October 9th was the day for the issuance and subscription of Shengming Optoelectronics' convertible bonds.

After the efforts of the secretary and the issuing underwriters, and with the full cooperation of the Securities Commission.

Shengming Optoelectronics completed all the processes at the speed of light, and very smoothly opened the subscription within the time limit required by Zhou Bingkun.

The opening of the subscription means that the raised funds will be in place soon.

The availability of funds also means that the construction of the production line is on the agenda.

In fact, the construction has already started in advance.

As a necessary condition for a chip production line, a dust-free workshop is required.

And the construction of a dust-free workshop is very time-consuming and labor-intensive.

So in order to ensure the progress of construction, Zhou Bingkun had to embezzle other funds first and let people start the construction of the dust-free workshop first.

When the time agreed with Zhang Yang arrives, the funds raised can be used to pay for Zhang Yang's 10 lithography machines. At

9 o'clock, the stock market has not yet opened, and the stock bar of Shengming Optoelectronics is currently hotly discussing one thing.

"Is there a conclusion on whether Shengming Optoelectronics is a scam?"

"The day for convertible bond subscription has arrived, but I don’t know whether to buy it or not?"

"I still believe ASLM's words more. Since other manufacturers have blacklisted Shengming Optoelectronics, it is impossible for Shengming Optoelectronics to buy a lithography machine anyway."

"I thought so too. It was obvious that the manufacturer was not going to sell it anymore, so how could Shengming Optoelectronics appear out of thin air?"

"I will not apply for the subscription. Only a fool would do so. Isn’t this the same as throwing money into the sea?"

"The largest convertible bond abandonment this year has already occurred. I’m afraid the underwriters won’t be able to cover it this time!"

"If Shengming Optoelectronics' convertible bonds can be issued successfully this time, I will wash my hair upside down."

"Don't be so absolute. I bought it. I have taken a screenshot and am waiting for someone to wash their hair upside down."

"What are you afraid of? I just subscribed. Don't forget that Shengming Optoelectronics has the support of the Securities Regulatory Commission."

"Yes, who does the Securities Commission represent? It represents the country. Should I trust a foreign company instead of my own country?"

"I will just apply for it. No matter what others say, the money is mine. I am willing to lose it.".........

The next day, the results of the lottery were announced.

Some were happy and some were sad.

Those who received the winning information quickly prepared enough cash balance to wait for the deduction. Those who did not receive the information could only sigh and blame their bad luck.

However, the winning result of Shengming Optoelectronics still blinded everyone's eyes.

Shengming Optoelectronics' stock bar was boiling again.

"Those who said they gave up purchasing please stand up. Why is the winning rate only 0.00123%? Doesn’t that mean no one is buying?"

"This is a 30 billion convertible bond, and I didn't win a single one. I am in tears...."

"I thought no one would buy it, I could finally win a few more numbers, I didn’t expect I’m still young"

"This is the first time I have seen such a winning rate. I have never seen so many people buy a convertible bond."

"I suspect that those who said they would not buy were deliberately trying to confuse people and win more tickets."

"Be more confident and remove the word"doubt""

"I despise those who curse Shengming Optoelectronics while secretly applying for subscription."........

Such comments not only appeared in the stock forum, but also went viral.

There is no way, this is unprecedented and has a lot of topics.

Those financial self-media are like dung beetles that smell something, how can they easily let go of this opportunity?

【The convertible bond with the lowest winning rate in history has been born. Let me share its past and present with you.】

【Seeing the winning rate, no one dared to believe that this was a 30 billion convertible bond.】

【A controversial convertible bond has been so popular. Is it a moral decline or a distortion of human nature? ? 】

Eye-catching headlines appeared on major platforms.

It seemed that overnight, the entire financial industry was discussing this matter.

The small group of the chip giant was also discussing this matter.

"This Zhou Bingkun is really good, he actually raised money for him"

"Is it so easy to cheat investors of their money? It is so obvious that this is a scam, but it is still popular."

"Having cheated so many investors out of their hard-earned money, wouldn't Zhou Bingkun feel guilty? @周炳坤"

"You talk to an entrepreneur about conscience, is this your first day in society?"

"The reason why Zhou Bingkun succeeded this time was that he got the Securities Commission to support them."

"What tricks did Zhou Bingkun use to move the Securities Association? Even Long Petroleum doesn't have this power, right?"

"You all oversimplify this matter. There must be some secrets we don't know that made the Securities Commission do this."

"Yes, I believe this secret will be revealed soon. There is one thing you may not know: Shengming Optoelectronics' expansion plan has already begun, and the clean room has already started construction."

"I also received internal news that the clean room has indeed started construction. It is really getting more and more confusing."........

Shengming Optoelectronics,

"What do you think?"

While everyone outside was talking about Zhou Bingkun, he was sitting in the conference room with a sad face, discussing countermeasures with the company's senior management.

Yes, Zhou Bingkun was in trouble.

And this trouble was not small.

And these troubles were the sequelae caused by the news released by ASLM before.

Obviously, ASLM did not want to let Shengming Optoelectronics go so easily.

Just now, when Shengming Optoelectronics placed orders with some other equipment manufacturers and wanted to purchase a batch of equipment.

But they were told that Shengming Optoelectronics had been banned by the entire chip industry.

All equipment manufacturers will no longer sell a piece of equipment related to chip production to Shengming Optoelectronics.

This is not the worst.

The worst thing is that upstream raw material suppliers and silicon wafer suppliers have sent letters, saying that after completing the existing orders, they will No more orders from Shengming Optoelectronics will be accepted.

For Shengming Optoelectronics, losing silicon wafers is like a person losing oxygen, it is directly ruined.

For the current Shengming Optoelectronics, it can only be described as being surrounded by enemies on all sides.

It can be said that from the establishment of Shengming Optoelectronics to the present, it has never encountered such a big crisis as the current one.

To put it bluntly, it is in danger.

Shengming Optoelectronics may become history at any time.

In the conference room, no one spoke except for the sad faces.

Because the difficulties faced by Shengming Optoelectronics now have exceeded the scope of their ability to solve.

If they can't buy equipment, the worst thing is to stop the production line to be expanded.

Now even the raw materials are gone, what else can they do.

There is no better way except waiting to die.........

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