Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1431: key

How could I expect to see such a scene suddenly, even if Teacher Shi has experienced a lot of battles, he is still shocked, and then the whole person backs off subconsciously.

Fortunately, as the light gradually spread, the shadow disappeared a little bit, and finally disappeared from the room completely.

Is it just a projection of light and shadow?

In Teacher Shi's mind, he quickly made a judgment, and he couldn't think of other reasonable explanations for the scene before him.

But if it's really just to cast an image, then the question is... why is this?

Shi Dali still doesn't know who Selta is. The only thing that can be determined is that this guy has a very high status and has not returned for a long time, so the grape fairy can successfully bind his identity card to Shi Dali.

So, he doesn't know where to go, why bother to make such a light and shadow projection in the office?

It's almost as if the brain is sick!


After taking a breath and making sure that there was nothing strange in the house, Shi Dali stepped in.


As he entered the room as a whole, the door behind him closed gently.

In a closed environment, the human body is always uncontrollable and nervous, but because the light in the room is relatively sufficient, Teacher Shi feels slightly relaxed instead.

It was just that his gaze was completely subconsciously aimed at the position of the light and shadow before.

Next to the window is a chair. The back figure was on this chair before. Looking at it now, there is only a key left on the chair.

Almost at the moment when he saw this key, Shi Dali understood the meaning of the previous light curtain. There is no doubt that the person who set up this light and shadow wanted to let people who enter the house discover this key. It seems that there is no other reasonable explanation.

"Serta... who the **** is?"

Frowning slightly, Shi Dali leaned forward while talking to himself.

Of course, out of a cautious relationship, Teacher Shi did not pick up this key. He knew very well in his heart that he knew absolutely nothing about Sterta, so he still had to be careful in this room. Just work.

Especially since the other party has such a high level of authority, his identity in this school is bound to be unusual, so it is very likely that the institute will also be an absolute high-level on the eighth day.

In this case, the danger here can be imagined.

However, he looked at this key carefully, and there is nothing special about it. A simple glance can confirm that it is indeed the key, except for the bunch of letters on it.

Relying on a reasonable level of English, Shi Dali determined that these letters should mean sirta.

In other words, this key belongs to Stara.

Inexplicably relieved, Shi Dali, at the very least, is now sure that he has not gone wrong. This is indeed Stirta's office.

Then, still having no choice to pick up the key, Teacher Shi turned to sit next to the computer.

According to the original plan between him and Grape Fairy, after he entered this office, he was going to use the computer of Sta to investigate things about Pangquail.

Time is running out and no one knows what accidents will happen, so it’s important to get things done quickly.

The subsequent process went smoothly, the computer was turned on directly, and the system checked and confirmed the identity.

The binding of the identity card had already been completed, so as the page jumped, Shi Dali knew that he had entered the system.

After a pause, Shi Dali began to look up the name of Pang Quail in the system, but the search failed, which means that the name Pang Quail was not found in the school's internal system.

Could it be that the previous guess was wrong?

Pang Quail didn't enter the school, or did she have nothing to do with this school? frowned slightly. This result made Shi Dali a little confused about what to do.

But soon, another thought came to Teacher Shi's mind.

Pala pala...

With the sound of the keyboard, Shi Dali began to look for items about robots.

The result really seemed like a surprise. Several secret folders jumped out. From the title, it can be judged that it is really related to the robot transformation.

"Haha, it was here."

With a happy grin, Shi Dali muttered to himself.

Then, subconsciously he wanted to open the folder in front of him.

As a result, this time, a red exclamation mark popped up on the screen, and at the same time, it prompted the need to open the key.

There is such a safety protection?

Even though Shi Dali had experienced many battles, he was a little uncomfortable at this moment.

However, as prompted by the light, he saw a small black box next to the computer. There was indeed a keyhole on it. In other words, if he wanted to see the secret file, he had to open it with the key.


After a short pause, as if a flash of light flashed in his mind, Shi Dali suddenly turned his head and looked at the chair by the window.

Yes, there was a key there, and when he opened the door, the light and shadow reminded him that there was a key there.

Inexplicably, Shi Dali had a strange feeling in his heart, which suddenly occurred, which was beyond restraint.

What the **** does this Srta do?

The same question reappeared in his mind, and finally Shi Dali walked to the key, and then reached for it.

I was thinking about not touching this thing, but I couldn't avoid it.


Without hesitation, as Shi Dali inserted the key into the hole, a clear voice sounded.

Then, the computer screen began to flicker.

Then, the secret file was opened.

"It's really the key to this computer..."

After murmured in his mouth, Shi Dali shook his head and looked at the screen, but before he saw the contents of the secret folder, a message board popped out.

The first sentence on the message board made Teacher Shi like a lightning strike.

"Mr. Shi Dali, hello."


In an instant, Shi Dali felt that his brain was not enough.

How could it... know your name?

Subconsciously, he thought this thing was sent in real time, or a camera was hidden somewhere in the room.

Or... he fell into a trap?

However, as Shi Dali looked at the content behind the note, all of his guesses and thoughts were dispelled.

Because under this simple greeting is Stirta’s narrative...

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