Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 418: Rendezvous

"What are you going to do? We notified the security team, believe it or not?"

Another vice president of Brilliant Film and Television finally mustered up the courage to speak out at this time. To say that this thing of momentum can indeed bring a great sense of oppression to others, this group of people at Hokkaidokou simply wants Zhang Xiaoliang to live. Scared to death.

"All of them are locked in the bathroom, and everyone's mobile phones are taken away. No information can be leaked."

After just slapped twice, Teacher Shi felt a lot more comfortable in his heart, and the anger accumulated before was vented.

So the most important thing now is naturally the next competition.

The people from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will be here soon. It is very necessary to clean up here before then. As for Zhang Xiaoliang and the like, it is still to protect them in the final analysis.

What follows is bound to be a fierce battle. If these people are involved in it, no one knows what kind of problems will arise.

In the final analysis, Shi Dali just wanted to teach the company a lesson, rather than really killing them.

And the gang of wicked people at Hokkaido crossing, following this order from their leader, immediately began to act.

The employees of the entire Brilliant Company didn’t have time to explain anything at all. They took all these people into the bathroom with a knife, especially the leaders like Zhang Xiaoliang. Everyone had a rag in their mouths, and they were honest after being **** with a rope. Squatting in the corner.

Zhang Xiaoliang's brain was still buzzing when he saw the bathroom door in front of him being closed.

He didn't know where these people came from, or what they were doing, let alone what they wanted to do... But unfortunately, things became what they are now, which made him have a little temper. No.

"You are here waiting for the people from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to arrive. I will go upstairs first and then check it out. Fengyun must choose this place as the venue for the competition. It must be their plan."

After clearing all the staff, Shi Dali said to the people around Hokkaido.

Fortunately, his current identity was confirmed, so no one doubted anything at all. The moustache immediately guarded with a group of people, and Shi Dali followed upstairs.

As for what Teacher Shi is going to do at this time? It's actually very simple.

The contract! Lan Ruokang and his group of students' contracts are in this company. He has just asked several supervisors about where the contracts are.

Why did Fengyun choose this place?

Because I just want to get those contracts!

Going upstairs easily, a person wandered into the reference room, and it took about ten minutes before Shi Dali found the contracts of those students.

At the same time, there are a lot of other things.

To say that this Zhang Xiaoliang is really depressed, he actually compiled a special database for this group of students, which not only has contracts that bind their careers, but also some unsightly photos. What is the purpose of this? You can guess by thinking about it with your toes, isn't it just as a handle to coerce those children?

"This beast!"

He cursed secretly, Shi Dali looked around, and simply stuffed it into the shredder.

Thanks to the fact that there is this thing in this office, if there is no such thing, it is estimated that Teacher Shi can only set fire.

But this process still takes some time, after all, there are too many materials and contracts. was when he wandered around and destroyed these materials, when the people from the Southeast Asian Association came.

These guys are completely different from Hokkaidokou in dressing and style, but there are not too few people, almost the same as Hokkaidokou. The Aga at the front also has the whip, with a fierce face.

"Where is your leader?"

When they came in and saw Mustache and them, Aga was immediately on guard.

Everyone seems to be all right now, but they plan to get rid of all the people at Hokkaidokou.

That's the way it is, so you must be careful next, otherwise, if there is a slight mistake, then it is estimated that something serious will happen. It is best not to let them notice their intentions and then make a surprise attack.

"Do we need to tell you where our leader has gone? Why haven't the Fengyunhui people arrived yet?"

Both of them are quite stiff Chinese, but they are finally ready to communicate.

To say that the question raised by Mustache is indeed very good. The main purpose of their coming here is to deal with the Fengyunhui, but now...what about the Fengyunhui people?

"Aren't they coming?"

The moustache frowned, too. If the situation does not come, it will be difficult for him to do something about Hokkaido.

"No, Fengyun has always believed in doing things. Since they have said they want to stop here with us, they will definitely come over. We should believe them!"

If Shi Dali heard these words, he would be quite moved. It should be said that he, as the current chief rudder of the Fengyunhui, did not have such awareness, but the mustaches, as the enemies of the Fengyunhui, were so full of trust.


Aga nodded and said no more, and then took the initiative to lead someone towards the other side, and finally stood in front of Mustache.

It was exactly at this time, Aga heard some sound from the bathroom, and he turned his head in that direction, without waiting for him to speak...a knife came in under his ribs.

The icy feeling made Aga startled for a moment, his eyes full of incredible, and at the same time he tried to turn his body around, and then saw the sneer at the corner of Moustache's mouth.

That's right, it wasn't the mustache who did it.

Agar never expected this kind of thing to happen suddenly.

He thought he was just planning to launch a thunderous blow at Hokkaido Exit, but who knew that Mustache did it first, but didn't they just agreed to cooperate last night?

Efforts to break free, Aga wanted to retreat, but Moustache gave him this opportunity, and the knife directly stabbed him again.

At the same time, the people of the two organizations in the surrounding area completely started a melee, and the killing also began.

As for Shi Dali, he was still destroying the information, and he deliberately dumped the trash can once, and for the sake of safety, he flushed a considerable part of the debris from the toilet.

This process is so cumbersome that Teacher Shi feels a little sleepy.

After finally ruining these things, Shi Dali came out of the data room, and then remembered that he should go down and have a look, so he went into the elevator, wondering how he would fight the ASEAN.



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