Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 187: Next plan

Shi Dali had not thought about the future, and naturally did not know what consequences would be caused to him by the disappearance of the ancient Jianglong tree.

On Teacher Shi's side, he returned to Anbei City with Yi Hong and his wife.

When night fell again, they also reached the hospital fairly smoothly.

Originally, according to Shi Dali's idea, he wanted Yi Hong to directly diagnose and treat Ye Suan in the hospital, but in the end, considering the inconvenience, he moved to Wenxing Yayuan.

On the way here, Yi Hong had already listened to Shi Dali’s introduction about Ye Zhe'en, but after seeing the patient, he looked at his appearance and his expression became quite solemn.

Even Shi Dali was shocked by Ye Zanen in front of him.

Speaking of it, he had just left for two days, and as a result, the hair of the guy in front of him had completely turned white.

Everything really said to Huo Lang, grief is more than heartbreaking, obviously Ye Jianen's appearance already means that there is no hope in his heart.

"Foolish people... leave it to me, but it may take longer."

Then, in the look of Teacher Shi's expectation, Yi Hong said.

The best doctor in the world has the confidence that everything is under control at this moment.

For Yi Hong, perhaps the most helpless thing he encountered in his life was the toxin of his wife A Taohong, and for Ye Jianen in front of him, he had more than one way to wake this person up.

Because his name is Yi Hong, the number one genius doctor in the world.

Hearing Yi Hong's reply, Teacher Shi also took a sigh of relief in his heart, thankfully everything caught up, and this trip to Baishui Town did not go in vain.

As Yi Hong began to implement treatment, Shi Dali realized a very important thing again.

You have to find a better place to set up your own exchange as soon as possible. In this way, many things will be easier to do.

Although Wen Xing Ya Yuan is indeed his own now, it was finally given to him by Wen Xiaotian’s father, so Shi Dali always regards this place as a simple restaurant, and he is not assured that all his secrets are here. Exposed.

What's more, Huo Lang arrived behind the ancient tree of Jianglong.

This thing is something that I dare not expose at all, so there must be a place where you can lay down to hide the ancient Jianglong tree.

So that night, he called Tian Xiaoyu and told him that he was going to rent a building.

That's right, this idea was a decision made by Shi Dali after careful consideration. Before Liu Mu and the others had cashed out the car and the amount on the IOU, so Mr. Shi said that he had added a huge sum of money.

And this money must be spent on the blade.

At the moment, nothing is more important than your own exchange. After all, such a huge plan always needs a place to start.

Tian Xiaoyu was very excited when he heard the news, and the depression caused by that safe in the past few days has been wiped out a lot.

"Good boss, I'll go and find out immediately, let's act tomorrow!"

After hearing Tian Xiaoyu's words, Shi Dali could fully feel his enthusiasm.

"You must be cautious, and one more thing... Don't be too public. The location can also be more remote. I may not have enough money."

They are all their own right now, so Shi Dali is also telling the truth.

He is really worried that his money may not be enough. Although it is said that there are already tens of millions, it is not that simple to rent a building, not to mention the subsequent series of plans.

"Understand the boss, we will contact you then."

"By the way, is that safe opened?"

It just so happened that Shi Dali suddenly remembered the safe at this time, so he asked.

The last time the safe came out, he had been handing it over to Tian Xiaoyu and a group of brothers, thinking about getting the contents out.

But it has been several days, but there is no movement at all.

"Boss, it's okay to open it...but it's all broken open with force. We have found a lot of craftsmen who can open the lock, but there is no way, and once it is broken with force, the contents inside may be destroyed."

Speaking of this matter again, Tian Xiaoyu's words were full of helplessness. He felt that he was a very reliable man to do things, but now he was really troubled by this cabinet.

"Then throw it away first, and we'll talk about it when the time comes, first determine the office building of our company!"

Shi Dali did not pay much attention to a safe that popped up accidentally, so after hearing this answer, he arranged a sentence with Tian Xiaoyu.

Then, the two people hung up.

Originally, Shi Dali planned to stay at Wenxing Yayuan at night to see when Ye Zheen would wake up, but later thought that Komatsu still returned home.

Before he and Huo Lang went to Baishui Town too suddenly, Komatsu could only entrust it to the neighbor's sister-in-law Zhou, now he must go back and have a look.

After all, Komatsu is only in the third grade, and Shi Dali is always worried.

After returning to his rental house late at night, after seeing Komatsu lying on the bed already asleep, Teacher Shi felt apologetic.

Speaking of which, thinking about the past few days, it seems that after he was suspended from his job, he has been so busy, it can be said to be so busy.

Even Komatsu has no time to take care of it.

"Who? Dali? Are you back?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang from the door, causing Shi Dali to look back subconsciously.

Then, I saw my neighbor Zhou Dasao with an unexpected look.

Obviously, she just heard the movement here, so she came out to take a look.

"Sister Zhou, I just came back, I have troubled you these two days..."

Seeing that others are so responsible, Teacher Shi was naturally very grateful, so he said naturally.

"Small things, your eldest brother and I happened to be at home recently, and eating is a lot of chopsticks, but Komatsu is quite stubborn, and I have to come here to sleep at night."

Sister Zhou laughed, with a simple smile on her dark face.

Since Shi Dali moved to this place, it is said that I have been neighbors with this family for more than half a year. The couple are quite real. The husband works on the construction site and the wife works in the housekeeping company. Because of the ease of talking, Shi Dali often talks. We talk a few more when we meet each other, and move around more often.

"Is the eldest brother not working recently?"

It was also a little accidental, Shi Dali asked casually.

Unexpectedly, because of his problem, a trace of sadness flashed across the eyes of the elder sister opposite, and she sighed.

"Oh, what kind of work... I have been at home for half a month, and the stone fell from the roof just to hit him in the leg, and the construction site was fired."



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