Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 858: Saw it today

It's just that the two of them greeted him so simply, but it made Liu Chengming a little depressed.

Yesterday he felt that Shi Dali was not pleasing to the eye, especially since this guy is still the captain of Beijing University. This identity makes Liu Chengming feel quite threatening to him.

Fortunately, Shi Dali didn't seem to say hello to Mo Yuqing yesterday, but this made Liu Chengming a little relaxed.

But today the situation suddenly changed, and of course he was not happy.

"Yesterday you pretended not to know each other, and came here today to show your courtesy. What is your intention?"

He walked directly towards Shi Dali, and then Liu Chengming said strangely.

Hearing this, he took another look at this kid. Teacher Shi didn't mean to pay more attention to it.

Such a character is really boring, especially since he is now thinking about Mo Yuqing.

"Speaking of it, we haven't seen each other for a long time. You returned home this time to visit the statue of Niaka?"

Continuing to speak out, Shi Dali's tone is still the kind of easygoing old classmate.

"Yes, this time I heard that the Niaka statue was discovered, so our research institute sent a big guy to visit. Are you responsible for the reception here? Why did you get to Beijing University?"

Mo Yuqing also said with a smile on her face, such an expression actually conveying a message to Liu Chengming.

That's chatting with classmates myself, hoping that he will not get involved anymore.

It's a pity that some people's stupidity is always beyond imagination. For example, the young master Liu Chengming didn't realize that he was superfluous at all. Instead, he moved forward again. This time he actually got in between Shi Dali and Mo Yuqing.

"I said that you, a person in charge of reception, are the most important to work well? Yesterday, you didn’t look like a good person. Today, I feel that you are irresponsible. Work well. We should check in from yesterday until today. I haven't settled it in a while, so be careful that I complain to you for such poor work efficiency and service attitude!"

After the high-ranking words, Liu Chengming felt that he was very powerful.

His companions also felt that Liu Chengming was right. Shi Dali and the others were really lax with them in the matter of checking in.

But people like An Xiaobei knew that Liu Chengming was leading things in an extremely bad direction.

"Complaining to me? It's interesting, then you can complain now. By the way, I can tell you that in your Conner Institute, only Mo Yuqing can check in and visit, and everyone else's qualifications are cancelled."

Originally, Shi Dali really didn't intend to pay attention to this kid, but helpless you don't provoke the flies, the flies come by themselves to provoke you!

Since this is the case, Teacher Shi is not polite, and directly waved his hand and said something to General Liu Chengming.

After that, Liu Chengming was dumbfounded, including his colleagues in the research institute behind him and Mo Yuqing almost dumbfounded.

After a few seconds, Liu Chengming, who reacted, smiled directly.

"It's really interesting, I've never seen you such an awesome receptionist!"

"Really? Then you saw it today?"

"It makes people laugh. You disqualify us? What kind of thing are you disqualifying us? I will call President Jiang now to see if the receptionists at Beijing University are all arrogant like you. only!"

With a sneer, Liu Chengming took out his phone directly.

Shi Dali didn't respond to his movement. As for An Xiaobei behind them, they all shook their heads secretly.

This Young Master Liu is nothing short of a pig's brain. He must have never imagined that even the professors of Mhanna University were disqualified by Shi Dali with a single sentence yesterday. Now they are compared with others, what are they worth?

As for the school, no one can control him!

The statue of Nyaka originally belonged to someone else. Yesterday, Chen Qimo, a disciple of Principal Wang, he drove away as soon as he said he drove away. A Liu Chengming...what is it?

It's a pity that many people in the world don't hit the south wall and don't look back. If you want to come to Liu Chengming, you must realize the seriousness of the matter and it takes a process.

"President Jiang, hello! I’m Liu Chengming, and my father is Liu Hong, do you remember? This time we came to participate in the exhibition of the Niaka statue together with the researchers from the Conner Institute of America. The receptionist at the side stopped! They also said that we would be disqualified. Are you ridiculous?"

Soon, Liu Chengming's phone was dialed, and this kid quickly introduced the situation.

"Receptionist? What's his name?"

Principal Jiang on the other end asked with a low voice.

"Shi Dali! His name is Shi Dali, he is absolutely defiant, and he didn't put us in his eyes at all!"

While speaking, Liu Chengming glanced at Shi Dali, his eyes full of triumph.

As a result, the next moment, President Jiang suddenly stopped over there.

"Shi Dali?"

"Yes, Shi Dali!"

At this moment, Liu Chengming didn't notice anything wrong.

"Sorry, if Shi Dali wants to disqualify you, then I can't help it. Go back."

Finally, Principal Jiang's voice rang, but it was quite simple, and he hung up the phone after speaking.

Just kidding, the statues are all made of stone. That kid is still a disciple of Mr. Leshan. Since he said he wouldn't be allowed to visit, what else can anyone else do?

And I heard that the kid has a bad temper. If he takes the statue directly from Beijing University in anger, who can afford this responsibility?

Besides, Liu Chengming was completely stupid.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, he felt that everything was full of comedy.

When he dialed the phone to Principal Jiang again, the other side actually blocked him directly!

At this moment, Liu Chengming was really anxious. The situation was different from what he had imagined, and cold sweat began to seep from his forehead.

But after a short pause, he dialed another number.

"Professor Li, I'm Liu Chengming, and my father is Liu Hong. It's like this..."

"What name? Shi Dali!"

"Hello? Professor Wang? Hello?"


For the next five minutes or so, almost everyone watched Liu Chengming make a call, but the boy's face became whiter as he hit, and in the end he almost couldn't stand firm.

Without exception, all calls only need to hear that Shi Dali has disqualified them, either they hang up directly, or they are helpless.

It feels like this statue is not from Beijing University at all, but from Shi Dali!

Finally, after taking the phone off, Liu Chengming only felt ashamed.

He originally thought he could teach Shi Dali a hard lesson, but now it seems...the situation seems to be the opposite!



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