Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 411: Sneak aboard

On the endless sea, a huge cruise ship slashed away from the blue cloth like a sharp knife.

In another two hours, this huge cruise ship from America will dock at the port of Suhai City.

The guests on the ship were very happy to hear the news on the radio.

Although the blue sea is indeed very beautiful, no matter how beautiful it is, it can't stand to watch for several days, so they now urgently hope that they can step on the solid ground as soon as possible.

And the area near the bow of the cruise ship is the most expensive VIP cabin. The price of this trip alone is more than one million yuan.

In room 999, an old man with pale hair leaned against the window and stretched his head out to look outside, chewing half of a banana in his mouth.

In his position, the window was leaning against the sea on the bow of the ship, and there was no obstruction of sight at all.

The phone rang at this time, the old man chose to connect, and then threw the banana peel behind him.

"I will be here soon, don't worry, no one has ever seen me, this time there will be no problems with the mission."

The hearty laughter sounded, and the old man was obviously in a good mood.

"Remember our goal!"

"Of course, this is the first battle I have returned in fifteen years. I want everyone to tremble all over when hearing my name again, so that Huaxia will always be shrouded in my shadow!"

Quite agitated, the old man's voice was trembling.

He has been dormant all these years, and now it's finally time to harvest.

In this way, after a few brief words again, the phone hung up.

Looking at the sea in the distance again, the old man threw the phone directly out, making his movements quite chic and hearty.

Then he turned around, but almost as soon as he took a step, his body fell toward the window because of the banana peel under his feet.

It happened that the cruise ship had a relatively violent ups and downs due to a huge wave, and the old man just lost control of his body and flew out of the window.


It seemed that after a long free fall, he fell into the sea.

If the hull did not oscillate at the moment, if someone was looking outside the window, if the crew happened to pass by, if anyone found out, it is estimated that the cruise ship would immediately bring him up.

But no if!

Everything is so funny and funny, this old man whose identity no one knows is just abandoned.

As for whether it is dead or alive, who knows!

The cruise ship continued to move forward, and when there was half an hour left from the coast, a detection ship arrived next to the cruise ship in advance.

This is a normal procedure, and the big guys have always been familiar with it, so naturally it did not cause any special reaction from anyone.

According to the past, everything will be over in about ten minutes.

Sure enough, the monitoring ship left, everything is normal.

But in such an ordinary scene, no one knows that someone took advantage of this opportunity to quietly get on the boat. This person... is Shi Dali!

After receiving the task on the card before, Teacher Shi did not delay boarding the monitoring ship, and of course Zhou Zilong was asked for help.

In half an hour the ship will be docked, and that time is the deadline for Shi Dali's mission.

That's why he has to execute it in advance. After all, no one knows what's in that room, especially the toilet's always a bit embarrassing.

As the cruise ship set off again, Shi Dali quickly pretended to be a guest on the cruise ship and entered the cabin, and within a few minutes he had found the cabin No. 999. looked around. After a few seconds of ideological struggle, Mr. Shi simulated the opening remarks.

"Hi, hello, I like your toilet brush, can you... give it to me?"

"Hi, hello, my hobby is collecting toilet brushes. Will you satisfy me?"

"Asshole, give me the toilet brush right away, do you hear?"


However, the development of things is always beyond everyone's expectations. Shi Dali suddenly discovered that the door was open when he reached out and knocked on the door.

At the same time, the whole door was pushed open by him.

Amazingly, there was no one in the room!


It wasn't the first time anyway, there was a burst of joy in my heart, and then Teacher Shi strode in, and he closed the door again just to be safe.

There was a lot of stability in my heart, and the next stone rushed to the bathroom.

According to the logic of a normal person, the toilet brush should be in the bathroom, so if you want to find this thing, it must be right to enter the bathroom.

But after a few minutes of searching, Teacher Shi's expression was quite solemn.

Now I just reached out and went to the sewer to dig it out. I basically found it everywhere else, but... there was no toilet brush at all!

What is this?

There is no need to continue to spend time here, Shi Dali quickly turned his attention to the entire room.

It's not a lot of space, but thinking about it being able to occupy such an area on such a cruise ship is worth the fare.

Of course Shi Dali didn't have the energy to enjoy these. He only had the toilet brush in his mind, and it was still black.

Wardrobes, drawers, and then under the cups and pillowcases, as well as the clothes that the guest hung on the hangers... I have searched all the places, but there is still no trace of toilet brushes.

This is very disappointing. Where is the toilet brush?

At the same time, there is another question...Where are the guests in this room?

Could it be that this guest took the toilet brush and went out to the party?

Suddenly such an idea popped up in his mind, but Shi Dali frowned again, taking the toilet brush to the party?

What kind of party is this?

On how to use the toilet brush correctly to make the toilet cleaner. Interested lovers exchange meeting?

What a mess!

Muttered, Shi Dali looked at the black box next to him at this moment, and apparently it had been locked for insurance.

The room has almost been searched and nothing is found, so Shi Dali can only put the target on this box.

Without any hesitation, he vigorously opened the box.

Especially for Teacher Shi, it is not difficult to open such a lock.

Then, as the box was opened, Teacher Shi was so stunned.

Inside the box, there are many human skin masks, and at the same time there are many messy documents and certificates, and I don't know what they are.



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