Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1700: Take a look

Excited heart, shaking hands.

Although talking about these things, there is still no way to dispel the haze of the big guy because of the killing of Gordan, but it has been much better.

Think about it a little bit, a man who can fall from the sky with a meteorite and is still alive, the value of this is definitely not simple.

"These things must be sent out immediately, there is no way to stay here, and there will be other risks!"

"Yes, you must hurry up, otherwise it may cause some other troubles."

To say that these American leaders have a very clear mind. The value of this thing is indeed very great, but they must successfully bring it back. Only if they are brought back can they be regarded as their own, otherwise they are not regarded as theirs. There is no way to realize the value.

However, they just reached an agreement on this matter, and news came from outside.

"A lot of people came, basically all the people in charge of other forces came, don't know what you want to do?"

With this news, the faces of several officers became difficult to look at. Although the purpose of these people has not been figured out at this time, it can basically be guessed that it must have something to do with the meteorite they just brought back.

"Asshole! What are they doing? Let them go back! Don't meet them!"

So, subconsciously they shouted.

At any time, the Americas, as the absolute strong side, whether to meet with other people or not, they always hold the initiative.

This kind of thing where others come to my door to force a meeting is really never before.

"Sir, the people from Huaxia are here too, are they really not seeing each other?"

Then, the team member paused for a while, and then answered.

Following his words, there was no sound in the entire tent.

The silence can be heard as if a needle fell on the ground.

"Huaxia people are here too?"

After a full pause of about ten seconds, several officers asked the team member with ugly expressions.

Please make sure to ask clearly about this matter.

If the people from Huaxia didn't come, they wouldn't care about those guys from other forces at all, whatever they want!

However, if someone from Huaxia came over, the situation would be different.

It's almost like playing a movie. When several officers looked at each other, they all went through the scenes where the thin old man directly killed Gordan!

If that didn't happen, if Gordan was still alive, they would definitely not care.

But now, in this Longxi Canyon, the situation has undergone an absolute change.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the old man comes back to their camp now, it is estimated that these people are not enough for others to practice, after all, Gordan will die, let alone them.

"Let them... come in and see what's going on."

In the end, several officers reached an agreement, or at this time, they had no choice but to let people come in first and listen to what they were planning to make later arrangements.

In this way, Wei Nan soon entered here with the leaders of other forces.

For the first time, several officers came to greet them with smiles at the same time, as if they had seen their relatives come to the door, and the degree of enthusiasm could not be described in words.

"I don't know if you guys are so late, what's the matter with us? If you need help in any aspect, don't be polite and just say it directly.

Following the words of the American chief, everyone subconsciously looked at Wei Nan.

The responsible persons of the other parties are very clear that they are not qualified to speak at this time, and they have made it clear that this question is directed at Wei Nan.

This question still needs to be clarified as to how many kilograms of one's own weight are.

Wei Nan was also smiling at this time.

Why these guys have such an attitude towards themselves, Wei Nan knew that it was all due to the thin old man.

However, the thin old man was originally from China, so of course he could take advantage of this advantage.

"That's it. Before we saw something brought in from the Americas, that thing should be very important, and it should have been found from Longxi Canyon, so we came here to know what it is. "

Wei Nan's voice was rather polite, but the expressions of several officials on the American side were extremely ugly.

Even if they had thought about it before, but now that the news is truly confirmed, the anger is still very real.

But unfortunately, they can only suppress this anger to the bottom of their hearts.

Because the current Wei Nan, they really can't afford to provoke them. If that old man follows, it is estimated that if there is any dispute, these people will be killed.

Therefore, after trying hard to adjust their emotions, several chiefs slowly spoke out.

"We don't know what you are talking about. Nothing has come in here before?"

Pretending to be crazy and selling stupid, the usual method of the Americans.

But before coming here, Wei Nan had already thought about it, so he didn't rush to look at the leaders of other forces around him.

Since everyone is here together, then they need to do something at this time, otherwise, just think about letting yourself take advantage of the front, where there will be such cheap things.

Completely understand Wei Nan's thoughts, these responsible persons followed.

"It is true that something was sent here, one is spherical, like a stone, and there is a black bag. I don't know what it is."

"Yes, we have seen it here too, the news can be confirmed."

"We recorded the video, if necessary, we can take the video out."

Okay, after hearing these words, the senior officials were almost ashamed.

If it was before, these guys wouldn't even dare to speak loudly in front of them, but now they have such a face, it's **** it!

Of course, this is only their inner curse, and the most important thing before them is to deal with this problem.

After looking at each other again, one of the officials on the American side slowly said.

"It's like this, it's just our supply, it's nothing else. I think everyone should have misunderstood it? And our thing... why do you have to figure it out?"

As he spoke, the officer's eyes glanced dangerously behind Wei Nan.

Several people in charge, after seeing this look, they all shy away slightly.

But immediately, Wei Nan got in front of him.

"Your supplies? Is that sure?"

"Sure it is so, it's our supply, nothing else!"

"Then, show it to us. If it's really a's no such thing."

While talking, Wei Nan laughed.

This feeling of taking you down is really cool!

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