Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1481: This is cheating

To tell the truth, Shi Dali was shocked when he saw this elephant.

Is this something human can do? He caught an elephant directly.

If it is not certain that this is indeed a person in front of him, Teacher Shi thinks that some monster may have participated in the competition.

Of course, as an observant elementary school teacher, as he approached him for observation, Shi Dali had already determined that the elephant in front of him was transported, and he was definitely not hit today.

Why would someone directly send the elephant over? Teacher Shi didn't understand this question, but that's the truth.

Therefore, he took the initiative to lean in at this moment, also wanting to inquire about the reality.

There is no doubt that this is cheating!

However, the primitive tribe man who was dragging the elephant forward, when he heard this, he directly lashed out at Shi.

"Get out of here, you useless kid."

Although it was another emphasis by Ji Ligulu, Shi Dali could fully feel the complex emotions, disdain, pride, and excitement in these words.

Then, before Teacher Shi could make any response, an entire tribe in the valley greeted him.

"Moha is invincible, Moha is invincible!"

"The first place belongs to the sun never set!"

Obviously, the appearance of this elephant has made the people of this tribe completely crazy.

The poisonous insects brought the lion here before, and it has indeed brought an unimaginable shock to the big guys, but now some people have killed an elephant with their bare hands, and as primitive people living in this land, they are completely sure that this is one. Adult elephant.

God, how could this happen!

Killing the lion can be called terrible, but killing the elephant is definitely a miracle.

This can be basically heard from the cheers at the scene. Almost all primitive people felt that the first place should belong to this hunter named Moha.

The poisonous insects and the sunflower tribe can't get the first place.


Finally, as the prey was completely put down, Moha's face was completely smiled.

"No way, I met this elephant without knowing how to live, and I killed it."

These words made the primitive people who didn't have much saneness even more crazy, and even some guys took off their clothes without knowing what they were thinking.

As for Shi Dali, there was a contempt in his heart watching this scene.

It's really shameless, it's an elephant who was sent over, so shameless to say it belongs to him.

Despise, it should be despised!

However, Teacher Shi thought about it again.

Why would there be other forces participating in a hunting contest belonging to primitive tribes?

The ability to transport elephants is definitely not something primitive tribes can do, and this is indeed an adult elephant.

It sounds like this Moha is awesome, but in fact, if he wants to kill an adult elephant, dozens of them are not enough for him. After all, if this big guy rushes up, the destructive power produced is beyond imagination.

So, what kind of power is it?

What is the purpose of this?

Just as Shi vigorously pondered this, the poisonous insect's heart sank to the bottom.

He has made all preparations to meet his own first place, but who knew that such an accident had happened. First of all, he also questioned Moha’s ability. With such an awesome presence, he can only handle a male lion. Why can this kid be so stupid to kill an elephant?

So, from one point above, he can be sure that Moha is definitely cheating!

Moreover, he has some knowledge of this wasteland, there are really no elephants near this valley!

The elephant colony is still more than a day away. How could this kid go out and come back within a day, and then bring back an elephant?

Thinking of this, the poisonous insect roared directly.

"Cheating, this is cheating, the elephant must not have been hit by him, there is no elephant here."

The rebuttal of the poisonous insect is very advantageous.

However, no one listened to what he said, these primitive people seemed crazy.

Obviously, in their minds, there is still no clear concept of questioning. Anyway, the elephant seen by the eye is more impactful than the male lion.

"I am number one!"

The more I thought about the poisonous insect, the more depressed, so he jumped up and shouted, trying to attract everyone's attention.

Not to mention, his approach really made the scene look at him, and his thoughts spread immediately.

Suddenly, the canyon began to talk.

Especially the guy named Moha, staring at the poisonous insects as if trying to rush up.

However, as the big ghost elder of the cannibal tribe stood up, the voice began to calm down.

"As we said, just look at who brings back bigger and heavier prey, so there is nothing to question. Moha's is the first."

When he said this, it was a conclusion of the matter. After the poisonous insect understood it, he almost couldn't hold back and punched the old guy in the face.

I really thought it would be awesome to have some bones on your neck. Believe it or not, Mr. Poison can make you cry even if you cry?

Of course, in this situation, poisonous insects can't do this kind of thing.

This game is an open game by a dozen primitive tribes. Once he does this, a dozen primitive tribes will attack him together.

Even if Mr. Poison thinks he is strong enough, it is really not a simple matter to deal with so many people at once.

Therefore, he can only hold back now, watching Moha so happy that he is about to fly.

Tam and Heker behind the team also looked angry at this time.

This elephant is definitely cheating, but the other people can't do anything about it.

Now it seems that they really can't get the first place, which means that they have no chance to enter the cannibal tribe.

However, at this time, Shi Dali raised his voice at the big ghost elder.

Because it deliberately wrapped some energy, Teacher Shi's voice was clearly transmitted to almost everyone's ears, and it did not cause any alarm.

"The elder said just now, as long as the prey brought back is bigger and heavier, you will win?"

I don't know why Shi Dali asked such a question, but when the audience paused, the big devil nodded directly.


"Does the stuff in the water count?"

Some were not as embarrassed, Teacher Shi continued to ask.

It seemed that there was some doubt about Shi Dali's question, and the big ghost frowned slightly.

But before he could speak, the contestants burst into laughter directly at Shi Dali.

"Is this kid planning to take his little shrimp out of him?"

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