Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 153: A little weird

It was at this moment that Teacher Shi felt a kind of aura, a kind of aura emanating from Hu Sheng.

Then he nodded.

"I understand."

"Very well, remember... your father is waiting for you, and the Cao family and Wang family also want to destroy you. The divorce will completely expose you, and soon... the danger will come, and you must become stronger. !"

After leaving these last words, Hu Sheng handed Shi Dali a note, then turned and left.

Soon, his figure disappeared at the corner.

Having been watching this guy disappearing, Teacher Shi took a breath and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Labor and management don't know how to become stronger... Use you to tell me, who do you scare?"

From beginning to end, I was wary of this Hu Shengshi Dali, even if he relaxed some vigilance because of the picture, but... that would not be unreserved trust.

Especially with the aura that Hu Sheng exuded at the end, Shi Dali felt an indescribable oppression.

That feeling was very terrifying, as if at that moment, Teacher Shi was enveloped by an invisible force, so that he couldn't breathe.

Therefore, he only wanted to get out of that state, and naturally did not express any doubts.

At this time, a taxi stopped on the side of the road, followed Shi Dali to pull the door and went up.

At this time, he lowered his head and looked carefully at the last piece of paper that Hu Sheng handed him. There was just a simple line of small print on it.

Six months later, there will be someone waiting for you in the King's Box of Beijing Building.

It was such a sentence that made Teacher Shi couldn't help frowning.

What does this mean?

Six months, that is, half a year... There is still a long way to go. I wonder why he gave himself such a note in advance?

As for the Jingshi Building, the so-called Emperor's Box, these things Teacher Shi felt even more out of reach, completely confused.

After thinking for a moment, as the car shuttled on the street, Shi Dali didn't say anything in the end, but simply remembered the information in his mind, and then destroyed the note.

At this moment, he still doesn't know what Hu Sheng and the person waiting for him on the note six months later represent.

However, life is still moving forward, even if he has great suspicion and doubts about Hu Sheng, but one thing he agrees with... He is too weak and small, and strong is imminent!


"You don't need to see him. It's just such a small chess piece. It won't have any influence on our plan."

At the same time, in another car, Hu Sheng, who had just met Shi Dali, sat on the co-pilot, and a voice slowly rang behind him.

This is an old man with gray hair, his figure is thin and weak, but one eye is sunken for no reason, making that face look unspeakable horror.

"Who knows, I also happened to be in Anbei City, so when I think of meeting this person, everything depends on his own choice."

With a calm tone, Hu Sheng lit a cigarette for himself and said without turning back.

"We can't underestimate the strength of the Cao family and the Wang family. This stone power... let alone change anything."

Shaking his head slightly, the one-eyed old man said.

"Perhaps, but I am really curious...Where did Shi Doufang go? Dead... or alive?"

As if smoking a cigarette to himself, Hu Sheng suddenly laughed.

"Only a small group of people knew what he was in charge of, but those people followed him away, but the possibility of being alive is too small."

Quite rationally, the one-eyed old man continued to speak out.

Then, their conversation ended, and after Hu Sheng finished smoking the cigarette, the car left from here.

Regarding what happened today, it was as if Hu Sheng said it himself. He didn't have any plans before, it was completely accidental.

However, life is full of all kinds of accidents, but no one can predict what changes such accidents will make in the future.


Half an hour later, Shi Dali saw Guo Li in a restaurant box near the security team.

Speaking of not long after the two were separated, Guo Li at the moment looked a little tired, but her eyes were quite bright.

"Why are you so anxious to let me come over?"

Straightforward, Teacher Shi asked directly.

"Last night, there were many groups of experts, and there were more experts on video analysis. All the videos have been cut clearly, and the murderer has been determined."

Taking a deep breath, Guo Li looked at Shi Dali and said.

"Didn't we find the murderer?"

It's a bit strange. Teacher Shi remembers that they have already identified the face in the video. Why do they need experts to analyze it?

"The man you mentioned is not the murderer! We have all compared and tailored the surveillance, and the murderer is someone else."

Guo Li shook her head and said slowly, with an unspeakable weight on her face!

This sentence really shocked Teacher Shi. He was completely sure that the guy was the murderer, but now suddenly there was a piece of news. If he is not the murderer, who is the murderer?


"Look at this. In principle, these things cannot be known by others, but you are the provider of all the information, so I decided to meet you here."

Obviously, Guo Li could understand Shi Dali’s surprise. In fact, when she first saw the results of this analysis, she felt incredible.

But in the end, when she saw all the evidence listed, she accepted it.

With this sentence finished, Guo Li had taken out the things she had packed in her bag, and put the photos on the table one by one.

Shi Dali frowned, took all the photos in his hand, and looked carefully one after another. It really caught a thin man sneaking in the crowd, entering the elevator directly to the kitchen, and then Damaged the natural gas pipeline and finally ignited and hurried away.

The whole case was very clear, as if all the steps were clearly exposed under the camera.

"Is this someone else really?"

He muttered to himself, but Teacher Shi felt something wrong in his heart, as if these photos gave him a weird feeling.

Guo Li remained silent until such an atmosphere lasted for about ten seconds, Shi Dali's face suddenly changed suddenly.

He finally knew where he felt weird!



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