Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1499: I'm not afraid


The big ghost elder who was pressed on the ground, his voice was full of pain and despair.

In front of these primitive people, he has always been a mysterious, high-ranking look, and he has really never been beaten and insulted so much.

But at the same time, he also thoroughly understood the strength of the poisonous insect.

"Hurry up, where is your leader? And you secretly took your cell phone to send a message before, but we all saw it, don't pretend to be garlic!"

Seeing the big devil still not making a sound, the poisonous insect became more and more angry, and while continuing to ask questions, it hit it with a punch.

This time, the big devil was really stupid, even if one of his heads was already swollen, he could still be clearly seen that he became very panicked.

Obviously, the mobile phone scared him.

"I said... I said it all."

After making a quick decision, the big ghost got up and looked at the other members of the surrounding cannibal tribe.

"You all leave!"

The matter involves the most important secret of the big ghost, so he must be cautious at this time, so it is most important to let these unreasonable primitive people leave first.

After a short pause, these primitive people retreated according to what the big ghost said, and there were only a few of them left in the entire cave.

After taking another look at Shi Dali and Poisonous Insect, the big ghost knelt on the ground with a pop.

"Please don't tell this to the leader, please... if the leader knows, I will be dead."

The trembling voice fully expressed the panic of the big ghost at the moment.

Seeing his appearance, Shi Dali was quite satisfied with Poisonous Insect.

Now that they have such a handle, then the big ghost must not dare to hide anything, so it is a very good opportunity for them to understand the cannibals.

"As long as we ask what you say, we will not expose you."

This sentence was said by Shi Dali.

The poisonous insect originally wanted to find the roaring leader, but when he saw Shi Dali making a noise, he temporarily suppressed the anger.

"Yes, tell us first, what the **** is going on with you? Who did you message before?"

This question was directly raised to the big ghost, so that several people kept silent and stared in front, after all, they were waiting for the big ghost to explain.

Regarding the problem of poisonous insects, the big ghost elder is obviously a bit entangled.

But in this situation, he also knew that there was no room for him to bargain, so he took a deep breath, and the big devil began to explain his identity.

"I am not from the cannibal tribe, the real big ghost has been replaced by me..."

This opening made Shi Dali's people completely cheer up.

However, through some of the things that happened before, they basically guessed that the identity of this big ghost elder is not simple, otherwise they would not be so fluent in English and carry a mobile phone.

"You and Moha are in the same group?"

Suddenly, Shi Dali asked again.

Some were surprised that Shi Dali knew about this, but the big devil nodded immediately.

"Yes, we are in a group. The reason why I entered here early is to get the totem of the cannibal tribe!"

Speaking out of his purpose in one breath, the big ghost also relaxed.

Having said so much, there is nothing to hide, so naturally the emotions will not continue to tighten.


In unison, Shi Dali and the poisonous insects said.

Before, they still wondered if Moha and the Big Guitou were also for the three-eyed blood clams, but now it doesn't seem to be.

But what totem is actually for, which is quite surprising.

"Yes, our organization got some secret news. The totem of the cannibal tribe has extraordinary value and significance. Therefore, in order to steal this totem, I will pretend to be a big ghost elder and appear here. This matter It’s very difficult. We also planned for half a year to succeed."

Nodded, the big ghost continued to answer.

But this time after he finished speaking, Tam was puzzled and depressed.

"If that's the case, it's okay if you just send someone in to grab things? If you drive directly over, what is there to be afraid of? It scared you like that before."

Obviously for Master Tam, this kind of thing is the most direct, and the effect must be the best. It really doesn't have to be so troublesome.

However, after he finished speaking, the big devil began to tremble again.

"According to our plan, we planned to come in directly to grab things, but as we learn more about this cannibal tribe, things are not that simple at all... First of all, we don't know the route and mechanism, so there is no way to enter here! The second is this leader."

When talking about the leader, the big ghost lowered his voice a lot.


However, the poisonous insects followed and slapped them directly.

"Don't pretend to be a fool with me, just say, you are afraid of that leader, I am not afraid!"

The big ghost head was also a little confused by this slap, but he already knew the strength of the poisonous insect, and he had nothing to say, so he continued the previous topic.

"This leader is very scary. I haven't been to this place for so long. I don't know what he looks like. Only the muscular man can enter the cave where he is. Others can only wear necklaces. If they don't wear necklaces, Terrible things will happen."

When talking, the big ghost also looked at the position of Shi Lili's neck.

Obviously, the so-called necklace in the mouth of the big ghost elder is the necklace on Shi Lili's neck.

Similarly, after hearing this news, Teacher Shi was a little surprised.

I was wondering what this necklace was for before, but now listening to what the big ghost said, I didn't expect this necklace to be quite important.

"Don't you? There are only four necklaces?"

But I still don't understand, so Shi Dali asked.

"Neither did I... This necklace is only for the muscular man wearing the chain. Give it to whoever he gives it. No one else is qualified to make a request, and our leader really can eat people..."

As he spoke, the big devil's head began to tremble again, obviously for him this kind of thing has formed a considerable shadow.

Before the cave, the atmosphere stagnated slightly.

Shi Dali was thinking carefully about these things the big ghost said, and at the same time guessing why they had to give them necklaces, while the poisonous insects were watching Shi Dali and waiting for his plans behind.

After all, the team's right to speak is undoubtedly in the hands of Teacher Shi.

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