Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1597: Red envelopes

"I can see that you are reluctant to talk about it anyway, and are not willing to turn fighting into jade?"

After speaking again, the poisonous insect questioned.


Immediately, the two people said at the same time.

Then, the poisonous insect nodded and looked at Blackbeard.

"Then let's start."

Hearing this, Blackbeard didn't hesitate to start taking out the things he had prepared. In fact, it was nothing special, just two corsages.

Then they directly pressed An Muzhi and Ambilia on the ground, and they brought up two corsages.

After getting up again, An Muzhi and Amberia had time to see exactly what was written on the corsage.

After seeing it clearly, the two of them were dumb.

An Muzhi's corsage has the word bride written on it, and Amberia's corsage has the word bride written on it!

"What are you...what are you doing?"

An inexplicable moment of extreme anxiety in his heart, An Muzhi looked at Black Beard and asked.

At this moment, the poisonous insect and the black beard were in his eyes, and they were already the same as the devil, especially this kind of behavior and behavior that made people completely confused, it was just like a neurosis.

For example, the two corsages in front of me, it is estimated that the neuropathy would not be able to do such a thing!

"Yes, don't mess around. If you mess around, we won't let you go."

Amberia was also nervous at this time, and things were different from what she thought. With the two nice corsages, coupled with the messy candles around, it seemed that the atmosphere became weird in an instant.

Seeing these two of them like this, Blackbeard laughed loudly.

"Look, isn't that right! Don't look like you are bitter, why should you become enemies? Can't you become friends? Or even become... couples?"

"That's right! After the two of us have resolved your contradiction, the contradiction between the students on both sides will naturally be resolved, and the most direct way to resolve the contradiction between you is to get married and get married on the spot! Choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun. , There is no need to prepare any wedding dresses, this place is pretty good, so...tonight is your good day! From now on, we two will be your matchmakers and your parents Gaotang, understand?"

As the poisonous insect was talking, he felt happy too, as if it was this festive atmosphere that had infected him, and his last pair of eyes were smiling.

Of course, An Muzhi and Ambilia are completely stupid.

Especially An Muzhi, who is also from Huaxia, so of course he knows the marriage process of Huaxia. However, because he knew it, he stared at Blackbeard and the poisonous insects for a long time and couldn’t speak. In the end, Only a trembling voice sounded.

"You... are you crazy?"

Unbelievable, unimaginable!

Similarly, Amberia almost guessed what was going on, and his eyes widened.

"Impossible! I can't marry him, I can't marry him!"

Gritting her teeth, Amberia shook her head frantically!


After that, Blackbeard slapped her head up, and Amberia almost fell off her head when she hit, and she was paralyzed on the ground.

"What's wrong with him? It's because of our face for him to marry you like a daughter-in-law! You still don't like it! You have to get married today, or if you don't get married, you have to start worshipping!"

The black beard with cold eyes is definitely the scariest existence in the world.

His words made Amberia seem to have fallen into the ice cellar, and finally bowed her head without saying anything.

She could feel that if the man got angry again, he might not have the patience to talk to herself properly, and then she would be finished.

On An Muzhi's side, seeing Amberia's end is also frustrated.

Earlier, he felt that he could fight indefinitely, but at this moment he realized that he was still more afraid of death, especially the two people in front of him, it was really terrifying!

So the wedding is just a wedding. Anyway, it's just a formality. As long as he is alive, other things are easy to say.

So in accordance with Blackbeard's request, An Muzhi and Amberia stood together and kept motionless, waiting for the wedding ceremony later.

In this way, as the two of them calmed down, the poisonous insect began to stand in front and shout.


Following the words of the poisonous insects, An Muzhi and Ambilia, who had already stood together, bowed one after the other.

The movements are a bit stiff, and the expression is extremely unwilling. With the red and white candles around, it is really indescribable.

Of course, black beard and poisonous insects are even more weird.

The two people in front of them held such a strange wedding, they were quite happy, and they nodded happily.

"Second worship Gaotang!"

Go on, the poisonous worm shouted.

Therefore, An Muzhi and Amberia bowed to the two Super Saiyans in front of them with extreme awkwardness.

Watching them bow, Blackbeard smiled happily, but suddenly his face changed with a smile.

"Old Poison, as Gaotang, shouldn't you give out red envelopes at this time?"

Hearing this, the poisonous insects directly cursed in his heart, this old thing... actually wants to send a red envelope?

I really thought I was someone else's father!

Can't we weigh it carefully?

Of course, the poisonous insect only dared to curse a few words in his heart.

"There is no need to give red envelopes now. They will give out red envelopes tomorrow morning after their bridal chamber is over."

Hearing this, Blackbeard nodded, and the stubble was over.

But An Muzhi and Amberia are suddenly in their hearts... the bridal chamber?

What do you mean?

Could it be that they still want their own two-person bridal chamber?

"Husband and wife worship!"

Just as they thought so, the voice of the poisonous insect sounded again.

So it was too late to think about it, An Muzhi and Amberia bowed to each other again.

"Li Cheng! Send it to the bridal chamber!"

Poison screamed very excitedly. Even if the wedding was over by this time, his mission with Blackbeard was completed.

Shi Dali said before that to solve this trouble, we must find a happy, satisfying, warm and sweet way...

Then there is no doubt that the marriage of these two people is definitely in full compliance with the requirements!

I personally figured out such a method, and completed all of this personally, the mood of the poisonous insect and the black beard can be imagined.

But An Muzhi and Ambia were completely stupid, and after looking at each other for ten seconds, they looked carefully at the poisonous insects together.

"The bridal chamber...what are you going to do?"

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