"Is it the Haicheng Naval Base?"

After hanging up the phone, Commander Gao immediately used the red phone to call the Haicheng Naval Base.

Although Commander Gao was the commander of the Haicheng Military Sub-district, he was under the command of the Army, while the Haicheng Naval Base was under the command of the Navy, so it was not under Commander Gao's jurisdiction.

Otherwise, Commander Gao would not be unaware that this special situation did not exist at all.

The ships his men encountered were from the Haicheng Naval Base.

"This is Haicheng Naval Base, who is this?"

"I am Gao Ze, the commander of the Haicheng Military Sub-district. I have an emergency and need support from your naval base."

"Commander Gao, I'm afraid we can't help you this time. Our ships and people are on a mission."

"All of them?"

At this moment, Commander Gao began to panic.

If there was no support, what would happen to Zhang Yang?

Transfer from other places?

Impossible, distant water cannot quench nearby fire.

By the time they arrived, the daylily would have withered.

"How is it possible that there is not a single one left?"

"Commander Gao, yes, this is an emergency mission assigned by the higher-ups, and the mission level is also the highest, so the entire fleet has been dispatched."

Because of confidentiality, the person who answered the phone could only tell Commander Gao this much.

"What should we do? We have a very high-ranking person who is in an emergency at sea and needs rescue urgently."

Commander Gao said this, obviously he was a bit sick and wanted to seek medical treatment.

"Commander Gao, I can give you a suggestion"

"Please say"

"Commander Gao can try to contact the Coast Guard. They are well-equipped now, so saving one person shouldn't be a problem."

"Yes, how could I have forgotten about them? Thank you.

Commander Gao stopped talking nonsense, hung up the phone at the naval base, and immediately called the Coast Guard Base.

The red phone is easy to use, and it can be dialed smoothly there, and no one dares to ignore it.

The duty leader of the Coast Guard Base personally answered the call.

"Which one?"

"I am Gao Ze, the commander of the Haicheng Military Sub-district. I have a key target of our army in danger 100 miles offshore, so I request your coast guard department to rescue him."


The duty leader of the Coast Guard Base was a little confused. This was the first time he had seen such a situation.

The Coast Guard and the military were two different systems.

Generally, military matters would not be brought to the local authorities, but usually they would be solved internally.

Besides, didn't Haicheng have a large naval base?

Why didn't they go to the navy, but came to him?

This was what he couldn't understand the most.

"We originally wanted to ask for help from the naval base, but the naval base also had an emergency mission today, and the fleet was dispatched, so I came to ask you for help."

Commander Gao also realized what the other party was hesitating about, and quickly explained

"This goal is very important and will play a decisive role in the future development of the entire Dragon Country.

Please do not hesitate, I ask you to set off immediately and bring appropriate weapons to ensure the safety of our goal."

""Okay, please report the target sea area, we will send a ship there immediately."

The base leader also heard the seriousness of the situation, so he did not dare to hesitate any longer.

The fact that a military sub-district commander called in the middle of the night to ask for help, especially since the call was made through a red phone, shows that the urgency is beyond doubt.

Soon, the only two ships of the Coast Guard base set off, and were equipped with appropriate weapons according to Commander Gao's requirements.

The duty leader also attached great importance to it and sent the best Coast Guard unit of the base.

Commander Gao was not idle either, and immediately called Deputy Minister Qian again.

But it was obvious that Commander Gao's call was a little late, and Deputy Minister Qian was now floating on the sea.

How could he receive Commander Gao's call?

""Platoon leader, what is that?"

Two nautical miles from Zhang Yang, those who had come desperately to protect him had already spotted the huge monster in front of them.

"Aircraft carrier?"

"But why is there an aircraft carrier here?"

"Has our aircraft carrier come to Haicheng recently?"

"It doesn't look like our country's aircraft carrier. Where is it from?"

"Don't worry about it. Remember our mission and do our best to protect the safety of our target. Other things are not our concern."

The square-faced platoon leader in charge of this mission gave everyone a lecture, but he immediately took out the satellite phone again and reported the situation here to 01.

After all, such a big thing as discovering an unidentified aircraft carrier must be reported.

This is his basic duty as a soldier.

"What is this?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this moment, Zhang Yang was confused.

He had already spotted a speedboat approaching him quickly from another direction.

In less than 2 minutes, the speedboat docked next to Zhang Yang's boat.

"Mr. Zhang, don't be afraid, we are here to protect you."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded, and several figures jumped onto his boat. After a closer look, Zhang Yang knew what was going on.

Because he saw an acquaintance.

Don't think that Zhang Yang can't recognize this person just because he changed his clothes.

This acquaintance is the square-faced waiter Zhang Yang had met in the western restaurant.

"Why are you here?"

"Are we here to protect you?"

"You guys have been following me?"

Zhang Yang's face was full of disbelief.

He didn't expect that someone would follow him even though he had already run to such a remote place.

Is it necessary to be so dedicated?

Zhang Yang also began to get scared.

He was afraid that his secret would be discovered.

After all, it was not easy to explain how such a huge aircraft carrier appeared so quietly!

"We are following you 20 nautical miles away."

However, fortunately, the next words of the square-faced man also gave Zhang Yang a reassurance.

At a distance of 20 nautical miles, even with an eight-fold scope, you can't see the situation here clearly, right?

"Mr. Zhang, let's leave here quickly, it's dangerous here."

The square-faced man glanced at the fleet approaching, and said to Zhang Yang anxiously.

"Danger? What kind of danger is there here?"

Zhang Yang was a little confused.

Zhang Yang had just spoken to Vice Minister Qian again on the satellite phone and had confirmed that the fleet that kept approaching him was Vice Minister Qian and his men.

If it weren't for Vice Minister Qian and his men, there would be no need for the square-faced man to come and urge him. Zhang Yang would have run away long ago.

Zhang Yang cherished his life more than anyone else.

"There are a lot of unidentified ships approaching, so I suggest you evacuate immediately."........

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