Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1550: Surgrin's plan

"What is this?"

Subconsciously, Shi Dali asked.

As a result, Blackbeard answered his question first.

"Poisoned wine."

The two words made Teacher Shi's heart abrupt.

What do you mean?

Is it possible that a poisonous insect is going to hurt himself?

On the poisonous insect, after hearing Blackbeard's words, he rolled his eyes directly, but explained to Shi Dali in his mouth.

"This is indeed poisonous wine, but it's not for you, but for three-eyed blood clams. That thing is good to drink poisonous things. If you give him more of this kind of poison, he can grow up faster. ."

After the poisonous insects finished speaking, and then looked at the wine glass in front of him, Teacher Shi was relieved.

Sure enough, it's poisonous wine, but it's not for yourself... But, this thing is really for three-eyed blood clams?

"You don't think you want to poison the three-eyed blood clam because I took this thing?"

Seriously, Shi Dali asked at the poisonous insect.

This kind of thinking is definitely not to treat the gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, but the gentleman's heart is really unreliable.

This old fellow, Poison Worm, is definitely not a good person, especially when it comes to three-eyed blood clams, you have to be more cautious, otherwise, this guy will really kill the three-eyed blood clams, and there is no place to cry. cry.

Hearing Shi Dali’s question again, the poisonous insect began to roll his eyes again, and looked very angry.

"In your eyes, am I that kind of person?"


In unison, Black Beard and Shi Dali expressed affirmation, and the tone was determined.

As a result, the poisonous insect choked in its throat, and it took a long time to relieve its breath.


He slapped the wine glass directly on the table, and pointed to Shi Dali's arms.

"That thing is on you, so you can tell if you let it taste it yourself? This kind of heaven and earth spirit thing, it knows what it likes best, and if you want to poison this thing, no one can do it! If you are not thinking about you Promise my urine so I don’t bother to tell you this."

Obviously, the poisonous insects are not happy, even quite depressed.

However, what he said really made Shi Dali have an idea, because after careful consideration, what the poisonous insect said was quite reasonable.

And if he really killed the three-eyed blood clam, he would definitely not let him go, then he shouldn't do this kind of brain convulsion.

Thinking of this, Shi Dali looked around, then quietly took the three-eyed blood clam out of his arms.

Sure enough, almost this little thing stuck his head out, jumped directly in front of the glass of poisoned wine, swallowed it all with a roll of his tongue, and then returned to Shi Dali’s arms. The whole process was quite fast. No one reacted, there was nothing in the cup.

"You see? You see? I'm Mr. Poison! When did I tell a lie? No one knows things like three-eyed blood clams better than me. What a pity... it's a pity."

Poisonous insects are full of regret, and the gaze towards Shi Dali is even more grievous.

This little baby should have belonged to him, but in the end it was taken away by Shi Dalisheng, but the poisonous insects had no way at all. Thinking about it now, he only felt that his heart was dripping blood.

However, things are impermanent. If you miss it, you will miss it after all. It is too late to say anything, so it can only be so.

Shi Dali’s side, because he has already established a special connection with the Three-eyed Blood Clam, after the Three-eyed Blood Clam drank the poisonous wine, he clearly felt that this little thing was very happy, even non-stop Cheers.

All of a sudden, Teacher Shi was completely relieved. At least the poisonous insects did not deceive people. This little thing seemed to really like to drink poison.

After realizing this, Teacher Shi began to wonder where there would be more poison. If possible, let the three-eyed blood clam have a drink, because obviously, this little thing is far from satisfying.

Then, instead of staying here, Shi Dali left with the poisonous insects.

Tomorrow is the day to enter the American Racecourse, so it is indeed necessary to prepare early, otherwise, if you enter the racecourse tomorrow, you will lose if you have no energy to find a good horse.

That is, after the three of them left, they were still in a secret room in this hotel, and the American gambling king Surgrin was meeting with a dozen killers.

In the Americas, other things may be hard to find, but the killer can be done with money, and Sugelin is not bad.

"Listen to you, the people from Shi Dahei must have entered the racecourse, and they should have found the horses they plan to race. I ask you people to set off tonight, and then take this matter to me."

Suglin's voice was low, and it was full of suppressed hatred.

Today's events have made him very angry, especially the news from the hospital that his son's limbs are all comminuted fractures, and he may spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

That black beard is so cruel!

However, since the previous kidnapping incident, the two people have been destined to die and die, and Su Gelin can only blame him for not being strong enough to make his son unlucky.

The killer in front, after hearing his words, nodded immediately.

It is their task to take people's money and fight against others.

"Listen, someone on the racecourse has been bought by us, and the people on the European gambling king's side will help themselves. This must be done in secret. If you succeed, you can double the money you get. If you fail, I I will find someone to kill you again."

Continue, Su Gelin said.

The killer below, Qi Qi felt his body chills, and then immediately agreed.

In this way, after everything was arranged, the assassins left, and only Su Gelin remained in the room.

Following behind, Su Gelin opened a video call.

As the call was connected, he stood up respectfully, then bowed slightly to the screen.

"Miss Long Lin, things have been arranged. Our people will enter the racecourse tonight. This game...the Asian gambler has no hope of winning. I will increase my bet and follow Shi Dahei bet his life!"

Without hesitation, Su Gelin said aloud, especially when it came to the word gambling and life, his eyebrows did not wrinkle.

As for the person on the screen, it was indeed Long Lin, whom Shi Dali was familiar with, that is, the mysterious woman of the Luo family, who had previously killed the Asian gambling king with Mo Ran.

Sure enough, everything was the same as Shi Dali thought. Behind the American gambling king...the dark forces are supporting it!

Although it is not clear what the reason is, it is clear that the goal of the dark forces is to occupy the business of global betting companies!


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