Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1332: So delicious

"God bless!"

The muscles all over his body were trembling, and the old man almost couldn't help laughing again.

For this moment, he has really waited for a long time, even he once thought that he could not wait for this moment.

But God really opened his eyes and gave him such a chance to make this cup of medicine.

Taking a deep breath, his eyes became serious, the old man turned around and went to the toilet.

In this case, I still can't delay too much time, go to the toilet as soon as possible, and take medicine after returning.

In this way, continuing to stagger, the old man went to the toilet at the back of the yard.


It was almost that he had just entered the backyard here, and there was a knock on the door in front of him.

But it's a pity that the old man definitely can't listen to it. After all, the dwellings on the American side are so big that they can't listen to such a little movement.

As for the person who knocked on the door, naturally it was Teacher Shi who was smoking and firing a cannon.

The driver just threw him here, he didn't linger for a second, and he ran away without asking for money.

Teacher Shi was also helpless, but he didn't have time to explain anything, so he found the 900th residence after following.

According to the requirements of the task card, he now has only five minutes left.

Fortunately, the driver didn't delay much time on the road. If he delayed a little more time, he might really miss it.

But now, Teacher Shi knocked on the door politely, but there was no movement inside.

"anyone there?"

Later, Shi Dali asked again.

But still the same as before, without any response.

"It one should be."

Muttered to himself, Teacher Shi immediately confirmed this.

He had just come all the way, he also understood that this place is really too big and too poor.

So in broad daylight, if the owner is out to work, it is normal that there is no one in the house.

Nothing happened. After knocking on the door again without responding, Shi Dali could only jump over the wall and jump in.

"I'm really sorry, I don't want to be like this..."

As both feet fell, Master Shi whispered while observing the surrounding situation.

Shi Dali was really not comfortable with this kind of overcoming the wall, especially when there was no one in the house, it would appear very embarrassing.

This is also true, so he is already prepared, and after he will take the things, he will leave the money for others as compensation.

Of course, because it was a mission upgrade card this time, Shi Dali didn't think that things would really be that simple.

It is very likely... something much more complicated than he imagined will happen.

Speaking of this courtyard, it is really simpler than Shi Dali imagined.

At least, it's not like the two-story buildings in the Americas, but rather a Chinese style building, like a courtyard house.

"Is the owner here...a Chinese?"

Naturally, Shi Dali had such an idea in his mind.

But it was exactly the same, so he became relaxed. After all, it was not easy to see a courtyard house in such a place.

So, where is the so-called cup of the Pocket God?

After shaking his eyes from side to side, Shi Dali quickly determined the location of the living room.

Then, Teacher Shi walked straight over and moved the corners of his mouth slightly after seeing the recliner at the door.

Even the recliner has something like that, so eight achievements are Huaxia.

But where did people go?

"Forget it, go in and have a look, look for a cup!"

After checking the time again, Shi Dali redefined his goal.

Then the soles of the feet were very gentle, and Teacher Shi went into the living room. It took him almost 30 seconds to observe the general situation.

So naturally, Shi Dali finally turned to the cup.

The reason why I was able to determine it directly was this, because there was really only one cup in the room, and there was no other one.

Step by step towards the cup, Teacher Shi was quite calm. To say that this is really a temperament that has been cultivated for a long time, otherwise it is unreasonable to walk forward so slowly as the time is approaching.

In the end, as he completely stood beside the cup, Shi Dali's eyes focused on the thing in front of him.

Speaking of this cup, there is nothing special about it. It feels like ceramic, a bit of purple sand, but the whole is more delicate.

And the cup contains some water.

"Don't worry about it, just put it in your pocket, leave the money to others, a shouldn't be so valuable."

According to his own judgment, Shi Dali had a rough estimate of the value of this cup, and then he uttered a word, and then he put the cup up.

There is no doubt that the cup with water cannot be stuffed into the pocket, otherwise the whole pants will get wet.

So it was natural that Teacher Shi wanted to pour out the water in the cup.

It happened at this time when he smelled some very special fragrances.

The scent, if you describe it simply, is like a faint tea scent... But the whole is more refreshing than the tea scent.

After a slight pause, Shi Dali followed to confirm that this fragrance came from the cup in front of him.

"Is this a book of tea? It smells good."

There was a feeling of bright eyes, Teacher Shi muttered, and thoughts in his heart.

To be able to stay in such a courtyard house in America, then the owner must have a deep knowledge and understanding of Chinese culture.

This kind of people will undoubtedly have good tea, such as the cup of tea in front of you...Although it is said to be cold, it is absolutely extraordinary from the taste.

Coupled with the smoke billowing along the way, Shi Dali's voice was really dry.

So, how about drinking this glass of water?

Just a glass of water, there is no problem if you want to come, especially if this is in someone's home, and you will never think that you will come, so the possibility of poison in it is very small.

In this way, after the thoughts in his mind flickered, Teacher Shi drank the contents of the cup directly.

Not to mention, as the liquid went down from his throat, the strange scent began to ferment directly from Shi Dali's belly, as if every pore on the whole body was cheering.

"This thing is delicious too!"

It was from the bottom of his heart, Shi Dali's eyes lit up, and he spoke subconsciously.


Just at this moment, a voice came from the door.


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