Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 443: question

How much benefit Anbei City has gained from the entrance exam this time? In fact, it’s clear at a glance when you use your mobile phone to surf the Internet. Basically, many media in the southern region have reported it. After all, there has never been such a thing as full score for all employees in the past. It can be said to have made history.

As the bearer of this honor, Boya Group is envious of many people.

Even across the country, the competition between the Boya Group and several other educational institutions has caused many positive effects.

Under such circumstances, all fools feel that Shi Dali, as the creator of credit, must have countless benefits falling on him.

But now, the result has made everyone confused.


Will Shi be expelled vigorously? What do you think?

Are you crazy?

Mo Shiyan's eyes flashed with joy, especially Shi Dali's dazed look, which made him quite relieved.

This guy is finally out of luck, it's so happy!

Before, he was extremely bleak, and he had never put Mo Shiyan and Lu Hui'an in his eyes. What about now?

Why did the senior executives make such a decision, even Mo Shiyi never thought.

Originally, he thought that when the chairman came back, the original plan might change, especially since Chen Shuke was directly promoted to such an important position!

But now it seems that the situation is not the same as his guess, especially in Shi Dali's handling, it can be said to be very different.

However, this couldn't help him to be happy, after all, in the eyes of Mo Shiyan and Lu Hui'an, Shi Dali, the bastard, should have been expelled early.

To keep this guy is to keep a scourge!

The silence of the audience continued until Shi Dali stood up.

Yes, after finally confirming the news, Shi Dali stood up.

Everyone thought he would question Mo's words loudly, but he didn't say anything, just glanced around, then turned and walked towards the door.

Only people close to him heard Shi Dali say a word as he turned around.

"It's not interesting anymore."

With just this sentence, other people didn't know what he meant, and he had already left the meeting room when he watched it again.

Shi Dali has accepted this result without communicating with other people.

Teacher Shi did not understand why the senior management of Boya would treat themselves like this.

But he is unwilling to figure it out. Since he doesn't want himself anymore, let's stop here, although he has always dreamed of becoming a good gardener.

After packing up his things, one last glance at the school, Shi Dali's car left.

When he left, the meeting in the venue had not ended, and no one came out to send him off.

This person who made a lot of waves in Boya seemed to be hit by a wave on such a calm morning. Many people can understand the chill and bitterness.

The cold boya made the most decisive decision.

It was also this morning. After learning the news, a phone call went directly from Beijing to Gao Lin, chairman of the Suhai Boya Group headquarters.


When the phone was connected, Chen Shu didn't have any extra words, she was questioning, or she was suppressing all her anger.

She did not dare to imagine that such a thing would really happen, nor did she dare to imagine how Shi Dali left Boya, because she would feel distressed just thinking about it.

That guy, why should he be so wronged?

"You all know?"

In Su Hai's office, Gao Lin sat on the sofa, his appearance remained the same, but he seemed to be much older.

"I always think you are a person of high morals, but why do you treat Shi Dali like this? Everyone understands his contribution to Boya, why did you fire him?"

Chen Shuke continued to speak, her voice as calm as ever, but with a certain strength.

In any case, she has to vigorously seek justice for Shi to come back, others may not care, but she can't!

No one speaks for Shi Vigorously, she must speak for Chen Shu!

"Don't be impatient, because Lu Youqi."

Gently shaking his head, Gao Lin's tone also contained a hint of helplessness.

During this period of time, he ostensibly left the group, but in fact he has been observing in secret. In the past, he had not noticed, and now he understands how much rights the Boya Group has is no longer in his own hands.

This result made Gao Lin aware of the seriousness of the situation. He was looking for a chance to come back, and then the liberal arts entrance exam gave him the best chance.

Because of this, he immediately moved Chen Shu to the most important position in Beijing.

There are not many people he can trust in the group, and Chen Shu is one of the few, which is also a signal of his release of his return.

And this kind of signal actually means that he wants to negotiate with Lu Youqi, because if he doesn't choose to give up something, he will inevitably have a fierce battle with Lu Youqi, and for Boya, the result may be torn apart or even completely destroyed. .

This company is Gao Lin's lifetime effort, so he does not allow such things to happen, even if it is wrong, he also intends to save the Boya Group.

"What do you mean? Lu Youqi asked Shi Dali to be expelled?"

"That's right, he promised me not to go into big fights, everything is important to the liberal arts, and he also agreed that you are in the capital city, but the only condition is... expel Shi Dali!"

When Gao Lin said these words, he felt relaxed inexplicably.

Originally, he thought Lu Youqi would be too much, but such a simple condition is nothing to him.

"Shu Ke, the work in Beijing is well done. I know that Shi Dali saved me, and I also know that he is meritorious to Boya, but sometimes we just have to sacrifice the ego to be able to achieve the greater ego, sacrifice Shi Dali alone, in exchange for Liberal Arts continues to develop, it is worth it."

Going on, Gao Lin said, obviously he wanted to comfort Chen Shuke.

However, Chen Shuke suddenly sighed.

"Chairman, you are already confused. This kind of Boya is no longer the Boya I want to stay. I will hand over the work here as soon as possible. Please the group arrange a follow-up candidate, and I will resign."

This is Chen Shuke's answer. Perhaps Gao Lin is right from his point of view, and even if Chen Shuke is just a person who strives for his own development, he would not think this is wrong.

However, she is not, so she decided to resign, even if the position is already very high, even if the salary is equally high.

Unfortunately, what's the use?

After all, she didn't want that guy to suffer such a grievance, just let it be together.



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