Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 132: Quite atmospheric

On the security team's side, Guo Li went directly to the door of the captain's office after receiving Shi Dali's call.

After a rather difficult hesitation, she knocked on the door and went inside.

However, about five minutes later, Guo Nuxia walked out disappointed.

She was right. Shi Dali's request would not be allowed at all, especially since Jin Beihai and Yang Tianlin were both important guys. It was too difficult for him to meet as an ordinary person.

Quite unhappy in her heart, Guo Nuxia mumbled in her mouth.

She didn't like the feeling of hitting a wall, especially before leaving home, it was called a smooth wind.

But it doesn't work anymore. She can say so solemnly that she will come out and do a career on her own, so these things must also be faced.

Shi Dali's call came in again at this moment.

"No, I just asked, don't think about it anymore, wait until I do more..."

When the phone was connected, Guo Nuxia said directly, without any polite meaning.

"Do you have time now, I have something important to tell you."

Teacher Shi's voice was suppressed very low, and then said.

"whats the matter?"

"It's hard to tell on the phone, you come here first, I opened the room..."

Waiting for Shi Dali to finish speaking, Guo Nuxia only heard the word "open room".

"Boy, are you trying to seduce me? Believe it or not, I used scissor feet to blast your head? Besides, you're so big."

Listening to Guo Li's ridiculous tone, Teacher Shi almost yelled at the phone.

"I'm telling you business, come here quickly!"

But it is true that there is no time to joke now, so Shi Dali's voice is still serious.

"Well, let me come here."

Thinking about it, there is really nothing to do at this moment, so Guo Li agreed.

After the two people hung up the phone, she hurried to the hotel that Shi Dali had said. Finally, after entering the room, she looked at Shi Dali, who was sitting on the sofa and staring at an old computer. Guo Li was inexplicably interesting.

"Don't you see that you are still a very atmospheric person, open a room to watch old movies?"

"Guo Nuxia, you look at this thing first before talking."

With a wave of his hand, Shi Dali directly dragged Guo Li to sit next to him, and then directly started playing.

In the previous time, he struggled to find such a computer with an old-style optical drive, and after thinking about it, he still thought it would be better to open the room to figure out the video, so he got here.

It was also evident that Shi Dali was solemn, so Guo Li reduced her expression and turned her gaze to the computer screen that was already playing in front of him.

Very vague surveillance video, it looks like it should be the lobby of a certain hotel, but there are a lot of people coming and going, and everything is going on in an orderly manner.


When Guo Li stared for a few minutes and found nothing wrong, and wanted to ask Shi Dali to understand, Teacher Shi directly paused the video.

"Do you see anything?"

"What do you see? No, where did you get the stuff? Call me here in a hurry to see such boring things?"'s eyes widened, Guo Li really didn't understand.

However, Teacher Shi was not in a hurry at all, instead reaching out for a figure in the picture.

It was a man in a black jacket with a baseball cap covering his face completely, and he was entering the stairwell.

"This person, there is a problem! From the moment he appeared in the picture, he avoided the capture of the camera, and why did he go into the stairwell? I think... it should be the reason why the stairwell is not monitored!"

Shi Dali's tone was quite certain. When Guo Li didn't come, he had read this paragraph several times, so he found such a small detail.

"So? Mr. Sherlock Holmes, what are you going to tell me?"

Guo Li, who was completely outside the situation, almost threw the pillow next to Shi Dali's head in anger.

"It's no wonder that you can't be the captain like this...This video was taken by surveillance in the lobby of the Catharly Hotel that night when the fire broke out ten years ago, understand?"

At first, he whispered, then Shi Dali said seriously.

When he finished saying these words, the pillow in Guo Li's hand fell directly to the ground, staring at Shi Dali as if he had seen a ghost.

"This is... the video of the lobby of the Kaiserly Hotel? Not... where did you come from!"

Finally, she got up and stared at Shi Dali and asked.

"I found it, and it doesn't matter how it came from. You can quickly confirm for me whether there is any problem with the surveillance video, whether you can find some clues to the murderer, and the most important point... can you be Captain?"

Teacher Shi has always been a straightforward person, so what he said is quite straightforward.

There was only a beating in her heart, and Guo Li felt as if a huge surprise had hit her suddenly.

Earlier, he casually mentioned Catherine Hotel to Shi Dali on the phone, but this guy came out like this.

God knows how many investigative teams of the security team have been searching for this thing in ten years, and then it suddenly popped up today and got into their hands...

Trying to control the excitement in her heart, Guo Li quickly became calm.

Although her character is very popular, there is no doubt about her ability to do things!

So let’s put the matter of the captain aside. The most important thing now is what Shi Dali said, to figure out whether this video is the monitoring of the Kaiserly Hotel!

At the same time, she also looked at the black jacket man Shi Dali said.

After understanding the source of this video, watch it again... She also felt that something was wrong.

"Go back, play again, I'll take a closer look."

A deep voice sounded, Guo Li seemed to have a different person, and the posture of concentration made Teacher Shi hurriedly do what she said.

In other words, people are also professional, so I can cooperate fully at this time.

In this way, after watching this disc back and forth for almost seven or eight times, Guo Li slowly said.

"The person you are talking about is likely to be the murderer, but there is only the video in the hall. He avoided the camera again, so he can't see what he looks like! But this is already a huge surprise, I will go back to the security team now Follow up..."

The deep voice, with regret, was about to get up in the end.

However, Teacher Shi grabbed her again.

"What are you in a hurry! Who said there is only this one camera recording? All the surveillance recordings of the Kaiserly Hotel that night are here! I think we can definitely find that guy!"

While speaking, Teacher Shi directly handed the bag next to Guo Li's hand.



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