Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 185: this is an accident

Above the mountains, the birds were startled for a while, and they cried and dispersed.

Yi Hong and his wife were completely dull. Their cozy home, which had been staying for several years, was completely in ruins at this moment.

Most importantly, if it weren't for good luck just now, it is estimated that both of them have been killed.

So, what happened?

"Is it all right? How are people? Excuse me!"

Following behind, Shi Dali fell from the tree house and asked with sweat.

While speaking, he ran over desperately, both legs seemed to be spinning.

No way, Teacher Shi was really frightened. He came here to invite others out of the mountain. In the end, if such an accident happened and killed the couple, they would really be sinners through the ages.

Seeing Shi Dali rushing over, Yi Hong immediately understood that it was this kid who made it out, and his heart was suddenly filled with indescribable anger.

It was these two guys who suddenly came to Baishui Town yesterday, and the toxins of the wife who followed them broke out.

If this is just the beginning, then it’s okay now... the wife is no longer saved. Seeing a little bit of time between the husband and wife at the end of life, it was this **** who ruined it again, and even demolished his home. !

For a while, Yi Hong naturally counted all the accounts on Teacher Shi.

However, Shi Dali didn't know that Yihong's wife A Taohong was going to die, but after seeing that Yihong and the others were not hit, he took a breath.

The next moment, I saw Yi Hong's murderous gaze.

"Why haven't you left? Why are there people like you? Must we kill us?"

A deep voice rang from Yi Hong's mouth, and his body was trembling slightly, obviously because his inner emotions were almost beyond control.

Teacher Shi heard this and saw the scene in front of him again, a little depressed.

He didn’t want this either. As a result, who knew that such an accident happened. The ghost knew that such a huge thing would fall out of his pocket, and because the tree house he was in happened to be on top of the thatched hut of Yi Hong’s family, he I can only watch that the thatched house is crushed directly.

Teacher Shi was very wronged, but he couldn't explain it.

"Didn’t I tell you? If you want to get me out of the mountain, get the dragon drop leaves! What about the dragon drop leaves? Why do you stay here without the dragon drop leaves? Don’t think I will change my mind, so I will tell you at last Once...Leave right away, otherwise I will kill you!"

The old man was obviously anxious, so he said this.

Teacher Shi scratched his head, trying hard to say something, plus the fact that the whole thing was that he was at fault first, so he kept smiling and wanted to explain to others.

As a result, at this time, A Taohong's faint voice sounded.

"Don't be angry, let's go."

Following her words, Shi Dali also noticed A Taohong's black face, which was obviously a physical problem.

"What's up with her?"

Huo Lang, who had been standing next to him, suddenly made a sound, frowning slightly.

However, Yi Hong didn't mean to explain anything. He just bent over to lift up his wife on the ground, and planned to leave.

A Taohong may lose her life at any time, so he doesn't want to waste time with such a person while she is dead.

And his silence, Shi Dali and Huo Lang were very helpless, and it was indeed something that everyone didn't want to see.

"What's this smell..."

However, very abruptly, A Taohong's somewhat puzzled voice sounded.

Her words made Yi Hong stunned.

The next moment, Yi Hong's eyes suddenly lit up slightly. Before, what he could see in A Taohong's eyes was lifelessness, but at this moment things changed.

Originally a hopeless person, this time has more vitality.

As the world's number one genius doctor, Yi Hong's eyes possessed the ability to look for breath that no one else could imagine, so although it was only a slight change, it made him aware of a turning point.

At the same time, he also smelled that special fragrance.

This scent is very refreshing. Although it is so weak that it is almost non-existent, it can make the body maintain an inexplicable sense of pleasure.

For the first time, Yi Hong grabbed his wife's pulse, and then his eyes began to move around, trying to find the source of the fragrance.

In the end, when he saw the extremely huge trunk next to him, he was taken aback.

It was entirely based on intuition that he had affirmed that the scent came from above the trunk.

And this bizarre tree trunk was not the behemoth that completely destroyed his house before.

To put it simply, the surface of this thing is full of traces of vicissitudes, and there is a faint withered yellow on it, as if it has reached the final years.

However, on the main body of the trunk, there are still many branches and some emerald green leaves.

"What is this? Where did you come from?"

Feeling the continual hope that continued to be born in his wife's body, Yi Hong's tone was extremely anxious when he looked at Shi Dali and asked.

Shi Dali was initially at a loss, and was even more stunned when he heard this question.

Where did this trunk come from?

Of course he knew this question. It came out of his pocket, or it was obtained from the mission card he had yesterday.

But what is this?

To be honest, Teacher Shi is also at a loss, if you use the most intuitive language to describe it...this should be a big tree.

"The fragrance is tangy, the leaves are emerald green, the trunk is yellow..."

Without waiting for Shi Dali's answer, Yi Hong's eyes turned to the trunk again, and he began to whisper something that only he could hear, so that Shi Dali felt even more dazed.

At the same time, Teacher Shi is really curious, what exactly is coming out of this pocket?

Obviously, it is not Jianglong leaves!


Suddenly, Yi Hong moved, and he walked quickly to the side of the tree trunk, then carefully tore off a leaf, and then returned to A Taohong's side.

"Swallow this leaf."

The urgent voice can be clearly heard, how complicated and tense Yi Hong's mood is at this moment.

A Taohong glanced at her husband, then nodded.

As she swallowed the leaf, her mouth was suddenly full of the fragrance that she had smelled before, and her body began to diffuse a warmth from the position of the heart.

After this kind of warmth lasted for dozens of seconds, a huge force burst out suddenly.


Then, with this force, a black filth came out from her mouth.



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