Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1291: do not worry

After grinning and squeezing his fists, Teacher Shi calmed down after all.

Come on, the ghost knows why there are so many weird waves and magnificence in life, anyway... resistance is definitely not resistance, so it can only accept it.

"Could it be...this old American man's belt, fragrance?"

Muttering in his mouth, a trace of determination flashed in Shi Dali's eyes, obviously he had made up his mind in his heart.

After that, he started looking for toilet No. 9 without any delay.

To talk about the task card, it must be strictly enforced, otherwise, if you make a mistake for a long time, then you are really wronged.

But to say that Morse University is indeed very humane, although Shi Dali has never been here before, but according to the signs and clear signs, it is really smooth to find the No. 9 restroom.

The next thing was very simple. After entering the door, Teacher Shi began to wait with a smile on his face.

It's not the first time anyway, so I must have experience.

And this time, Shi Dali specially prepared a few knots of hemp rope, which was considered thoughtful.

Originally, he wanted to buy a few new ones, but this place was not familiar, and it was really difficult to find them, so he could only use this rope to make a living.

I think if I meet the understanding American people, I will definitely not care about these things with myself.


At the same time, a van stopped at the gate of Morse University.

The three old men carried their bags, and breathed out at the same time after getting out of the car.

"Thank God, I finally came back."

The head of a double chin with a silly look, the old man lifted his pants with both hands after he finished speaking.

"Why is there such a pervert in our country, I still feel terrible when I think about it."

"Yes, but it's safe now, and God bless us never meet that **** again."

The other two old men also spoke out one after another, and obviously the emotions of the three were similar.

"Wait a little while before leaving, I want to go to the toilet, because that **** bastard, I forgot to go to the toilet."

Suddenly, as if suddenly aware of this, the double chin stopped and said to the two people around him.

"I want to go too."

"me too."

In this way, after reaching an agreement, the three old men walked together.

The situation is exactly the same as the double chin said. At that time, because of the unexpected situation at the airport, the few people who had to go to the bathroom were all held back. Now they are back to the familiar campus. Just came back.

Even if it was in a hurry, the three of them chose toilet 9 with a better environment.

With hearty laughter, the three of them entered together.

But the next moment, their smiles froze on their faces, because just across from them, stood a man with the same smile.

And the appearance of this man is almost the same as the devil in their hearts.

This person, naturally, is the Shi Dali who made a special trip to wait for.

"Uh...what a coincidence."

Similarly, Teacher Shi is also confused, why are these three old men again?

Even if you like wool, you can't catch a sheep desperately, which is very embarrassing.

" are a devil!"

His double chin was pale, and the two old men around him shrank into a ball, almost shouting in his mouth. is no wonder they are so terrified, it is such a **** scene that seems to appear in a dream, actually happened to them.

"Hahaha, don't be nervous. Everyone has met each other. Why don't we let go of our previous misunderstandings and have a good chat?"

To alleviate this embarrassment, Shi Dali laughed twice, and then said.

However, the double chins on the opposite side of them shrank back again and shook their heads together.

"Let us leave immediately, otherwise we will call someone."

A trembling voice sounded from his double chin, full of grievance and anger.

This is already Moss University. Simply put, this is their home. But who knew that he was using the toilet in his own home and encountered this abnormality again.

"Who is calling? I'm talking to you well, you still have tempers!"

With a cold face, Teacher Shi felt that things shouldn't be too late and couldn't delay any more time.

Otherwise, if it continues like this, it will really attract more people, and it will really make things uncontrollable.

Sure enough, as his attitude changed, both of their chins softened their legs, and they continued to shrink back.

"You...what do you want to do?"

"Ahem, it's not the same, it's just a pair of trousers belts, you can just give it to me, everyone is still friends, you can drink tea, chat, you see... I will take all the ropes for you coming."

With a dry cough, Shi Dali told his plan.

After he finished speaking, he continued to smile and took out the rope.


Ten minutes later, he came out of the bathroom contentedly. Teacher Shi felt that the result was quite satisfactory.

Several elderly people may also have experience, so this time the process went smoothly. He had put things in his pocket in ten minutes, and the task was considered a complete success.

It was almost as soon as Shi Dali walked on his front foot, and several old men rushed out directly behind him, with tears still hanging on his face.

Everything that happened on this day must be the darkest memory in their lives.

"Immediately notify the school security team, we must catch him, we must catch him, this matter must be known to everyone!"

The double chin almost thumped his chest and his feet, roaring in his breath.

This kind of thing is really outrageous, his dignified Morse University professor has actually been subjected to such humiliation... and it is still twice!

Especially now, he can basically be sure that the guy just now is in Moss University, so there is no reason to let him go.

"Yes, to sacrifice our reputation, we must catch him!"

"Yes, let it go."

The proposal of double chin, the other two directly agreed.

In this way, the three rushed directly to the school security office.

At the same time, Teacher Shi looked at another task card, and he was still very happy.

Although this thing is sometimes not very reliable, sometimes it is quite reliable.

Bell Bell Bell...

Just then, the phone rang.

Seeing that it was Zhou Zilong's number, Shi Dali directly connected.

"Brother Dali, how about you? Are you still in the bathroom?"

Immediately, Zhou Zilong's voice sounded from the other end, making Teacher Shi feel depressed.

If you are still staying in the toilet, then the designated brain is a bit problematic.


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