"Alice, go and call Mr. Gower, the Dragon Country calligraphy and painting appraiser."

James thought about it and still felt that he should first let the appraiser appraise the authenticity of the"Biography of the Court Instructress" in the display cabinet.

Then decide how to deal with those media.

As long as it is fake, it can't be real.

If you rely on deception this time, and then find out that the display cabinet is fake, it will be exposed sooner or later.

Once it is exposed, it will be really hard to defend yourself.

""Okay, I'll notify Mr. Gao to come over right away."

Alice was also at a loss now. She responded and quickly walked aside to call the appraiser Mr. Gao.

Gao Er, the appraiser of Longguo calligraphy and painting, also came over soon. He was a Chinese from Longguo and a full-time appraiser of Longguo calligraphy and painting at the Daying Museum.

He was in charge of all the appraisals of Longguo calligraphy and painting.

Gao Er also saw the news on the Internet.

This was why he came so quickly.

Gao Er also wanted to know whether the"Biography of Women" in the Daying Museum was real or not?

Was it possible that it had been replaced?

And what was the plan of the Longguo National Museum?

"Mr. James, here I come"

""Very good, Mr. Gower, you should have known the matter. I'll leave the rest to you."

James said, making a gesture of invitation.

Then he nodded to Alice, signaling her to open the display case.

Alice immediately understood and quickly opened the display case with the key.

"Mr. Gower, please"

""Okay, thank you Ms. Alice."

Gore first thanked Alice, and then began to focus on his work.

He opened the glass door of the display case and carefully took out the"Biography of Female Historian".

Then he carefully rolled up the painting.

The appraisal will definitely not be done in the exhibition hall.

The conditions do not allow it.

The Big Eagle Museum has a special appraisal room for appraisal.

It has all the equipment needed for appraisal.

Even the most advanced carbon-14 test can be done inside.

After rolling up the painting, Gore ran to the appraisal room with the painting without stopping.

And James followed closely behind.

Life or death depends on the appraisal result, how can he not keep an eye on it?

And Alice hurried to catch up and ran at the back.

Wherever James goes, she goes.

Gore came to the appraisal room and immediately started the appraisal work.

"no problem"

"No problem."

Every time Gore finished appraising an item, he would draw a conclusion.

James, who was standing aside and watching the entire appraisal result, was in a better and better mood, but also more and more confused.

Since the"Biography of Female Historian" in the Big Eagle Museum is real, it means that the one in Longguo must be fake. There can't be two identical"Biography of Female Historian" in the world.

However, there is one thing that James can't figure out no matter how hard he thinks.

The appraisal level of Longguo National Museum in calligraphy and painting is the world's leading, and no one can match it.

But why?

Why didn't they find out that the painting was fake?

And it was announced with great fanfare.

James can already foresee that with the release of the appraisal results of the Big Eagle Museum, the Longguo National Museum will become the biggest joke in the museum world.

Thinking of this, the corners of James' mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly, and the smile on his face could hardly be suppressed.

Half an hour passed,

"This is the result of the appraisal."

Finally, Gore finished the appraisal of all items and handed a complete appraisal result to James.

The result was not surprising. The painting was real.


After receiving the appraisal result, James felt relieved as if he had taken a hundred-year reassurance pill.

As long as he threw the appraisal result in front of those reporters, he could send them away.

And he could severely slap the face of the Dragon National Museum.

"Gore, come with me to meet the reporter"

"Alice, you return the painting to the display case."

James walked in front with his head held high, holding the appraisal result.

Gore hurriedly followed.

Alice immediately rolled up the painting again and prepared to return it to the display case.

Outside the museum, a large number of reporters still surrounded the museum's exit.

Dozens or hundreds of people were aiming at the entrance of the museum.

If it weren't for the strong security of the Great Eagle Museum, the consequences would be disastrous.

With the appearance of James, the group of reporters also began to get agitated.

Those holding microphones squeezed forward with all their strength, trying to grab the most advantageous position

"Mr. James, what is your response to the rumors in Longguo?"

"Mr. James, may I ask, did the Great Eagle Museum really return the"Biography of the Court Instructress" to the Long Kingdom?"

"Mr. James, did you take bribes and then sell the items in the museum?"

James had just arrived at the door, and immediately a series of very sharp questions came one after another.

However, James was not panicked at all.

With the imperial sword in his hand, what was there to be afraid of?

""Everyone, be quiet!"

James waved his hand.

The reporters seemed to know that shouting would not solve the problem, and they all fell silent.

James was very satisfied with the performance of the reporters.

"I have also paid attention to the information from Longguo. I don't understand why Longguo Museum released such information.

Our Daying Museum has not returned the"Nu Shi Jin Tu" to Longguo. The painting is still lying in the display cabinet of our Longguo Museum.

It is impossible to return it. It has never happened before and will never happen in the future.

I can tell you very responsibly that the"Nu Shi Jin Tu" in our display cabinet is the real one."

Then James shook the appraisal result in his hand,

"This is the appraisal I just asked Mr. Gao Er, the chief appraiser of Longguo calligraphy and painting in Daying Museum, to do. Our paintings are the real ones."

"Oh, my god."

Surprised voices came from the reporters one after another.

There was no way, the incident seemed to be getting more and more explosive.

From James' words, everyone seemed to have realized one thing.

Since the one in the Eagle Museum was real, the"Nu Shi Jing Tu" in Longguo must be fake.

"Words are not enough. To make everyone believe that I am not lying, I will open the Dragon State Pavilion later so that journalists can go over and take photos of the"Biography of Women".

James spared no effort to prove his innocence......... ps: I am begging for flowers. If you guys are still watching, please give me some.

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