Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1516: Toad pee

Some strange sounds sounded, Zhang Heshun seemed like a fool.

In this scene, Shi Dali and several people who were watching were confused.

Especially Teacher Shi, there was a strange feeling in his heart at this moment.

Why is the scene so familiar?

The old man understands again, what do you understand, you understand?

Fortunately, as he continued to laugh, Zhang Heshun followed.

"Although I don't know exactly how you gained the trust of this gentleman, but... you are also a liar, a liar through and through. You agree with my prescription, you actually want me not to expose you, right? But I tell you, I will not do this kind of thing, I just want to expose you, a liar, and not let you deceive others!"

Good guy, when Zhang Heshun finished these words in one breath, Shi Dali almost split on the spot.

The face of righteousness in front of him, upright, almost seems to be the guy who wants to judge himself, is it really the familiar Zhang Heshun?

I also said that I am a liar, can I have a little face... Why are you standing here, don't you know?

The poisonous insect looked at this scene and couldn't help shaking his head and looking at Tam.

"This old man is crazy, otherwise you can wake him up with a pee."

When Tam heard this, he almost rolled his eyes. He also knew that the green hair of Poison Worm was really not serious, but he didn't expect to be so serious.

In today's tense atmosphere, what is he talking about?

However, Tam did follow Zhang Heshun.

"What do you mean by saying this?"

At this time, Zhang Heshun was able to reduce his smile slightly.

"If I heard correctly, he just said that he intends to use my prescription to treat Mr. Ramo. From his words, he can tell that he is a liar! Because of things like three-eyed blood clams... …Only exists in the legend, no one has heard of it for so many years, let alone the use of this thing to treat diseases, the reason why I did not mention this method at the beginning is because I knew it was impossible!"

The impassioned Zhang Heshun felt that he had grasped the weakness of Shi Dali.

Although he doesn't know what Shi Dali intends to get from the Ramo family, he must have something to do, and he is now trying to destroy it.

But after what he said, Tam's shocked expression didn't appear in his imagination, but Tam's eyes were a little strange.

And not only Tam's eyes are weird, but also Shi Dali's eyes are a bit weird.

"Have you heard? Tam, these people around you are not good things, what toads... they are just talking nonsense."

As Tam's second uncle, Huang Huo didn't think anything was wrong, but he felt that Zhang Heshun's actions at this time should be able to restore some of his image.


However, it happened that the words of Yellow Beard ended, and suddenly such a strange sound rang in the living room.

Huang Hu and Zhang Heshun were both taken aback, and then when the two followed the sound, they saw the thing on Shi Dali's shoulder.

It was a red toad whose mouth opened round and made a cooing sound.

At this moment, Zhang Heshun was completely stupid.

All the thoughts in his mind seemed to disappear at this moment, because all the doubts in his heart disappeared with the appearance of this toad.

That's right, this is the three-eyed blood clam.

Although Zhang Heshun is not a good person, he still has knowledge, so basically when he saw this toad, he had already affirmed the authenticity of this thing.

But in his understanding, there was still a kind of horror that could not be accepted.

This is a three-eyed blood clam, a real legend, even Zhang Heshun has seen it in ancient books, and even Zhang Heshun can directly affirm that even Yi Hong...he has only seen three in the book. Eye blood clam, who would have thought that this thing would actually appear, and it appeared on Shi Dali's body.

On the head of the yellow beard, seeing Zhang Heshun suddenly stopped moving, he was worried.

Shouldn't this be a good time to strike while the iron is hot?

What is Zhang Heshun waiting for?

However, his doubts were immediately dispelled by Shi Dali's voice.

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know if this is a three-eyed blood clam, now do you think I am lying?"

She continued to smile, and Teacher Shi felt quite comfortable in her heart.

The old man Yi was hurt by Zhang Heshun very badly, and the old man was very kind, and after all he was unwilling to scare Zhang Heshun to death.

Therefore, you can use this method to see Zhang Heshun's deflated appearance, and it can be regarded as an utterance for Old Man Yi.

Sitting on the chair blankly, Zhang Heshun no longer knew how to answer.

In the past, he felt that he was no worse than Yi Hong. Perhaps the only thing worse was some luck.

However, three-eyed blood clams appeared on Shi Lili's body at this moment, which indeed caused a huge blow to him.

Sure enough, there is nothing accidental, there will be people like Shi Dali around Yi Hong confused... Maybe this is God's will.

"Mr. Shi, shall we treat me according to the prescription next? But... how can we get the urine of the three-eyed blood clam?"

Tam, of course, didn't know that the complicated grievances between Shi Dali and Zhang Heshun were still more important to him, so he took the initiative to speak out again, and he asked Shi Dali.

Hearing this, Teacher Shi first looked at Zhang Heshun, and then at the poisonous insect.

There is no doubt that Zhang Heshun should have understood at this time. He had already got the three-eyed blood clams. The so-called temptation before was just not knowing how to use the three-eyed blood clams to cure the disease, and this problem was caused by him. Solved.

Therefore, Zhang Heshun will definitely not continue to help with the next thing, and even if he is willing to help, Shi Dali has considerable doubts.

"I know about this, leave it to me, but... in six months, three-eyed blood clams have up to four drops of urine. What if I use them all here?"

With a depressed face, the poisonous insect said vigorously at Shi.

He had already talked to Shi Dali before, but now he is watching to dedicate his own things, of course Mr. Poisonous Insect is not happy.

"In this way, I can guarantee that from now on, all urine will be yours."

With a slap on the chest, Teacher Shi was quite firm.

Originally, Shi Dali felt that he was indebted to the poisonous insects for the three-eyed blood clam, so now that he agreed to such a request, it was considered compensation.

Sure enough, the poisonous insect became happy after hearing this.

"Okay, it's all mine, and all future urine will be mine!"

Talking and grinning, he took out a strange-shaped turtle shell from his body.

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