yang didn't want to, he would never tell him.

Zhou Bingkun found a place where no one was and called Zhang Yang.

"It's endless. Didn't I tell you to come back to me in two months?"

After the call was connected, Zhang Yang's impatient voice came immediately.

Zhou Bingkun felt helpless, as if he was being shot.

Even though he thought he was innocent, Zhou Bingkun didn't dare to show his face to Zhang Yang.

He had to be cowardly.

"Boss Zhang, I don't mean to disturb you, someone wants to see you."


Zhang Yang replied without any emotion.

"People from Longke Institute and Import and Export Company"

"Got it, let them come over!"

Zhang Yang knew that this day would come sooner or later, so he didn't refuse.

There was an aircraft carrier in the inventory!

What else can this thing be used for except handing it over to the country?

Zhang Yang didn't dare to sell the aircraft carrier everywhere!

For such a thing, Zhang Yang thought that he was thin and short-legged, and was weak, so it would be safest to secretly hand it over to the country.

"OK, I got it"

"Then I won’t bother you anymore!"

"Wait a minute, if the people from the import and export company want to find me, let my old classmate Wang Nan come over. Wang Nan is from their company."

""Okay, okay, I'll convey your message to them."

Zhou Bingkun responded hurriedly. He was envious of Wang Nan.

Zhang Yang was paving the way for Wang Nan.

Wang Nan would definitely be able to thrive in the import and export company in the future.

However, with Zhang Yang around, even if he didn't work in the import and export company, it wouldn't be bad.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Bingkun appeared in front of the people from Longke Institute and the import and export company again.

"How is it?"

Seeing Zhou Bingkun coming back, the people from Longke Institute and the Import and Export Company immediately surrounded him.

Regarding this matter, the people from Longke Institute and the Import and Export Company were more nervous than Zhou Bingkun.


Zhou Bingkun nodded slightly.

If it were anyone else, Zhou Bingkun would definitely try to control himself.

But he didn't dare to do that to these people.

Because if they said something, Zhou Bingkun might fall into an irreversible situation.

"Not bad."

The people from Longke Institute and the import and export company couldn't help but smile.

Now that they had obtained the desired result, they were no longer as excited as before. It seemed that everything was as they expected.

Because there were not many people in this world who could refuse them.

"There is one more thing I want to say. That is what the other party meant."

Zhou Bingkun spoke again slowly.

"Please speak."

The people from Longke Institute and the import and export company said in unison.

"This was specifically instructed by the other party. He had a classmate named Wang Nan who worked in an import and export company. He hoped that the import and export company would let Wang Nan go if they wanted to see him."


The eyes of the people from the import and export company lit up, and they agreed immediately.

Not only did they not feel offended, but they were even more surprised.

It is not said in vain that it is easier to get things done if you have acquaintances.

This saying is true everywhere.

Seeing this scene, one can clearly see the word"envy" on the faces of the people from Longke Institute.

He secretly made up his mind that after meeting that person, he would immediately check if this person has any connections in Longke Institute.

It doesn't need to be a close relationship.

It's okay if they are close enough.

Such an advantage cannot be taken by the people from the import and export company.

"This is his address and phone number."

Zhou Bingkun didn't waste any words, he wrote down Zhang Yang's address and phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to them.

"Oh, by the way, his name is Zhang Yang, Zhang as in bow length, Yang as in flying."

Finally Zhou Bingkun realized that he had forgotten to tell them Zhang Yang's name, and immediately added:

""Okay, thank you for troubling me this time, Mr. Zhou. We'll leave first."

Since the things are about to arrive, the people from Longke Institute and the import and export company are a little impatient to fly to Haicheng to meet the mysterious middleman.

They also learned from Zhou Bingkun that the person they are looking for is just a middleman.

As for the person behind the scenes, Zhou Bingkun said he didn't know.

When Zhou Tai came back before, he also encouraged Zhou Bingkun to investigate who was behind Zhang Yang.

Needless to say, Zhou Tai was beaten up because of these words.

Such an unreliable son must be beaten.

Zhou Bingkun didn't want his son to be so stupid. How could the person behind the person be so easily found by you?

Wait a minute, if the person is not found, but Zhang Yang is angry, then it will be a loss.

As long as he can buy the lithography machine, Zhou Bingkun doesn't care who is behind the scenes!


After sending the people from Longke Institute and the import and export company away, Zhou Bingkun breathed a sigh of relief.

Dealing with these people was more tiring than a day's work for him.

But he had to stay with them all the time.

After all, he couldn't afford to offend any of these people......... ps: Just asking for flowers and evaluation votes

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