Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1608: This is an actor

At first, everyone in the audience felt quite at a loss, but now seeing Mr. Langke's reaction like this, they are even more at a loss.

How is this going?

Shi Dali is just a few words, why does Mr. Langke have such a big reaction?

In that posture, it was as if he stepped on the switch, his body was trembling constantly, and his face was completely pale.

As for those eyes, they were staring at Shi Dali, in disbelief.

Shi Dali seemed to have thought of Mr. Langke's reaction a long time ago, so he kept calm and patted Mr. Langke's arm lightly.

"You don't have to feel guilty all the time about that. You can make a decision in that situation. You are already amazing, and he will understand you."

A deep voice sounded in Mr. Langke's ears, but it seemed to have a huge power, making Mr. Langke completely stunned.

Looking at this scene, the big guy became even more curious.

In the end, what secret did Shi Dali say that would make Dean Langke make such a gesture?

The old bald head, watching such a scene, suddenly began to sneer again.

"It's really interesting. The actors arranged in advance can be so fulfilled? Mr. Hagen, I know you want Shi Dali to pass the test, but this method is a bit too clumsy. Everyone knows that Mr. Langke is talking to you. The relationship is very good, so I made such a scene deliberately?"

With the words of the old bald head, many people's eyes have changed.

The big guys thought that Shi Dali should have really touched Mr. Langke's heart, but now it doesn't sound like that simple.

Mr. Hagen was also at a loss right now, and after hearing the words of the old bald head, he stood up directly.

"Old bald head, you will know whether you are acting or not when you are next to you, shut up now!"

Obviously, Hagen didn't mean anything to be polite, and it was also because of his unrelenting counterattack that made the old bald head silent after he hummed again.

As a result, all eyes were once again focused on Shi Dali and Mr. Langke.

"It seems that you really know that...Thank you."

The same low voice sounded from Mr. Langke's mouth. Obviously, the old bald head's remarks did not take him seriously.

What he is really obsessed with here is the thing Shi Dali said.

Although it was only half of it, it had completely touched his heart, because the night sixteen years ago... was originally an obsession in his heart that would never be forgotten.

As a detective, he encountered an unprecedented car accident that night, and the accident happened to him!

As long as Mr. Ronco remembered the car accident, his mind was blank.

Then, his car overturned and knocked down several cars, and the flames started to burn.

It was in that kind of crisis that he made the choice of guilt throughout his life.

Forced by the situation, he had no time to rescue his son from the car, but took away a little girl who was also trapped next to him.

After that, the explosion happened. He saved the girl but lost his son...

Regarding this matter, Mr. Ronco never told anyone, because this secret is the most painful memory in his heart, so he just went back to the college after burying himself deeply, and rarely went out after that, even the best relationship ha Mr. Gen, didn't even know. But now, Shi Dali said it!

Neto still didn't know where Shi Dali learned of such news, but Shi Dali's words just now seemed to be a key, and suddenly opened the lock in his heart.

"Thank you... your story is very nice, and I agree that you stay in the academy."

In the end, Netac nodded with tears in his eyes, and he made his choice.

Obviously he was telling Shi Dali, this story doesn't need to be continued, he has already done it here.

"Thank you."

Continuing to remain calm, Shi Dali nodded.

That’s right, this is his biggest trump card in this dean’s test. After watching the two days of Qingfeng Academy’s history, Shi Dali has a complete understanding of the lives and resumes of several deans and teachers in this college. It seems that this kind of secret that only they know is also clear!

The reason for this is naturally because of the books that popped out of my pocket.

Originally, Shi Dali was a little depressed because of those messy things in exchange for a mission card.

But when he saw that the so-called Fengyunlu came from the know-it-all, and also recorded the secret lives of these characters in Qingfeng Academy, his mood was completely different.

Shi Dali never doubted the know-how.

Not to mention other things, it's just that the guy who has been trapped under Qingya study can't die for many years, which is beyond the scope of normal people.

So since it was the book he produced, Shi Dali completely chose to believe it, and yesterday he deliberately verified it from Dean Hagen.

Although I still don't know why the jack-of-all-trades can have such an ability, the things in the book seem to be true records!

That's why Shi Dali planned to use such a method to pass the dean's test.

And judging from the reaction of Mr. Netac, the first test subject, everything went well!

"It's really shameful. As the Dean of Qingfeng Academy, he actually used this method to cheat. With these two sentences, he passed him directly? Why?"

The voice of the old bald head sounded again, and this guy only felt that everything was a performance now.

Of course, he is not the only one who has such thoughts. Many students present also have the same thoughts.

There is no way, it is really too smooth here for Mr. Ronco, it is so smoothly unbelievable.

It's as if Shi Dali just opened his mouth, he passed it straight away!

However, no one on the student side dared to say anything loudly. After all, Blackbeard and the poisonous insect were sitting next to them.

This time, after hearing the words of the old bald head, Mr. Ronco finally responded.


With just these three words, the old bald head was completely dumbfounded.

Looking left and right, and then at Mr. Langke's cold eyes, the old bald head could only mutter something, and then looked at the second dean that Shi Dali was about to face.

"Mr. Bedum, I hope you can expose this guy's lies and stop acting like that actor."

Obviously, the old bald did not dare to pick up Mr. Ronco.

As for Bedum in his mouth, it was his friend, so the old bald head became confident when he spoke.

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