Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 146: Get angry

A pot of hot water?

Question marks popped out of everyone's minds, and they were a bit unresponsive to what Shi Dali was preparing to do.

"Are you planning to wash your face and calm down?"

The fat expert laughed again and asked vigorously at Shi.

However, Teacher Shi ignored it, instead looking at Song Hongtu's side.

"Chairman Song, please give me a pot of hot water, thank you."

Song Hongtu's attitude towards Shi Dali was quite friendly, especially as the vice president of the Anbei Cultural Relics Research Association, Shi Dali was specially invited by him, so he immediately arranged arrangements after hearing this.

Soon, a pot of hot water arrived in front of the judges.

Fu Bowan didn't say anything, his eyes were suspicious, and he didn't understand what Shi Dali was preparing for.

In this way, under everyone's gaze, Teacher Shi put the old porcelain that he just bought in hot water.

Quite simple action, leaving many people at a loss.

Why put things in hot water? It looks like an old fake, can it be said that there will be any different scenes in the water?

"Hehe, I'm looking forward to it, what tricks you can make."

Continuing to ridicule, the fat expert is obviously determined to do this thing to the end.

As the porcelain was put into the water, Shi Dali sat on the chair, saying nothing, quietly looking at the porcelain in front.

Time passed by, and after a few minutes, some people became impatient and started to yell below.

"What are we doing? We are here to participate in the appraisal meeting, don't we plan to continue?"

"That's right, this kid doesn't understand anything, so what is he tossing about?"

"Hurry up, let him go!"

The successive voices sounded, making Zhang Shouye smile with satisfaction, but he didn't mean to drive Shi Dali away, especially since the porcelain was already in the hot water, so he was also very curious about what this kid was going to do next. Why?

Is it embarrassing enough? Or is it a mystery?

Fu Bowan also frowned. Just when he couldn't help but want to stop Shi Dali's behavior, suddenly he saw something different on the porcelain.

A certain piece, which he judged to be deliberately old, has fallen off!

It was like a little dirt, sliding off the top of the porcelain, and then melted into the hot water.

Why is this happening?

In a completely sluggish state, Fu Bowan felt that the scene before him was beyond his imagination.

Being able to stand to where he is today in the entire antique business, he has also experienced many things that others have not experienced, especially this pair of eyes rarely misread.

But the scene in front of me has never been seen before.

Regardless of other things, Fu Bowan stared straight at the porcelain in front of him, watching the dirt on it melt into the water, and then reveal the things below.

The scene did not know when it started, and suddenly entered a kind of silence.

Almost everyone's eyes are staring at the pot of hot water in front of them.

Song Hongtu's hands began to tremble slightly, and his breathing became rapid. He was not a newcomer anymore, on the contrary, he could be called an old player, but the thoughts that came out of his heart at this moment could not be believed.

In the end, when all the old traces disappeared from the porcelain in front of me, then the whole venue was completely silent. stared straight at the seemingly new porcelain, and Fu Bowan almost bit his tongue.

He is an expert, so as an expert, you can be sure... this thing is a piece of Yuan Qinghua, a rare treasure that has never been recorded before!

For this kind of object, he has really studied too thoroughly, so he has absolute confidence that he can't make a mistake.

But he couldn't accept this result.

Before starting from him, and then to several other experts, all of them categorically said that this thing was fake, and they kept mocking Shi Dali.

The result is now a pot of hot water, but it has refreshed their worldview.

The chins of the fat experts were trembling, and it took a long time for a nervous voice to sound.

"This... Is this Qinghua? Teacher Fu, what do you think?"

An unsure sentence, however, made Fu Bowan almost find a seam to drill in directly.

His complexion was so ugly that Fu Bowan didn't know how to answer, especially after thinking about this baby slipping away from his hand and then falling into Shi Dali's hands.

That's fine, but he made a bet with Shi Dali before, so he will definitely pay the 100,000 yuan.

I spent money to give a priceless blue and white to Shi Dali, and everyone in the future will know how embarrassing he is, even if he wins... and pays for others!

That kind of indescribable frustration made Fu Bowan feel like a fire in his chest, almost depressed to death.

At the same time, everyone below the venue watched the reaction of the judges in surprise.

"Blue and white? Is that really blue and white?"

"Oh my God...really! The priceless blue and white?"

These voices made Zhang Shouye anxious immediately, but this kid turned very fast, and the cold light flashed in his eyes, he immediately wanted to give Bowan a little signal, and think of a way to determine that this thing is a fake. Then destroy it!

After all, the most authoritative expert in this place is Fu Bowan, so he only has to insist that this is a fake, and no one else can say anything.

Then look for a chance to ruin it, then anyway, the things are gone, the big deal will pay him 100,000 yuan.

But before Zhang Shouye could respond, suddenly Chairman Song walked quickly toward the door.

"President, you are here!"

With such a simple sentence, everyone immediately turned their heads to look.

An old man with pale hair was walking quickly towards the front.

Mo Yuqing was stunned. She had never seen this old man, but from Song Hongtu's reaction she immediately guessed that this should be the president of their association, Kang Suming, who had never met before!

I had long heard that Chairman Kang rarely paid attention to the affairs of the association, and Mo Yuqing didn't even know that he came to today's appraisal meeting, but he did not expect it to appear at this moment.

"Where is the blue and white?"

Kang Suming, who entered the door, didn't mean to say hello to anyone at all, and directly asked Song Hongtu.

From this sentence, he can also tell that he came here because Song Hongtu informed about Qinghua, which was the only thing he was worried about now.

"The front is right there!"

Song Hongtu didn't dare to delay at all, and said to Chairman Kang while hurriedly leading the way.

Zhang Shouye stood by and looked at the scene in front of him, his expression ugly.

He knows that it is really troublesome now!



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